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  1. Hello! I use "All In One Shipping" 1.0.8 and I found that it is possible to make an order without choosing a shipping method. I will really appreciate if somebody helps me to fix it. Thank you.
  2. We're located in California here in the USA, for customers that live in California, we have to charge a 8% sales tax. What it 'looks' like to me, is somewhere somehow, the customers are allowed to bypass the 'State' part of entering their billing address, sometimes I get orders with the state abbreviations rather then written out like the drop down box the Basket gives them (See example Images) The only thing that I can figure, is that when they get to payment processing (Authorize.net) I don't think that all the information entered isn't transferred over from the cart; By way that the payment processing page use to retrieve all the customer information directly from what they entered in the Basket (Example 3) So, if (in Example 3) I could understand if the "WA" was sent back to the cart after the transaction was complete and changed it in the CC database, but that wouldn't account for WHY it doesn't tack on the tax BEFORE getting to the Payment Processing Page I just did a test with an account I created and bought something expensive (See cart total) Then put Payment processor in "Test Mode" to see the results .... seems to be a problem on the CC end.
  3. Hello! Today I found that customers don't receive any emails about their orders, I also don't receive any confirmations about new orders. I don't have any clue where this issue can be. 1) During making a test order I didn't receive any errors on a front-end side. 2) 'E-mail' log doesn't show that any e-mails were send. (!!!) 3) 'Error log' is clear for ''admin" and "system" tabs 4) Test e-mail from "Store settings/Advanced" are sent and came to me without any issues. Last changes which I made before this issue happen: - #1630 was deployed - 'Sender's Email Address' was changed in "Store settings/Advanced". I replace modified order.class.php by original version from 6.1.5 pack, clear cache at the back-end. It doesn't help. Additons: When I change status to "Processing" - nothing happen. If after that I change a status back to "Pending" then "New order" e-mail goes to an admin, but "Order confirmation" e-mail isn't send to a customer.
  4. I recently upgraded from version 4 to 6 (very latest version). Using the stock template and everything went well with the upgrade. However when you create an account, it doesnt say anything about confirming.It just redirects to the registration page. What is going on? Click register Fill in info No confirmation email (The details are correct for sending mail from the server) Check the admin, yes the details are registered (http://d.pr/i/M4mhB) Try to login as the customer, nothing happens Any ideas?
  5. Hi, Just noticed that in admin, under the Statistics >Search Terms, visitors' search phrases are not shown. Instead, phrases are dismantled into individual words so pretty useless in this form. For example "white tee shirt" is shown as "white", "tee" and "shirt". So how can I change it to ensure the search terms are showing the actual search phrases please ? Thanks S.
  6. Hi, just noticed that when trying to add a manufacture via admin panel, you get error: /admin_xxxxxx/sources/products/manufacturerstab_manufacturers.inc.php - not found. There's no products folder in sources directory and therefore it can't find the php call file. I tried checking earlier version and no such file or directory found in the directory tree. I wonder if it's just a wrong directory call bug? Eddie
  7. Hi When we tick all our processed orders and then choose to change the status in bulk to "order complete and dispatched", it works well from the point of view that the status has been changed correctly but the problem is that the order dispatch date remains blank. Conclusion, we still have to update manually one by one each order to select the dispatch date under the delivery tab of the order. We really need to fix that to speed up our admin work. Thanks S.
  8. Hello! Right now I use a set of Cubecart 6.1.5 + All in One Shipping 1.0.8 + Print Order Form 1.0.1 + Russian language pack . Some clients forwarded me back e-mails with confirmation of purchase (Pending status). These orders contains several items and inside e-mails some items showed as lines without item's name, without q-ty and with zero cost. Screenshot is attached. As an admin I saw these orders without any issues. When I changed a order's status on 'processing', these clients received new emails with 'proper' content.
