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Al Brookbanks

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Everything posted by Al Brookbanks

  1. You'll need to contact the developer using the "Email Developer" link: https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/developer/patrick-bullert
  2. I should be in the office in about 2 hours. I'll check this out ASAP.
  3. Ok I added the edit functionality but its limited to one hour.
  4. I'm really strict about working hours. I start between 8am and 9am and finish at 5:30pm. I'm a big believer is separating work and family/social time and for me CubeCart is 100% work even though I enjoy it very much (most of the time). Saying this (like right now) I check email and respond to things like this. Not a huge amount of brain power is involved. I had a brief look at this issue today but wasn't able to come to a conclusion. I hope to take another look in the morning.
  5. @nzfreemo the oldest version of CubeCart available for download is 3.0.0 which has been made available for reference purposes. We do not recommend using it. We simply do not have any version 2 package available. CubeCart was called eStore for version 1 and version 2. Source code for it doesn't exist and isn't available. You need to either use a more recent version or alternate e-commerce package.
  6. I don't really understand why you would want to use version 3 but you can still download it on our website.
  7. CubeCart v1 never existed? What version is your current store? If it's version 3 or higher it can be upgraded to version 6.
  8. There will probably be resource limits in the fine print. cubecart.com is on a VPS with CloudLinux and cPanel. Extremely easy to manage yourself. You really do get what you pay for. I think we pay $780 per year which i think is great value. I think thats just £50 a month.
  9. Hmmm.. I wonder if there are any awesome hosting companies around to change to. Hehe.
  10. Who is your hosting provider? UK2.net added a bunch of security software recently that blocks CubeCart form data.
  11. This fixed it for me: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/commit/d75faa35edb4d481fc25ae066064a18d23ac7d36
  12. Did you ever login under SSL? If so I think the browser keeps history that the store has SSL only cookies. On those grounds it will refuse to accept standard cookies. I think this may come down to browser security features.
  13. Did you install it by downloading it from our website or was it an auto installer from within a hosting environment?
  14. Did you upgrade manually or using the auto upgrade tool? There have been issues with the auto upgrade too so please upgrade manually.
  15. Click the padlock icon or make sure the protocol in the browser window is https and not http and it will be fine.
  16. If you have SSL enabled login to the admin side of the store. Go to "Settings" then the SSL tab. Update the paths to reflect the new one. Once done create the folder you want to move it to. Select all the files with an FTP client and move them to the new folder. Empty the stores cache folder. All should be fine.
  17. Steps to reproduce are vital.
  18. I assumed so. I don't think my fix above helps your situation but theoretically a clean 6.1.7 won't do this (unless the product was deleted).
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