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[Resolved] Store front blank page


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Hi There,

since yesterday it was not able to enter the shop, all you get is a blank page...

The admin panel works fine, I can go everywhere and do everything there. But no chance to get to the shop itself. There were no changes done by me during the last two weeks, so I have no idea what went wrong here. Can you please help me out? What info do you need?

I enabled debugging, and it returns no php errors or warnings. I have only one red line in line [9}

Queries (10):
[1] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM `cc5_CubeCart_sessions` WHERE cc5_CubeCart_sessions.session_id = '2f76cb755b9a8f8578132a8cdff7b5da' LIMIT 1; -- (0.000964879989624 sec) [NOT CACHED]
[2] SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as Count; -- (0.00181198120117 sec) [NOT CACHED]
[3] SELECT * FROM `cc5_CubeCart_lang_strings` WHERE cc5_CubeCart_lang_strings.language = 'en-GB' ; -- (0.0018470287323 sec) [NOT CACHED]
[4] SELECT * FROM `cc5_CubeCart_hooks` WHERE cc5_CubeCart_hooks.enabled = '1' ORDER BY priority ASC ; -- (0.000213146209717 sec) [NOT CACHED]
[5] SELECT `php_code`, `unique_id`, `description`, `hook_trigger` FROM `cc5_CubeCart_code_snippet` WHERE cc5_CubeCart_code_snippet.enabled = '1' ORDER BY `priority` ASC ; -- (0.000979900360107 sec) [NOT CACHED]
[6] SELECT `cat_id`, `cat_name`, `cat_parent_id` FROM `cc5_CubeCart_category` ORDER BY `cat_id` DESC ; -- (0.00109100341797 sec) [NOT CACHED]
[7] SELECT `cat_id`, `cat_name` FROM `cc5_CubeCart_category_language` WHERE cc5_CubeCart_category_language.language = 'en-US' ; -- (0.00179100036621 sec) [NOT CACHED]
[8] SELECT * FROM `cc5_CubeCart_permissions` WHERE cc5_CubeCart_permissions.admin_id = '1' ; -- (7.89165496826E-5 sec) [NOT CACHED]
[9] CHECK TABLE `cc5_CubeCart_system_error_log`; -- (0.0146658420563 sec) [ERROR - NOT CACHED]
[10] INSERT INTO `cc5_CubeCart_admin_log` (`admin_id`,`ip_address`,`time`,`description`) VALUES ('1','','1440745133','Action `CHECK TABLE` has been performed successfully.'); -- (0.000440120697021 sec) [NOT CACHED]
Memory: Peak Usage / Max (%):
6.02MB / 64M (9.4%) Cache (File): Always Disabled in ACP
Cache Used: 0.00 KB of 40.00 KB (0.00%) [Clear Cache] Page Load Time:
-0.014737 seconds 

Anyone has an idea how to get the shop back? Thanks in advance,



Edited by Vertigo
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Please create a file called 'ini-custom.inc.php', and have as its contents:

# Custom initialization commands
# Filename: ini-custom.inc.php
# File location: main CubeCart folder

ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
ini_set('max_execution_time', '60');
ini_set('error_log', 'error_log');
ini_set('log_errors', 'on');


When you try to access the store front and get a blank page, you may now find a file named 'error_log' in the main CubeCart folder.

Let us know what gets logged here.

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Somehow, the file /classes/cubecart.class.php is missing, or if it is there, it's file permissions are now set so that PHP is not allowed to read it.

PHP Warning:  include_once(/classes/cubecart.class.php) failed to open stream: Permission denied in /classes/autoloader.class.php on line 77

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For the same manner you were able to view the CHMOD permissions, there must be a similar method to change them. The other files in that folder may have permissions 755 or 775. Look at the permissions of other files and make cubecart.class.php the same.

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I looked into the folder, all the other files have permissions 644. But I am not able to change permissons of that one file, no matter which program I tried. Even the filemanager in the hoster's admin panel won't work... Might it be useful to force an upgrade of the forum software?

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I think an upgrade will not not give you any joy. The upgrade process uses PHP - which is the problem. PHP can't get at that file.

Please contact your hosting company and request that they look into why this file cannot be managed.

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While trying to figure out what is wrong with our site right now I saw a statement in hostgator that if the file permission was set to zero I would have to contact Support - that this could not be changed from the user's end.

This not a good sign. If the hosting company changed the file ownership and permissions, it most likely means that it is either causing a resource overuse or is somehow being exploited.

Since the ownership of said file was probably changed to a tech support username within your hosting company, you will never be able to modify it.

This is a red flag. Hopefully it's nothing major.

Out of curiousity, Dirty Butter, are you running PHP as a FastCGI application?

Edited by [email protected]
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As far as I can tell all my permissions are as they should be, but I thought I'd mention what they said about zero as a permission. As for

Out of curiousity, Dirty Butter, are you running PHP as a FastCGI application?

I have no idea what the question means, let alone the answer LOL.

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As far as I can tell all my permissions are as they should be, but I thought I'd mention what they said about zero as a permission. As for

Out of curiousity, Dirty Butter, are you running PHP as a FastCGI application?

I have no idea what the question means, let alone the answer LOL.

Oh, I misread. I thought they changed the permissions to 0. As you mentioned, that was just a statement by hostgator.

Edited by [email protected]
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I am also on Hostgater and have run into this problem with my site as well. I was able to delete the file and re upload it to regain ownership. Not sure what is going on with them but HG is not what it once was, that's for sure! Mine were css files so not sure how those would have gotten exploited....

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Thanks for that info, Dodgebill!! I am glad to hear it's not something I did, but sorry it's effecting you as well. It's my admin folder that 403's. I had changed the name of that folder, so I uploaded the old global.inc.php and admin folder, thinking surely that would fix it, but I still don't have permission - so I put it back to my renamed folder, so hostgator support could see when it was last accessed successfully.

As for HG - I was already considering changing hosts when my contract expires.

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