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Dirty Butter

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Everything posted by Dirty Butter

  1. Right - I just added the only thing I could create that even came close to what you would want to see. dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog/Report.html
  2. I can't figure out how to get a proper file difference report. Sorry. This is all I could figure out: dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog/Report.html
  3. I've already done that several times, but didn't see anything that seemed related. That;s the problem - I could be looking straight at the issue and not realize its significance. I do know all those classes/cache files are stock in my version. I haven't made a file difference report in a long time, but I'll get it done - may take awhile.
  4. I've hit so many things now I'm not positive - but I'm pretty sure I did refresh before I could see it.
  5. The _basket section of the gray Debug section at the bottom of the screen was there and looked ok as far as I could tell. I've checked and my cubecart.class section around line 293 is just like stock. I wasn't sure what I needed to do for Debug, so I added {DEBUG} to the bottom of box.basket.content.php. When I took the debug line off - the popup still showed when I tried emptying the basket routine again. I had to refresh to get rid of it. (Cache is still turned off on storefront) There's definitely some super caching going on. I tried changing global.inc.php to cache=file, instead of memcached, but the cart item still persists after it should be gone. I just realized that zeroing out the quantity of the basket item DOES refresh the page correctly when I Update Basket. So I went back to the homepage and put a different item in the basket. Instead of seeing the new item, it says the basket is empty and continue shopping, just as it did when I Update Basket emptied it. I refreshed, and there the item was, sitting in the basket!
  6. I tried that, but it still persists (cleared cache and browser before attempting) until I manually refresh the page. The waterfall does not look like the CC demo store waterfall, either. This is happening on both the dirtybutterestates.com and the /plushcatalog/ stores. There were lots of cache related changes in 6.1.1, and as far as I can tell those changes are all in place. I don't know what file to examine that controls the trashcan icon/Empty Basket button removing the item.
  7. Bsmither has a file difference download available on the 3rd party forum: http://www.cubecartforums.org/index.php?showtopic=19799&pid=79646&st=0&#entry79646 I don't see any skin changes other than main.checkout.php and box.navigation.php.
  8. This is new behavior since upgrading to 6.1.1, but with such an edited version that it's something wrong with my upgrade. This does NOT happen on the CC Demo store. Something weird is going on when I try to delete an item from the Basket. The page refreshes, but the page does not change - the item is still there. Same thing if I use the Empty Basket button. If I go back to the homepage, the Cart icon shows there is still an item there. If I refresh the homepage, it zeroes out. I've tested this on FF and Chrome, with the same results. Error log shows [23-Nov-2016 10:12:33 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: Shipping not setup or allow no shipping not enabled in XXX/plushcatalog/classes/cubecart.class.php on line 1857 I tried using stock box.basket.php and box.basket.content.php, but that did not change anything.
  9. @LeonGhost Welcome to the forums! Just to clarify, have you ever had a CC install where the product images uploaded properly? What CC version are you on? What is the file permission for the images folder? How did you install CC - did you upload the zipped file, extract it from your cPanel Filemanager and then run setup? Or did you use some cPanel service to install? Or did you extract the files on your hard drive and then upload the files to your directory?
  10. It IS a hot link. I DO get a page refresh to https:// If I right click copy the link and paste in Notepad, it's http://. It's my .htaccess settings doing it.
  11. My .htaccess file settings must be preventing that, as changing to http:// or clicking the lock do nothing for me.
  12. I see the lock on the login box, but I don't see a way to unlock it. I have edited the CubeCart_config settings before by decoding the base64, then saving back the encoded edited version. But I always make a copy of the CubeCart_config table before trying it.
  13. An error message comes up saying the link is no longer there, etc. But when I logged in, it took me straight to the url you have here.
  14. See if this helps you: I have a highly edited install as well. Each edit is commented before and after the edit, so I can easily see what I have added and why. I use BeyondCompare to do a file difference compare of all the files in the upgraded stock version and my live store files. I can easily see how to merge the two and get the upgraded version with all my edits intact. I do have to be sure to run any setup db changes required in the new version.
  15. Was this ever resolved? @bsmither @Sportzfans If so, how?
  16. Unless the rules have changed, Google Merchant doesn't allow watermarked images.
  17. I've hidden your last response, as it contains the renamed admin file naming (that needs to be blurred out before you save the file and display it here). You will need to change the renamed admin file/folder naming to keep your install safe. Your screenshot looks more like the results of refreshing the Order Summary tab than clicking on the Print icon. Please try it again and be sure to CLEAR, be sure it's on ALL for Network, and THEN click the icon. You might want to message @bsmither with your results instead of trying to display them in a secure way here.
  18. So you are making edits to the stock language file? Ideally any wording changes you want to make should be done in the Admin>Settings>Language>click on your language flag> edit phrases there. These edits are databased and will NOT be over-written with subsequent upgrades. If you prefer not to do that, you need to basically create your own language files with a different language name. There's more to that than simply changing the name. Or you can go the route I go by using file comparison software to see what edits need to be made to your edited install to merge/over-write the differences in stock with your version. I use BeyondCompare, but there are others.
  19. I use FireBug extension in FF, but other browsers will have something similar. One of the choices when you right click on the Order Summary page in CC will be "Inspect Element with FireBug". Choose the Net tab and then click on the Print icon for the order. I just tried it with an order of mine - didn't get as much waterfall as I had hoped. But Bsmither is the one who can make sense of it if anyone can. You may need to expand the results and then take a screenshot to show him what you see.
  20. Could you attach that file? What is it named?
  21. I think almost everyone who has upgraded is seeing this new message. It has to do with the way 6.1.1 is supposed to notify you of a new version of a plugin being available. And I don't think all our old plugins are configured for that yet.
  22. Sorry - I misread that the email worked and the print order did not. My {$STORE_LOGO} suggestion applied to the Print Order logo. Do you have a logo in Store Settings marked as specifically for the emails?
  23. This won't help you right now, but once whatever is messed up is fixed - you can go back to global.inc.php, change the permission back to allow all access to yourself... and CHANGE the naming of the admin file and folder to anything you please (since you showed it in your post it does need to be changed, for security reasons). Once you've reported with the results from the error log you create, @bsmither may be able to help. I know I am out of my league with this.
  24. Using your FileManager in cPanel, open global.inc.php for editing. The upgrade process changed the name of the admin folder and admin file to some kind of gibberish naming. Copy those two new names down, as that file which used to be named admin.php will now be your Dashboard login. Then change the permission of global.inc.php to 444. You should then be able to login to your Dashboard, using the newly named admin.php fle.
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