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  1. I have some goods which have same names (books with same names, but different publishers). As a result it's difficult to assembly order without pictures of goods. Could it be possible to add a small picture of each product in Order/Overview tab? For example, as in Product section? Also, it would be nice to convert a name of product from text to hyperlink on the product. I tried to play with admin/skins/default/templates/orders.index.php (line 165 ish): <fieldset id="items"> <legend>{$LANG.catalogue.title_items}</legend> {foreach from=$PRODUCTS item=product} <div id="item"> <a href="{$product.image_path_large}" class="colorbox" title="{$product.name}" target="_blank"><img src="{$product.image_path_tiny}" style="max-width: 30px; max-height: 30px" alt="{$product.name}"></a> {$product.quantity} x {$product.name} - {$product.product_code} ({$product.line_formatted}) {if $product.digital}{/if} <span>{$product.price_total_formatted}</span> ... But in real life $product.image_path_large and $product.image_path_tiny are empty... As I understand it is necessary to load their values from database, but I don't have any clue how and where to do it... P.S. The current configuration is 6.1.5.
  2. Hi, When I create a manual order, 99% are for a UK address. The system forces me to select a county which is not a compulsory data for delivery with Royal Mail for instance. When I use Royal Mail postcode search, you get addresses with no county. So now, I end up having to search Google with my postcode to find the county so that Cubecart allows me to save my manual order. Is there a way I could stop the admin to force a county selection for manual orders but leave it live with online orders ? Thanks S.
  3. Hi I noticed that macro {$DATA.link} does not work with some email templates, for instance, the Cart: Fraud Review one. Could someone help why ? I am basically creating a new email template for a specific order status in which I want to include the data link macro but it is not working. When I tested it, I got a blank space instead. So I tried to add it to the fraud review template and noticed that it does not work either. So I need to understand the logic behind it. Thanks S.
  4. Hi all, Sorry if this has been asked before... I can see how to add Google Analytics to my store, but I don't want to use Google. I want to use Piwik, which works in a similar way. Piwik provides some javascript code that I need to include in each page that I want to track. It would've been nice if instead of entering just the 'Google Analytics ID' in the CC admin panel you could instead just enter the block of javascript that Google or any other stats/tracking provider gives you. But, it looks like I will need to do it manually. What's the bast approach? Should I be looking at editing the templates and/or the php? And will any changes I make be lost when CC is updated? Thanks for any advice you can give:) Steve
  5. Hi, I use last CC but new Invisible Google reCaptcha is not active on my store with foundation skin and still show Google reCaptcha how to active new Invisible Google reCaptcha? Thanks
  6. Hi, I need to hide or move out of view some stats given in the main page of the dashboard. This is purely for the simple reason that I am not the only one using the desktop and I do not want some people to see our annual and/or monthly sales. I do want to keep the info but out of sight and for my eyes only :-). What would you suggest I do ? S.
  7. Hi, Is this possible i remove recaptcha from checkout confirm and only keep it on contact, registration pages ? thanks
  8. Hello, I have been looking at the existing plugins in the marketplace and I cannot see one that offers a filter function. Maybe I missed it ? Basically, what I am looking for a filter function per category. For instance, once on category tee-shirts & tops, the customer can narrow down its selection by colour, size, fabric or gender. Very much like this website, https://www.joules.com/Womens-Clothing/Tunics-Tops?mmid=Women-_-Clothing-_-Tops, see "FILTER BY", or this one, http://www.crewclothing.co.uk/jackets-gilets/ , with the "refine" function on the left hand side. Many thanks S.
  9. Hiy guys, Just wondering if any one has ideas on this one. The homepage Meta Title and Description is overiding all the other meta description. I've screenshot what I mean under the images Meta title 1,2 & 3. So if I type ladies 60's costumes or ladies flapper costumes it brings up the homepage meta description and meta title. As you can see from store setting image I have the Product, Category & Document Meta Data set to Replace Global Meta Data but it's still doing this. Any thoughts? Is there something I might be missing or need to change. I enclosed screen shot of the SEO for the Flapper costumes. Cheers in advance Niall
  10. Hello, I want to migrate all my shops to Cubecart ... why? Because i use it many years and it is f* amazing!!!! Everything is just out of the box ... other shipping carts can learn from it. Specially the clean coding and fantastic structure (just like linux hehe). BUT i have a question .... Is it possible to make SEO path like this: www.domain.com/category-of-the-product/product-name-here And of-course without the .HTML. Please tell me how to fix this. Then i will move all my opencart websites to cubecart! Thanks!!
