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Everything posted by keat

  1. I disabled PP express before I went on holiday, due to an issue with subtotals. I see that there's an updated module, but I'm still having the same issues. The email confirmation back to us has the wrong subtotals. For some reason, it seems to be adding the tax portion twice. Could anyone help shed any light on this ?
  2. It seems to be working just fine, only when I look on the extension market place it states 'not compatible with V6'
  3. I'm using the Mican skin, which isn't mobile ready, so I also installed the Mobile skin 1.0. Now i swear that this said it was compatible with V6 when I installed V1.0, but just looking today and it says that it's not compatible with V6. Does anyone know. 1. If this changed with the 1.0.1 update 2. What the incompatibility is. It appears to be working OK on my 6.10 cart and seems to have done so since I installed it.
  4. Which skin do you have configured ?
  5. You need to dig deeper to find the V6 section
  6. if you can get in to admin, enable debugging. then try and open your storefront and check if there are any errors logged.
  7. I think this depends on which skin you are using. As far as i'm aware, 'New Recapture' is only encoded in the foundation skin. If your'e using other skins, then some recoding is required. I had this problem, and ended up switching to the standard capture. BSmither sent me the code changes, I'll see if i can dig out the thread. https://forums.cubecart.com/topic/50950-resolved-recapture/#comment-215621
  8. A little more info if it helps shed any light on the matter. In this attached image we can see customer JACEK, placed a successful order at 21:41. Then 20 minutes later in quick succession, 4 orders all with zero value. All these orders have 23 items, so I'm assuming the 4 rogue orders are related to the sucessful order. Maybe the session wasn't cleared down correctly, or could it be cache related. Ignore 'Order Complete', These have all been modified for statistical reasons at the end of the month.
  9. Also another more recent one, however, this has only affected the last 3 items on the order.
  10. We don't use stock levels. Every single item in my cart is marked as stock level = 0, with 'use stock levels' unchecked. If an item goes out of stock, we manually enable 'use stock levels', rendering it 'out of stock', and no longer available for purchase. so I'm not sure at this stage if what happened to me is related to anything going out of stock. As a matter of atleast trying something, I have changed 'reduce stock' at completed, so I'll monitor. Also looking in order_inventory, it seems that this is a little more frequent than I'd originally thought. Typically, the sales staff failed to mention this anomoly. I've attached a copy of the printed invoice for the record.
  11. I have seen an order on our internal system, so I assume that he maybe called it in instead. If i can find what it is he exactly ordered, would it be worth me trying to try different search combinations ?
  12. I can't get the options matrix checkbox thing to work to our satisfaction, so I don't use it. Maybe that's where I saw it.
  13. I'm sure that I've seen this once somewhere, but can't figure out where. How do I put a 'Due in Stock Date' on an out of stock product.
  14. I've come back to work today and found an order from a few days ago consisting of about 6 lines with no product code, descriptions or prices. it goes along the lines 2 x - (0.00) 1 x - (0.00) etc If I look at the order inventory, it shows all these items as having a product ID of 0, but my first product ID is 27. I checked the order confirmation email and this shows the same. I've emailed the customer to see if he did anything, or could shed any light on this, any ideas what might have happened ?
  15. If you want to acess the cart as a specific customer then as Ms Butter mentioned. However, if you're trying to put a dummy oder through, then you might be better off creating yourself a test account, as a new customer would do. Bear in mind, that you may hve to erase cookie data etc from your browser, I find that it's easier to use a different browser when i'm playing customer. I generally don't use IE, so this is my dummy customer browser.
  16. I'm guessing that you'd have to do this using an SQL command either via PHPAdmin or via Query Database in the maintainace section.
  17. I've had staff screaming and shouting at me blaming the web site. I also spoke to Paypal yesterday.
  18. so If you have 1 item in stock, and a customer buys it, making it out of stock, then the order confirmation shows it as a blank line. ?
  19. sorted. Thanks Incidentally, I've logged this on GitHub
  20. I assume this is what you were referring to, but I run this and it doesn't affect anything. UPDATE `CubeCart_customer` SET `order_count` = ( SELECT COUNT( `id` ) FROM `CubeCart_order_summary` WHERE `CubeCart_order_summary`.`customer_id` = `CubeCart_customer`.`customer_id` )
  21. The site went live on the 5th, and all these entries happened after then, so I guess the code wasn't fixed. In the short term, could you point me to the sql code please, so I can correct these entries. Thanks
  22. We had something similar. We have some analytics data capture which was points to another URL. This URL wasn't https which gave us SSL issues.
  23. There are a number of anomolies with the UK zones, things like towns and cities listed for a start. I scrubbed all mine and started from fresh, I downloaded a list I picked up from the web somewhere, search UK ISO 1, 2 & 3 codes I've also found that some customers may occasionally use counties that no longer exists, Middlesex for one, so I guess I'll be adding these as and when I come across one. If you know how to use php admin, copy your table geo_zone to geo_zone_copy and edit the copy file for testing purposes. At least have a backup of geo_zone somewhere safe. I've included a CSV with the UK counties that I believe is correct, (It doesn't include the channel islands), and my whole sql file for geo_zone, but you might want to double check this before using it. uk-zones.csv CubeCart_geo_zone.sql
  24. I've uncovered an issue with Order Count in the database. I have a number of customers who've placed orders, which I can find in the admin panel and in order_summary. Yet look at the customer table and it's showing order count as 0. Over the last 14 days, I have about 20 of these, all of which (except 1) are customers who've purchased but not registered.
  25. To be fair, most of the tweaks we had in V3 were built in to V6. I have had to buy one or two and we also purchased a nice to have.
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