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Dirty Butter

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Everything posted by Dirty Butter

  1. I think @bsmither had worked out a magazine subscription process sometime or another. It may not be compatible with v6 CC, or it may not do what you need anyway.
  2. Please be sure that your re-named folder and file are not shown anywhere in this thread FOR SECURITY REASONS. You can always re-name again, as long as you make the matching edits in global.inc.php.
  3. Whatever caused this throbber problem happened today when I upgraded to 6.1.2. I overwrote all the javascript files with those straight from the extracted files, rather than the copy from my test site - and the throbber stopped and the site worked correctly.
  4. While you're waiting for Bsmither to be back on the forum, it might be helpful if you Search for open_basedir and read through the threads. Is your install local or with a commercial host? How much control do you have over server settings?
  5. I was hoping this was a simple problem of the new image process being unfamiliar. No such luck. I'm not skilled enough to help you with this, but hopefully someone else will be along soon who can tell what's wrong. The screenshots should help a lot!
  6. Hi @benjAeby Welcome to the forums. Once the image is uploaded you have to find the image name in the Product Listing FileManager box on the Images tab. There is a check box to the right that you should double click in to get a star for the first image and click to get check mark for any additional images. This "connects" the images with the correct product. PS: This is an awkward process in 6.1.1, but will be considerably improved when 6.1.2 is released.
  7. I use a plugin for Testimonials that might do what you want with a bit of editing. As it stands it puts the blurb on the side or bottom of the page, and ALL the testimonials are listed on one page. https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/site-testimonials
  8. Using the Responsive View of the Mobile screen of a product listing shows ALL the info in the small screen. BUT there is a blank off right section that is creating a horizontal scroll.
  9. From what I've seen it appears to be the Wholesale Bulk Pricing and Size/Style Chart pages that are causing the complaint. The other pages I tested behaved as expected. I tried using the Google Mobility tester on the homepage, but received an error message that robots.txt has it blocked. Mobile-Friendly Test Just took a peek at the robots.txt files in the root and in the store directory and there's nothing there that would block.
  10. The Kurouto config.xml has <?xml version="1.0"?> <skin version="3.1"> You already have the Mobile version installed. The link to it is at the bottom of your pages. Mobile version config.xml is <?xml version="1.0"?> <skin version="1.0"> Both your Kurouto skin and the Mobile skin installed in your store at this time have updated versions available, but that likely won't make much cosmetic difference in what you have now.
  11. I see you have the Mobile Site link at the bottom. The Wholesale Bulk Pricing and Size/Style Chart pages are definitely NOT mobile friendly even when using the Mobile skin. But those tables could likely be redesigned to be mobile friendly.
  12. Have you given the Foundation skin a try? You can change to test it from the CC Admin Store Settings>Layout>Skin Settings. Both of our stores are Foundation skins with some cosmetic changes and other changes from plugins.
  13. I've figured out part of the problem - there are several installs, one at root, another at store, and another in another directory. You were looking in the wrong place for the re-named admin folder and file, and then you made the edits I had suggested to admin folder/file in the wrong directory. Also, FYI the apparently working files were installed with Softaculous. Waiting on @mayhem69 to attempt a login to newly renamed admin to see what happens.
  14. Thanks to Bsmither for finding the part of my edited code that was not allowing sort to work properly!!
  15. When you are ready to work on it again, edit ini.inc.php in the store directory. Change the CC 6.1.1 version somewhere around line 49 to the version you were upgrading from. /************* CUBECART SPECIFIC SETTINGS *************/ define('CC_VERSION', '6.1.1'); // Version Number If you haven't already, it would be a good idea to make a backup of your store files and your database. Then run setup again. Be sure you write down the newly re-named admin folder and admin.php file names (there should be a caution near the end of the install with the new names), BUT DO NOT WRITE THEM INTO ANY COMMENTS YOU MAKE ON THIS FORUM.
  16. Is the setup folder still in your store directory? If so, http://www.unionshirtsupply.com/store/setup
  17. In cpanel look in the MySQL database section to see what goes in dbdatabase. I do NOT have a prefix and chances are you don't either. I don't know exactly what a database name with a prefix looks like. It sure would help if you could find an old backup of global.inc.php as you could get the info from there. I started to suggest you try setup again, but I didn't have any confidence in my understanding. But if Bsmither says to do it - that may be better than trying to get this includes file fixed.
  18. AH! I was hoping you'd show up, Bsmither! We're flopping around like fish out of water.
  19. All these lines need YOUR info in them: $glob['dbdatabase'] = ''; // Database name e.g. cubecart $glob['dbhost'] = ''; // Database server hostname e.g. localhost (Can be domain or ip address) $glob['dbprefix'] = ''; // Table prefix e.g. store_1_ (handy for multiple stores in one database) $glob['dbusername'] = ''; // Username that has access to the database $glob['dbpassword'] = ''; // Password for username above. $glob['installed'] = '0'; // Set to 1 if store is installed. Prevents setup redirect. $glob['adminFolder'] = 'admin'; // Change this if you have changed the admin folder name $glob['adminFile'] = 'admin.php'; // Change this if you have changed the admin file name $glob['cache'] = 'file'; // Cache in use can be (apc, file, memcache, memcached, redis, xcache)
  20. This does not work? http://www.unionshirtsupply.com/store/my_admin_file.php And you filled in all the lines like dbdatabase?? Do you have any old backup copies of the global.inc.php file from your previous CC version? All would be the same here except the two lines having to do with admin.
  21. Whatever you wrote here: $glob['adminFolder'] = 'admin'; // Change this if you have changed the admin folder name $glob['adminFile'] = 'admin.php'; // Change this if you have changed the admin file name should MATCH the names of the adminFolder and the adminFile in your ffolder/file naming. Then use YOUR name for admin.php to login at http://www.unionshirtsupply.com/store/YOUR NAME FOR ADMIN.PHP Be sure the re-named admin.php ends with php.
  22. OK! Now I understand what you meant about there is nothing on the page!! Take the global.inc.php-dist file and copy it over to global.inc.php. Then replace each line with the appropriate information. Your store is using data from your database, so CC knows where it is - there MUST be a global.inc.php SOMEWHERE that is working. I wish I knew more to help you!!
  23. Try changing the permission to 744 and SAVE. THEN see if it will let you edit. If you can, make your edits and change it back to 444.
  24. So are you trying to edit the global.inc.php file in the /store/ directory? What happens when you try? Do you get any error message?
  25. Can you access the store front? Is it working properly? If so, what is your url? I looked back through your recent posts and see that at one time you thought you had been hacked and had some kind of problem with mysquili? Were all your issues resolved before trying to upgrade, or were you hoping the upgrade would fix things?
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