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Dirty Butter

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Everything posted by Dirty Butter

  1. Thank you for perservering! Sorry you had to do it twice. I'm on the kindle, but will work on this first thing in the morning.
  2. Here's the way a successful search looks from the box with more than one word and no superfluous spaces: https://dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog/search.html?search%5Bkeywords%5D=Green+Turtle&_a=category
  3. I tried looking at the waterfall for two searches from the box - one with, one without, the trailing space. See the plus sign??? That's the one with the trailing space. https://dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog/search.html?search%5Bkeywords%5D=Turtle+&_a=category https://dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog/search.html?search%5Bkeywords%5D=Turtle&_a=category
  4. It worked correctly for you on OUR store, with the special search code you worked out for me? Neither box nor Advanced works for me with a space after the last term or before the first term.
  5. Well, it happened again today. https://dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog/not-found-search-tips.html?search[keywords]=Bear They should have found hundreds of results. I tried the search for myself with just Bear, and I did get the expected results. Then I put a space after Bear and got the not found page.
  6. That's what I got from it... with very little understanding. The fact that SemperFi asked for it makes it very likely that it's for a plugin. You will see Noodlyman and Havenswift doing the same thing in GitHub.
  7. Maybe this will help: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/1015 I searched in the Search Box in the black bar at the top of the v6 GitHub for " {foreach from=$DOCUMENTS_LIST_HOOKS item=list_item} " and then went to the Issue it referred to.
  8. I'm glad you have worked out a search that is successful for your needs. Feel free to comment again on this thread if you decide it is not resolved after all.
  9. Sorry for not being clear with my directions. Yes in the phpMyAdmin Query. This is a template that can be used with any table UPDATE tablename SET tablefield = replace(tablefield,"findstring","replacestring"); I specifically use it with the seo_meta_keywords, because my customer search uses that field to search by. It doesn't matter how weird messy the keywords look, as the customer never sees any of it. That way I can keep the description and title worded decently. For instance:
  10. Welcome to the forums, @fero! What shipping plugin are you using, and do you have a weight set for each of your products? Could we have the url of your store? What version are you on - is this a new install or an upgrade? If upgrade, what from?
  11. Here's the query template: UPDATE tablename SET tablefield = replace(tablefield,"findstring","replacestring"); So to fix cat to add cats in the seo_meta_keywords: UPDATE CubeCart_inventory SET seo_meta_keywords = replace(seo_meta_keywords,",cat,",cat,cats,"); I use the before and after commas to keep from messing up a word that might have cat in the spelling, like caterpillar or catch, for example. I try to add potential misspellings for brands like FAO Scharz by using http://www.watchcount.com/misspelled.php
  12. My lists are full of misspellings. I keep a close watch on the Users Online to see what unsuccessful searches have in them. I use a query to quickly add terms to the keywords. I'm not on my computer at the moment, but I'll add the query here in a while.
  13. I DO provide plural choices in the seo_meta_keywords search that Bsmither made for our needs. Customer never sees the conglomeration of terms, but it sure makes their search experience more productive.
  14. Are you using the Foundation skin? If so, it's designed to be responsive. If you are using one of the v5 skins, you will need to use the Mobile skin as well.
  15. Still happening for me. It's the grayed in placeholder looking admin login term that can be seen when logged in as a customer or even creating a fake customer. I use FF as well. This was supposedly fixed with v 6.0.12. https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/1056 I commented on this old GitHub closed issue with a link to this thread.
  16. Glad it worked, but I still have no idea what I did wrong to make it not work for me at first.
  17. From scratch new test order moved from Pending to Processing manually - all emails arrived - my admin email, plus the customer's email, AND the admin copy of the customer's email!
  18. It did NOT crash and moved to Processing! Will brb after emails have had a chance to get here. OK!!! I received the admin copy of the customer's order confirmation and the fake customer's acknowledgement of the order. I didn't get the admin order email, but as many times as I've played with this order that may not be an issue. I'll start from scratch with another order, but what happened to make it suddenly work? What did I do wrong the first time? PS: The Order Complete order copies for the customer did arrive.
  19. Sorry - UEQ5d2FIQUtKSFJvYVhNdFBsOXRZV2xzWlhJZ1BTWWdKRzFoYVd4bGNqcz0= [19-Mar-2017 17:43:47 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/butter01/public_html/plushtest/includes/extra/snippet_3afa312cdc3acf2182d2144a8cfac7be.php on line 2 [19-Mar-2017 17:43:47 America/Chicago] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::addBCC() in /home/butter01/public_html/plushtest/includes/extra/snippet_3afa312cdc3acf2182d2144a8cfac7be.php on line 6 Maybe I copied something wrong when I created the snippets: Went to see to make a copy of my code for you and found THIS! Is THIS supposed to be in the snippet box where I saved the classize one????? UEQ5d2FIQUtKSFJvYVhNdFBsOXRZV2xzWlhJZ1BTWWdKRzFoYVd4bGNqcz0=
  20. Here's the snippet file: snippet_5c6632328d5bb207a40e3ef624488c36.php snippet_3afa312cdc3acf2182d2144a8cfac7be.php My test store is on current commit of 6.1.6 - but I don't remember anything that's been changed that sounds like it would affect this.
  21. I'll check the table itself. The PD9waHAKJHRoaXMtPl9tYWlsZXIgPSYgJG1haWxlcjs= is what's in the snippet file I see via FTP.
  22. We have 3 domains, so it's not because I'm using a customer email address from our store domain.
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