  9. Hi, folks, I am new to Cubecart and I see it as a great software. The (small) issue I have is that my native site is not English it is Lithuanian. There was no language pack for that, so I have translated most of the language strings myself. All that is fine and works. So, the default language is Lithuanian on my site. However, when a new customer registers, the language changes automatically into English and I want it to stay in Lithuanian. Of course, customer can change that back into Lithuanian but why it changes into English in the first place? How can I change that? My site is here: http://www.kristustavyje.lt/shop/
  10. Hi, I am having issue with the sitemap Cubecart provides. 1. At first I opened sitemap.xml.gz and extracted the sitemap.xml and submitted it to Google webmaster. All fine until I checked a day later and error message, no sitemap found. So went back in cpanel and indeed my sitemap.xml in my root domain has gone .... I then suspected that every time I refreshed the sitemap in admin via maintenance, maybe the system deleted the xml file I uploaded myself. Is that possible ? 2. Searched the forum and read that I could just submit the sitemap.xml.gz instead, which I did yesterday. Google webmaster accepted and gave me my number of pages to index. So all looking good except this morning, I checked again and more error messages: Parsing error: We were unable to read your Sitemap. It may contain an entry we are unable to recognize. Please validate your Sitemap before resubmitting. Line 1 1281 Error: We encountered an error while trying to access your Sitemap. Please ensure your Sitemap follows our guidelines and can be accessed at the location you provided and then resubmit. General HTTP error: 404 not found, HTTP Error: 404 Can anyone share some light on the issue please. S.
  11. Hi, On the orders overview section, if you tick all your processed orders and then choose "don't change order status" followed by "print an invoice", we thought, we could gain a lot of time so that we could print all our invoices at once. However, there is an issue. The system does not include a page break between each invoice and therefore all our invoices came out all as one solid document. I searched the forum for a solution but could not find any. Surely this must have been reported before ? Thanks S.
  12. Hi, my store updated to last ver and I "see Resend email from email log" as a new feature . but i do not see resend mail icon on email log on admin control panel thanks
  13. Hello! Initially, I imported to a store 600 goods, on the next day I imported 70 products more. All 670 products are visible and available for editing in store. However, when I try to export the catalog, I receive a file only with first 600 goods... P.S. 6.1.5 and 6.1.7 work same.
  14. Hello, on my store For some reason admin folder did not updated with cubecart upgrade system (6.1.5 to 6.1.7) and now my cubecart is 6.1.7 but admin folder is old 6.1.5 !! after manually uploading 6.1.7 admin folder, i receive "Security Alert: Possible Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) or browser back button used" error mesasage restoring admin folder to 6.1.5 fix the problem. on admin login ,restoring the admin folder to 6.1.5 fixing the problem i think there is not a server or hosting problem as for testing i upload my site on localhost and i see same problem . any suggestion will be highly appreciated.
  15. I've ran an update to the latest version of CC and we have over 4000 products. However all of the products are hidden. I noticed when I edited the product on the site, the category wasn't selected (it was totally blank with no categories selected) but it was selected on the database (cat_id = 12). I selected the correct product, click save. Its now live and NOT hidden. I checked the database to see the differences and as you can see the only difference changed is the description (adding whitespace) Is there another table on the database that its updating? all the fields are correct for the category. Heres another part of my digging. I've noticed on the first 2 products where I manually add the product, it shows under the name where the others are blank. http://d.pr/i/u85H Look at the database, its cat_id is 12 (which is Kings 18/0) Heres a look at the database http://d.pr/i/kUAk Note: Tried repairing the db too on both phpmyadmin and the site admin.
  16. I am trying to install Cubecart on my website (via host Machighway) following the instructions given but get an error message - see attached screenshot. I'm a novice where the shopping cart process is concerned, so please could someone advise on how to proceed.
