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Everything posted by bsmither

  1. The database table CubeCart_order_summary collects two pieces of data about the shipping: the 'ship_method' and the 'ship_product'. The 'ship_method' contains the name of the folder of the shipping module, or the name of the 'class' in the module's shipping.class.php file. In my database table, I see variances of these names having underscores, and some having spaces instead of underscores. The 'ship_product' has the value entered in the module's Name field, if present. The All in One Shipping module has on its Zone tabs, a Method name, which is what I see as being used as 'ship_product'. The "Order History" page? This would be in admin, having clicked the Edit icon of an order, giving the Order Summary screens? Then, on the History tab, there is no mention of the shipping module used. However, on the Overview and Delivery tabs, there is a Shipping Information block of data. The Shipping Method is listed here as is the Shipping Product. From the Customer's perspective, their Account pages have an Order History list. Clicking View Details of an order shows the shipping that was used. The skin templates content.receipt.php and print.receipt.php have the following: <td>{if !empty($order.ship_method)}{$order.ship_method|replace:'_':' '}{if !empty($order.ship_product)} ({$order.ship_product}){/if}{else}{$LANG.basket.shipping}{/if}</td> Change to: <td>{if !empty($order.ship_product)}{$order.ship_product}{else}{$LANG.basket.shipping}{/if}</td>
  2. Is this the fly-out box that you start entering in a product name or code? If so, when (if) you get a predictive result, how do you select it? The fly-out box does not accept the Enter key. For every form submission (the Save button), CubeCart compares the hidden Security Token submitted along with the form data, with what CubeCart expects that token to be. If it's a match, the form data is processed and a new token is generated. You can have as many browser tabs open as you want, but when any of those pages gets a form submitted, CubeCart now has a new token but all of the other forms on the other browser tabs have the old token. So, that's why it may be confusing when, for no apparent reason, the Save is discarded and this message comes up. Another common reason is, if for some reason, the form security token does not make it back to CubeCart. The typical cause is because there is so much data being submitted by the form. The default for PHP is 1000 key/value pairs, but can be changed by the hosting provider. Hitting this limit can happen easily on two or three known admin pages, and with some effort on other admin pages, but I've never seen it happen when Add/Edit Product is being used. In admin, PHP Info, scroll to the Core table and look for 'max_input_vars'. This value may be irrelevant if PHP is being run inside a security wrapper, like suPHP or Suhosin.
  3. Probably with a small bullet dot to the left side of the image. This indicates that the call to the javascript plugin isn't being made, the javascript plugin isn't being loaded, or some other part of javascript is crashing. In your current theme, if not the Foundation skin, you will need to add this HTML: In the <head> section: <link href="{$STORE_URL}/skins/{$SKIN_FOLDER}/css/jquery.bxslider.css" rel="stylesheet"> Near the bottom of the <body> section: <script src="{$STORE_URL}/skins/{$SKIN_FOLDER}/js/vendor/jquery.bxslider.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> And this needs to be after the above: <script> {literal} $('.bxslider').bxSlider({auto:true,captions:true}); {/literal} </script> These files can be found in the included Foundation skin. Copy them to the appropriate folder of your skin in use.
  4. Welcome Nicholas Hill! Glad to see you made it to the forums. Let me start by mentioning: https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/postcode-anywhere https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/uk-postcode-lookup-/-address-finder Since CC6 is 100% human-readable, we can try to find where to kill the places where CubeCart wants to use and verify the County field. But, depending on the commercial shipper you use, they may want a County for their Rate Request. " London or Manchester, since their locations are listed under 'G' " 'G' being "Greater London" and "Greater Manchester"? Would you say that is the official name of the County? Because we can change the name. (CubeCart uses an ID value to keep things straight.) In admin, Countries/Zones, Zones tab, click the View All link. Scroll to the UK area, find Greater London, and click on the actual name. Change it to what you want. Do the same for Greater Manchester. At the bottom of the list, click Save.
  5. The list of images for the Add/Edit Product File Picker comes from the CubeCart_filemanager database table. So, if it appears in the FileManager, Images screen, you can delete it from there, or access the database directly and delete it from the database table.
  6. I'll look in the code, but is there the same filename in the FileManager, Images?
  7. Please delete anything that is not a legitimate web-type image file, and look in any sub-folders for anything that is not a legitimate web-type image file. GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, SVG
  8. My experience has me stuck at 80% as well, but I discovered that I can click the Continue button and it will progress one step for each click.
