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Upgrade from 6.2.8 to 6.4.7 broke Order Status


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After upgrading to 6.4.7, we (or the Paypal gateway) can no longer alter orders to "Processing" status. Paid orders are now set as "Pending" instead of "Processing" and if we manually change it to "Processing" we get a blank screen with the following in the error log:


[<strong>Exception</strong>] /customers/2/b/5/domain/httpd.www/store/modules/gateway/PayPal/gateway.class.php:23 - Attempt to modify property "basket" on null

How do we fix this?

(And before anyone mentions it, we tried to replace the Paypal Gateway with the new Paypal-plugin (that has an incredibly annoying nag screen on all orders, despite clicking "X") but Paypal will charge us 10% extra since we need to upgrade to a business account, and therefore we cannot do that, and therefore we have to use Paypal Gateway still)

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This may be related to an open issue:


If the error was copied from CubeCart's admin, System Error Log, if you hover the mouse over the error, there may be a popup that gives the trace PHP made to get to the code that errored.

If that popup appears, try to copy/paste the contents to a reply here.

Edited by bsmither
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There is a reference in the issue to a conversation:


that mentions an edit to line 501 of order.class.php.

I do not know why the that person had a problem - it seems to be a really simple edit.

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Sorry if I was rude on GitHub @bos. My kids were driving me mental this morning and I was at boiling point. 🤣

If you want to open a support ticket I can look at this. Otherwise these gentlemen may be able to help.. heck it could even be a bug but it doesn't look like it form the offset.

.. back to support tickets for me .. it's oddly busy ATM.

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/1/2022 at 10:50 AM, bsmither said:

If the error was copied from CubeCart's admin, System Error Log, if you hover the mouse over the error, there may be a popup that gives the trace PHP made to get to the code that errored.

If that popup appears, try to copy/paste the contents to a reply here.

Hovering the lines in System Error Log does not reveal any popups for me.


Is there any other way to get a stacktrace?



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  • 1 month later...

The image above suggests the error was logged when the admin brought the order up for inspection from the Unsettled Orders tab in the Dashboard.

And the Bank Transfer gateway does leave the order at Pending. It doesn't provide a way for the customer to complete a transaction.

Please read the following issue in the Github and implement the fixes detailed there - all of them, as the second set of changes undoes some of the first set of changes.

Or, upgrade to CC6410 if you haven't done so already.

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