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Everything posted by keat

  1. One day last week, I found CubeCart_customer table had crashed, I thought not much of it, repaired it and got on with my day. Then a few days later, I found that the inventory table had crashed, however, only 15 minutes earlier i'd modified SQL to lower the 'Full Text' searching limitation, so again, I thought not much of it. Maybe the SQL restart caused the crash. However, this morning, I've come in to work to find this in my backup logs. Table './xxxx/CubeCart_customer' is marked as crashed and should be repaired when using LOCK TABLES Looking in PHPAdmin, the table doesn't appear crashed, so this may have resolved of it's own accord, but i'd be interested to learn why this has happened. Any ideas ?
  2. Seeing how we are a little off topic, can I step in with addtional info regarding missing line items. We do not use stock levels on the cart. Every item is marked as stock level zero in the database, but 'use stock level' is unchecked. If, and only if an item physically goes out of stock, is 'use stock level' checked. Also, the store is configured to reduce stock when completed. We had another one of these orders this week, with about 15 items missing from an oder of around 30. I'm hoping 6.1.5 will fix this. Ian. I have an idea that might over come this. We have store email sent at the pending stage, and also suffer where customers will click the checkout button (email now sent to admin), then go back and change something. The store doesn't send a second email, which then causes all sorts of issues. Admin confirmation email doesn't tally with payment, with sub totals incorrect. I have another thread open for this.
  3. My busy site is running 6.0.10 ' WARNING: Your store is not up-to-date, v6.1.5 is available, but you are running v6.0.10 ' So I created a mirror image on a spare domain and performed a dummy run update. I had to jump through a few hoops with the php 5.4 limitation thing, and the upgrade appears to have completed. However, when I look in the install log 6.1.10 is completely omitted. 6.1.5 Tuesday, 28 March 2017 6.1.4 Tuesday, 28 March 2017 6.1.2 Tuesday, 28 March 2017 6.1.0 Tuesday, 28 March 2017 6.0.9 Thursday, 4 February 2016
  4. It's running as we speak on the mirror. Had to jump through a few hoops to get it started though.
  5. This scenario keeps occuring, yesterday we had a customer place an order and clicked continue, landing on the gateway page. The emil was sent to admin. The customer then clicked the back button and changed his delivery address, clicked the continue button, and went on to complete payment. Becuase we didn't receieve a second email notification (on the second press of continue) we sent the goods to the wrong address. Is there anything I can change in the code that will force a another admin email on any subsequnet presses of the continue button ?
  6. I'm still seeing a number of orders where random content is missing, so before I raise this as a support ticket, I guess that i ought to update the site to the latest version. Are there any differences in the database between 6.0.10 and 6.1.5, as I'll be performing an update on a mirror image, it would be easier if I could get away with just updating files.
  7. Could you not just use print order form ??? This is a payment gateway plugin , but doesn't navigate anywhere other than an order confirmation.
  8. There is a PHP script that you can run which will populate the meta keywords based on whats already in the description. Whilst it won't help with the mis spellings, it would assist with at least populating the meta keywords fields with something, which you could potentailly work on using the replace script above. https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/other/automatically-generate-meta-description-keyword This will of course assist with SEO as it will also populate the meta description. Win Win.
  9. Lets assume that you wish to update the description in the inventory table, then the query would go like this: UPDATE `CubeCart_inventory` SET `description` = replace(description, 'old phrase', 'new phrase') DB's script is updating the meta keyworks section in the inventory table. UPDATE `CubeCart_inventory` SET ` seo_meta_keywords ` = replace(seo_meta_keywords,",cat,",cat,cats,"); She uses a number of words in the meta description section and then has a custom search script which includes meta keywords in it's search results. The beauty of this is that potentially, all those mis spelled words are invisible to the end user. Allegedly, keywords is no longer used in SEO, so in theory, should have no effect on the SEO score ??? Sorry, I ought to add, in PHPAdmin
  10. I guess it's feasible that this could be the reason the mod isn't working as expected. The mod involves a checkbox on the admin side, (on or off) Whilst I'm able to apply the changes required in the admin side, the omission of the asscociated code, could render the checkbox useless.