  17. Hi Brian, My host graded and changed servers overnight. Moving the files and the databases. All is working now except the admin page. All I get is a blank white page. I have read about this before and run the file ini-custom.inc.php. I think I am running 6.1.3, two editions behind the current version. The error log gives the first 4 lines of 37 as [06-Apr-2017 10:04:25 UTC] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: imagick: Unable to initialize module Module compiled with module API=20131226 PHP compiled with module API=20151012 These options need to match etc see attached I will put this to the host and see what they have to say, meanwhile any suggestions please. regards Duncan error_log
  18. I have a fresh install of Cube Cart 6.1.4. This is the latest version on my Installatron that is being hosted by GoDaddy. When I put in the Token from your site after a click go. I get a blank screen. this is what I get from the error log [05-Apr-2017 11:53:08 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in /home/swimmmerbhs/public_html/cart/admin/sources/plugins.index.inc.php on line 79 [05-Apr-2017 11:54:38 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in /home/swimmmerbhs/public_html/cart/admin/sources/plugins.index.inc.php on line 79 Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  19. Hello! I found that group operation 'Assign to category' works strange. Steps to reproduce: 1) Products->Assign to Category 2) Choose all goods by tick in the title line (as well as for manual ticking all goods), choose category, press Save 3) Return to Products tab. No category marks for all goods. 4) Enter to any product, change nothing, Save 5) Return to Products tab. Category name shows for the product from step 4. Is it a bug or a feature?
  20. Hi, Another issue that I need to address before I close my V4. At the moment, when a customer wants a product exchange or a refund, I go back into the original order and I manually add a comment in the product options box like: - original order options: SIZE: - LARGE - amended order: SIZE: - LARGE - returned & exchanged for a size MEDIUM on 17/03/2017 or SIZE: - LARGE - returned & refunded on 17/03/2017 This is critical for future records. At the moment with V6, I really cannot see how I can keep this level of records. I cannot manually add text within the product options under the inventory so I was wondering whether we could add a box just under each product options that admin use for comments ? What do you think ? It needs to be per product as of course not all products in one order are returned for an exchange or refund. It would also need to be visible on the website when customers check their order history. I am not even asking for a system linked to the actual stock level where it is automatically adjusted as this is probably too much to ask as a short term solution, so I will continue to do a manual stock adjustment. Maybe an idea for a future plugin for developers out there ;-). Any advice would be most appreciated. Thanks S.
  21. As I am upgrading my store from 4 to 6, I use Custom SEO URL Path a lot to match my current V4 URLs which is something like productname/prod_300 or whatever number. I did the URL paths at least 2 or 3 months ago but in the last few days I was trying to add new products and I noticed that the Custom SEO URL Path does not accept symbols anymore like "_" . If I use it, it will return a page 404 or show the listing saved after, as long as no symbol has been used in the URL. So example: V4 URL = cotton-top/prod_310.html V6 URL normally required = cotton-top/prod_310 but does not work anymore I wonder if this issue would have come from one of the latest updates ?
  22. Hi, In last Cubecart, when a visitor click on change language on page http://mysite.com/SEO-URL.html , site go to http://mysite.com/index.php?seo_path=SEO-URL instead of http://mysite.com/SEO-URL.html
  23. Hi, Macro {$DATA.link} does not work if used in the email template of the CANCELLED order status. How can I fix it please ? Thanks S.
  24. Hello, In Cubecart 4, we can manually adjust the "payment method" box within an order. This is great when creating manual orders or even amend an online order which failed online but completed over the phone for payment. In Cubecart 6, this function has gone. Under the overview tab of the order, I can see that a Gateway type appears under the "Shipping Information" table if the order has been processed online. However, if I process a manual order, there is no gateway type box for me to enter "PAID BY PHONE" for the records, nor can I amend an existing online order which failed but processed over the phone. Yet I can amend all Shipping Information under the Delivery tab but no box for Gateway... Does anyone know which files to amend and the code change required to make that box a permanent feature under the Delivery tab please ? Many thanks. S.
  25. hello everyone, i just set up cubecart 6.1.5 and the installation went fine. The storefront also looks good but when i want to login, nothing happens except behind .php ?_g=login appears. when i type in a incorrect password i get a 500 error. i have had the same issues before when trying cc 6.1.4. i am running on a local machine using xampp on windows 10, this is just for trial/development use. kars noordhuis
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