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Product name / code


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I have been advised to use product code in the product name field. That is, the same name (FOOBAR-SOMETHING-R6) in the both fields. I have had this explained to me several times but it still doesn't make sense. When I browse products on any e-store I'd like to see readable text in the brief overview, like "Samsung 1TB SATA" or "Crucial 2GB memory". Not "SMS-1TB-HD-28737" or "CRU-2GB-D39jf9j". That does definately not make sense to me.

Been trying to find a FAQ or something for this topic, but I failed.

So; can anyone explain why I'm supposed to have product code == product name in my store? I just don't get the point of it.

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Bsmither helped me a long time ago so our toy store uses the meta keywords for search results. I fill the keywords with misspellings and alternative choices like puppy when selling a dog. I'm not sure if v6 uses the keywords as well as the product name for search results. Try putting the product code in the meta keywords for an item and see if a customer can find it that way.

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There's no logical reason why you should have the product code and product name as the same thing in my opinion.

I have over 4500 products, all of which have a sensible product name and our internal part number as the product code.


Product Name = Waterproof Breathable Car Cover

Product Code = COV8


This serves a number of purposes. Our staff don't have to look up a part number when inputting an order. Customers can search by our part number (if they know it) or product name (if they don't).


I don't know your exact scenario, but is someone trying to make his job easier I wonder ????

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Depending on the industry / types of products you are selling, your customers may only know the part number and not actually know what the product is, or there may be a group of products that would share an identical name unless you do something drastic like use the description for the name. The utility industry falls into both categories, for example.

In cases such as those, having the product code as part of the name makes it much easier to determine if an item is the one you really want. Using only the product code as the name wouldn't make sense in any situation I can think of.

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