  9. I am not able to reach this site. The solution is to precisely identify what part of the page needs to be changed. As an example, the black Documents bar at the top, beneath the logo, with white lettering for the links to the documents. This area has a <div> with id="documents". The <a> tag for #documents specify a white text color. So, find some sort of identifier for the area you want to change, then find the thing you want to change, then create a CSS rule and add it to the black.css file. (Please forgive any spelling/grammar mistakes as these forums are currently not allowing post-submission edits.)
  10. You MUST contact your hosting provider and confirm how your applications communicate with the database server. Be sure to mention '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' and they will either confirm or deny its use. They will confirm the means of how your applications should be communicating with the database server.
  11. When Windows Explorer is showing a folder full of images, and the Windows Explorer "View" is set to show thumbs of images, the thumbs.db file gets created. The thumbs.db file is marked as hidden by Windows, but a setting can have Windows Explorer show 'hidden' files in the view pane. This file may have been caught up in the bulk FTP of image files from the Windows box to the server box.
  12. The admin skin edit is wrong and will cause Smarty (the template rendering engine) to crash PHP. So: {* <-- start of a Smarty template comment end of a Smarty template comment --> *} Problems in admin are rarely!!! caused by bad edits to the classes and never!!! by bad edits to storefront skins. The following is a Notice and will not cause much, if any, problems: Error: Hook 'category_product_options/hooks/class.cubecart.pre_display_category.php' was not found means the extension Category Product Options has not been installed on this store, but is using the database that at one time fed data to a store that did have that extension installed. The following is a Notice and will not cause much, if any, problems: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /admin/sources/maintenance.index.inc.php This is a known issue and will be fixed in CC616. This has to do with the new indicators on the Maintenance screen, Database tab, indicating if any table has missing, wrong, duplicate, or superfluous indexes.
  13. It will (should) center the image in the space provided.
  14. And now, in cubecart,css, near line 5: Find: a.open-clearing { display: block; overflow: hidden; } Change to: a.open-clearing { display: block; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; }
  15. I copy them from Firebug as opposed to the source. Firebug sorts the rules alphabetically, and groups them where possible if Firebug is configured that way. Do you have a product with gallery images (additional images other than the main image)? This additional CSS rule was put in place in an attempt to fix the gallery images from jumping around. If you don't have any and never plan to have any, you don't need this newly added rule.
  16. I see in cubecart.css, this: a.open-clearing #img-preview { width: 100%; } So, the height went away, but it is the width that needs to disappear.
  17. I see that cubecart.common.css is now missing.
  18. I made a few spelling mistakes above. I wish I could edit the post and fix those mistakes.
  19. I posted something in General Discussion. With respect to Submit doing nothing, having noticed this a number of weeks ago, my experience is that if I open two or more conversations, one per browser tab, and Submit a Reply in one, then each of all the others will not actually submit until that page is refreshed. Luckily, once I click that Submit Replay button (and nothing happens), the contents in the Quick Reply window is restore (from browser "local storage" perhaps) so nothing is lost. I think a time limit is not an issue.
  20. Those two files are still not found at the sterlingworkshopsupplies store. But I see that you are working on cabletiesonline. There has been no change to the file cubecart.css at cabletiesonline. I explained why the image is large in an earlier post.
  21. If it makes matters worse, then I must conclude you may be deleting more than just: cubecart.css, line 9-12: a.open-clearing #img-preview { height: 100%; width: 100%; } Try this: a.open-clearing #img-preview { height: 100%; /* width: 100%; */ } Making edits to the CSS file may require you to force the browser to reload page resources. When you say, "having to refresh the browser each time," are you speaking of each product page (having a different image), or the same product page over and over? I would also like for you to find these files and place them where indicated: jquery.chosen.min.css -- put in /skins/foundation/css/ jquery.chosen.min.js -- put in /skins/foundation/js/vendor/
  22. The latest edit should have given us the request and response in the debug section. That it didn't probably means there was no actual request made. Feel free to send me a private message with your email address, and we will do some deeper analysis.
  23. Please confirm if this functionality has been suppressed or eliminated: For a posting made by (me), an EDIT link is no longer available to make corrections.
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