  11. We have about 4500 products, so for obvious reasons, I can't edit every single item. However, I do often look at products and decide if I ought to impliment some sort of mis spelling somewhere. eg: Holesaw https://www.beal.org.uk/index.php?search[keywords]=holesaw&_a=category hole saw https://www.beal.org.uk/index.php?search[keywords]=hole+saw&_a=category I find that adding something a little differently in the description to the title works. In fact, since writing this, I've found another one, which I'll impliment now. If you now look at the following product, you'll spot that it has a number of spelling varioations for cabletie. Cable Ties, Cableties, Cabletie and Cable Tie https://www.beal.org.uk/electrical-products/cable-ties-bag-quantities-/cable-ties-100mm-x-2-5mm-black.html
  12. I use a combination of both. The title would be plural with the description containing singular. Even common mis spellings, for instance 'Holesaw' in the title, but 'Hole saw' in the description. Whilst 'Hole saw' does catch a lot of rubbish, it does include the holesaw section.
  13. If it's not too late, then I have exactly this feature. Daren at Semperfi wrote me a custom mod. Take a look at the 10mm option. https://www.beal.org.uk/electrical-products/copper-tube-terminals/copper-tube-terminals-6mm²-cable-size.html In the product options section (admin side) is an additional checkbox, to dictate if the product option is in stock or not. It's not quite working correctly on my 6.1.5 site, but I believe this to be a conflict with another mod. Daren is looking in to this.
  14. I have a custom mod which requires a few lines of code adding around line 400 in skins/deafult/templates/products.index,php <td align="center"><input type="checkbox" id="enable_member_{$option.set_member_id}" name="option_create[{$option.set_member_id}][set_enabled]" value="{$option.set_enabled}"></td> However, this line appears to have changed in 6.1.5 to: <td align="center"><input type="hidden" id="enable_member_{$option.set_member_id}" name="option_create[{$option.set_member_id}][set_enabled]" value="{$option.set_enabled}" class="toggle"></td> Not that I'll profess to understand why or what it actually does, but could anyone suggest in laymans terms why it changed and what it does please. Maybe if I understand this, I'll understand if this is the reason why the mod no longer works.
  15. I'd also be a wary if you're using PP-Express, as this has the ability to over write what the customer has input. For instance, we had a situtation where a customer made a large order for vehicle parts to be delivered to his work place, but PP-Express over wrote this with the address in his PayPal account. (he used his personal PayPal to pay for his work goods) We subsequently sent the goods to the wrong place.
  16. This can be done en mass with an SQL query. Using PHPMyAdmin, first make a backup copy of the inventory table call it something like CubeCart_inventory-copy, and work on this backup copy. Run the following SQL query UPDATE `CubeCart_inventory-copy` SET `description` = replace(description, 'old-unwanted-phrase', 'new-wanted-phrase') Alternatively, as BSmither suggests, you could export cubecart_inventory as a csv file, then perform a 'find & replace' with something like MS Ecell. Once you've made your ammendments, using PHPMyAdmin, truncate (empty) the backup copy, and import your CSV back in. When you are happy that the inventory tables are to your satisfaction, again using PHPMyAdmin, rename the origianl CubeCart_inventory to something like CubeCart_inventory-orig (just in case) And then rename your backup copy to CubeCart_inventory. Only when you are 200% satisfied that it's all OK should you delete the original (even if at all, maybe leave it there for future reference)
  17. Or some way of locking the order once the customer has chosen to move to the payment gateway.
  18. The following scenario is the same as clicking back after choosing the continue button, and landing on the gateway page. A new customer placed an order on the 6th of the month, chose the continue button, but chose not to complete the payment. An order confirmation email was sent to admin. On the 7th, my staff spoke to the customer to chase for paymant, and for what ever reason, the customer decided that he didn't want to pay today. The order is still outstanding in his cart. Yesterday, the customer added to his cart and clicked continue, and this time completed through to a payment gateway. Admin never received the email, because they received it on the 6th and already dismissed it. Figuring out what happened took me about 10 seconds, however, our admin staff had no idea. This and similar have been ongoing since upgarding to V6, and I need to find a way to stop it happening. Any ideas please, I guess a resend of the admin email on subsequent presses of the continue button.