  11. Does anybody know if the following is possible with CubeCart Version 6.1.5 ? My client has a variety of products in his store (wymeruk.co.uk), which are for sale worldwide. However he has a couple of products that are currently subject to copyright dispute in the United States, although they have been cleared for sale in Europe and the Rest of the World. Is there an extension or code mod that can be installed, that will pop up or issue a warning message, preventing a customer from checking out if he/she orders one of these items with a delivery address in a certain country or group of countries? We are using the All In One Shipping module with Paypal and Sagepay payment gateways. I know that with the All In One Shipping module, if you order for delivery to a country that’s not in any shipping zone, you get a message telling you that the store cannot ship to that country – that’s the sort of thing we need, just something that prevents these two products from being purchased if your delivery address in in a particular zone. Any help would be appreciated.
  12. Hello, I would like to improve the customer's experience at the product options selection process. Basically, I would like to show the "out of stock" product options" in grey next to the option like such: SIZE: - UK 10 (shown in standard text colour) - UK 12 - out of stock (showed in grey text colour which cannot be selected) At the moment, all sizes are shown as if all are in stock, yet, the customer will only find out if the size is in stock once selected, the page does a reload and the out of stock message appears in the red box above the listing. It is OK but not the best in customer's experience. You will probably suggest that I manually remove the out of stock options but these will be back in as some items are part of the essentials range so stocked all the time so does not make sense to remove these plus very laborious task when you stock up to 9 sizes per garment. Thanks for your advice. S.
  13. Hello! Right now a quick search on my site (CC615) works in 'exact' mode: I have several goods with the word 'Tales' in a title and several goods with 'tales' in a title. When I search for 'Tales' I receive only goods with 'Tales', search 'tales' gives results with 'tales'. When I search 'tale' or 'Tale', I receive results with 'Tales' and 'tales'. However, I would like to receive results with 'Tales' and 'tales' in any kind of search ('Tales'/'tales'/'tale'). How can I switch search engine to 'like' mode? P.S. I merged #1520, replace a piece of code according to Dirty Butter and bsmither comments from /topic/52298-resolved-a-space-messed-up-a-search/ . Also I changed catalogue.class.php - replace fulltext on RLIKE in the line #1571 - public function searchCatalogue($search_data = null, $page = 1, $per_page = 10, $search_mode = 'fulltext') But it makes results worse - I received results only for 'Tales' or 'tales' words, but not for 'tale'. P.P.S. Unfortunately, I'm not a developer, so I can miss something obvious :-(
  14. Hi, I am using the AddThis plugin provided by Cubecart. I use it only at product page level. At the moment, the default position of AddThis on the storefront is just between the product description and reviews. I would prefer to have it higher on the page, like below the price for instance. I have been looking at the files of the plugin and my skin templates and it is not obvious. There is obviously a file calling on that plugin somehow but I cannot identify it. Would anyone know ? Thanks S.
  15. Hi,, Is this possible i create a PHP page which ONLY show small "box.basket" ?
  16. Working on my footer now, in the templates/box.documents.php, I noticed the following coding but I cannot see what it relates to. What are these "list item" and what's their purpose ? {foreach from=$DOCUMENTS_LIST_HOOKS item=list_item} <li><a href="{$list_item.href}" title="{$list_item.title}">{$list_item.title}</a></li> {/foreach} Thanks S.
  17. Hi, I have spent many hours improving my "print invoice", the one you can print from admin, not the one the customer can print from the website. However, I am facing a constant headache. The header does not stop changing height depending on the number of product listed below into the "info" div, so none of my invoices are identical from a header point of view. The 2 files concerned are: /admin/skins/default/templates/orders.print.php with the css file /admin/skins/default/styles/print.css I have tried all sorts in the css to add a height for the header but nothing I actually modified in that css seems to have an impact on the print.php file which I found very strange. I ended up making style modifications into the php file, not all good practice, like div spacer, etc ... So does anyone know how to fix that issue or maybe there is another css file that actually overpowers the print.css which would explain why none of my changes are working ? Thanks S.
  18. Dear Misters). Of Cubecar copenhagen's work team, Good morning !; The reason of the letter is so if I want to install cubecart under windows 7 32 bits that for this I have previously installed the program xampp (which is a local web server); But inside the folder of the program xampp (c: \ xampp \ htdocs \ CubeCart-6.1.5) that is to say it is where the Cubecart store is unpacked to run it from my machine with the following address but locally (http: // localhost: 8080 / CubeCart-6.1.5 /); My question is the following In the Linux distribution for example Centos 7 how do you get the cpanel service to install a store created in Cubecart ?; Or if it is possible to also install it under windows 7 64bit Ultimate Edition, thank you for your response Attach video of youtube installation of a Cubecart store and screen printing of a model store that I get to install cubecart Installing a Cubecart store
  19. Hi, I've had a dig around and can't see any threads on this, nor any plugins available... I have a number of products which are on sale and want to be able to set up my product to revert to it's normal price at a certain date and time in the future. Can this be done? It's so that I can do this in advance say, on a Sunday afternoon, rather than having to go in at "silly a.m." to do it at the crack of dawn on the actual day. If this turns into a feature request / plugin, catering for normal price changes as well as sale price changes would be good - in essence, a way to future date & time the price management of a product. Thanks.