  19. I know this is a long shot, but could this be down to a part number that SQL doesn't like. For instance, battery terminsls, which we can see in the data dump have part numbers like BT10+ (for a pos terminal) and BT10- (for a neg terminal). Could SQL be interpretting the + or - as a non standard carachter and throwing an error. Actually, I think I could rule that out, as she placed a sucessful order later in the day with a whole load of terminals.
  20. The time stamps in apache logs are current, so It doesn't appear that there are any major time differences. The order was placed in the cart at 07:21. I spotted that there are two raw access logs, SSL and non SSL and found her entries in the SSL raw access logs. It's quite obvious that she doesn't use chrome..., but not obvious to me what went wrong. Could you cast your eye over this data and see if it tells us anything. http://www.cabletiefan.co.uk/webimages/data.txt
  21. I've been trying to see if I could get it to open in a seperate window/popup but struggling.
  22. What about, taking a snapshop of the giraffe, adding this as an image to the category and then having this point to a hyperlink. http://www.sterlingworkshopsupplies.co.uk/test-category.html
  23. Hi Alex. Are you trying to add the feed to a category description. I had a little play with my test site, I can add the feed inside a product description, but not inside a category description I see Forbidden You don't have permission to access /adminxyz.php on this server. Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. I just watched my apache log and saw this.. It looks like mod security doesn't like it. Sort of explains why I can't embed it. [Tue Mar 14 15:34:17 2017] [error] [client xx.xx.xx.xxx] ModSecurity: Access denied with code 403 (phase 2). Pattern match "< {0,1}iframe" at ARGS:cat[cat_desc]. [file "/var/cpanel/cwaf/rules/07_XSS_XSS.conf"] [line "96"] [id "212280"] [rev "1"] [msg "COMODO WAF: Cross-site Scripting (XSS) Attack||www.domain.co.uk|F|2"] [data "Matched Data: <iframe found within ARGS:cat[cat_desc]: <p>this is a test category setup during install. it can be edited or deleted from the store admin control panel.</p> <p><iframe frameborder=\\x220\\x22 scrolling=\\x22no\\x22 src=\\x22http://www.domain.co.uk/test-category/test-product.html\\x22></iframe></p> "] [severity "CRITICAL"] [hostname "www.domain.co.uk"] [uri "/admin_xyz.php"] [unique_id "WMgNedWr3R8AACzCAC4AAAAM"]
  24. I got another one today, and a little more information from the user. The user is using chrome, and added about 30 items to her cart, she clicked the continue button which took her to the paymant gateway page, at which point she says that the screen popped up a whole host of 'out of stock errors' in red. She tells me that she never used the back button and that the cart was filled in a single session, in other words, it wasn't filled over a number of days. I checked her IP against the order and confirmed with the customer via whatismyip.com, and I'm really well and truly confused. In the raw access logs, I have a single entry for her IP. The only entry for her IP is the following. (and this makes absolutely no sense) 78.xxx.xx.xxx - - [14/Mar/2017:07:23:41 +0000] "GET /images/uploads/F73-.jpg HTTP/1.1" 404 13 "http://vi.vipr.ebaydesc.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItemDescV4&item=371480875713&t=1460460393000&tid=310&category=20594&seller=bits4work&excSoj=1&excTrk=1&lsite=3&ittenable=false&domain=ebay.co.uk&descgauge=1" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0" Firstly looking at the raw access log, it would indicate that the aformentioned IP, was coming through firefox via ebay (someone linking an image) and incurred an error when trying to open said image. I assumed that maybe the customer visited ebay shortly afterwars, but she doesn't recall doing so, and besides, she tells me that she uses chrome, and this entry mentions firefox. She did mention that she added battery terminals to her cart, and images/uploads/F73-.jpg was indeed a battery terminal when we had CC-V3. Any other ideas ??
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