  20. Hello! As I found, when I use a search form it use only product name and product description fields as an area for search. I would appreciate if you help me to add the manufacturer field to an area of search. For example, I have a products by 'QQQ' manufacturer (without 'QQQ' in names and descriptions). I want to enter 'QQQ' as a search keyword and receive a list of this products as a result of search request. Thank you.
  21. Hi all, Is there away to replace the (Latest Products) displayed on home page with the (Sales Items) I know the key to this is in the "content.homepage" within here, but can not figure-out where to find the replacement code to display sales items instead {/if} {if $LATEST_PRODUCTS} <div id="content_latest_products"> <h2>{$LANG.catalogue.latest_products}</h2> <ul class="small-block-grid-1 medium-block-grid-3 large-block-grid-3" data-equalizer> {foreach from=$LATEST_PRODUCTS item=product} Thanks for any help
  22. I am desperate for the ability to upload new products using something very similar to the current 'import catalogue' feature however I need something that will support very simple product options. Most of my products havejust a single option with 2 values either retail pack size or wholesale pack size (the size of retail and wholesale pack varies from product to product, but each product comes in just 2 pack sizes). The current 'import catalogue' is fine, a little clunky but does everything I want apart from handle simple options. Can anyone help?
  23. hello, I am new to this product and forum, I have been experimenting with a few template modifications, but could not figure out where does the product short description renders? and one very important question, did anyone successfully change the text area option, into a product attribute? I have been trying this, but could not figure it completely out. I resorted to other ways (you can see them here Any insight is highly appreciated Thanks
  24. Seriously this by far crazy I've worked with tons of shopping cart this one breaks pretty easy. at this point in time I don't how to make this error stop how to create error 500 within seconds within the admin area. 1. Login admin area 2. click on images folder on the left menu. 3. create a folder name it anything. 4. click on files then click on the folder then click on the upload tab 5. upload image that is bigger questions that arise are my apache settings off it's running php 7 wouldn't run on anything lower then that. this by far the most touchy cart ever in entire time online I've spent few hours with this think it's complete waste of my time. I'm doing more fixing then adding products. Which it gets on my nerve alot cause time is money for me. I'll give this second chance I want to proved wrong here years ago this was good shopping cart system I wasn't able to break it by uploading an image to created folder then adding an image in the folder.
  25. Hi. Brand spanking new to all this CubeCart lark, and also to this forum, so apologies if I come across as too 'Newbie' So, After lots of playing around and trying and testing, I like how CubeCart works, and feel that this is the right choice for my store. I think I now have the basics down, but what I'm creating is quite immense, and so need to find ways of easing my workload to try and avoind bones poking out of the end of my fingers by the time I'm finished!.. I'm making an online store selling kitchens, and so many 'Ranges' will have the same items available. I have figured out how to assign a product to multiple categories, but not how to assign a category to multiple parent categories. Is this possible? So, the main thing I need to acheive right now is in essence the same category within other parent categories as follows: Cat1: Kitchens > Sub Cats (Kitchen Ranges): Remo / Porter / Ulno / BroadOak / Fitroy / Etc... > Sub Cat1 'Remo' > Sub Cats (Kitchen range style options): Remo Gloss / Remo Matt > Sub Cat2 'Remo Gloss' > Sub Cats (Colour/Finish Options): Remo Gloss Alabaster / Remo Gloss Almond / Remo Gloss Graphite / ...Etc x20 odd more options.. > Sub Cat3 'Remo Gloss Alabaster' > Sub Cats: Remo Base Units / Remo Wall Units / Remo Tower Units (These Sub categories need to be available for all colour options in both Remo Gloss and Remo Matt as Well) > Sub Cat4 'Remo Base Units' > List of available Products (All available in both Remo Gloss, and Remo Matt) This would also need to be repeated for all the other kitchen ranges as well as Remo... Hope this makes sense?.. Is there a way to create a category with all its sub categories, and then clone that and simply rename them? Or Any other ideas on how I can do this without having to add multiple sub categories in multiple categories, please?
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