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Everything posted by bsmither

  1. I find myself with a few days of downtime. Two weeks to go. This is not a vacation. It is moving the household from where I was to someplace else. For anyone contemplating a household move, I sincerely suggest that you don't.
  2. Please make these edits: In the template content.product.php, there are two edits that are suspicious and may be causing the HTML to not display: Line 140: Yours: <dl class="tabs" data-tab data-options="deep_linking:true; scroll_to_content:false" style="display:none;"> Supposed to be: <dl class="tabs" data-tab data-options="scroll_to_content:false"> Line 152: Yours: <div class="tabs-content" style="display:none;"> Supposed to be: <div class="tabs-content"> I think by having added the display:none; the tab system is not displaying. Since a template has been edited, be sure to clear the cache (admin, Maintenance, Rebuild tab, Clear cache).
  3. If you have made no edits to the Foundation skin, then it would not hurt anything to delete and replace. Otherwise, no. I want to compare the version of the javascript files with what is suppose to be there.
  4. The product description is there, the HTML of the description's <div> container is just telling the browser to not display it. The Foundation javascript is adding display:none to all tabs (Description and Specification), but then is failing to remove it for that tab deemed 'active'. On you site, I am trying to determine what is preventing the description tab from informing the javascript that it is 'active'.
  5. I am seeing a bit of a disconnect: At one point, we have filter_conditions => abc and colour => blue, but later all we have is abc and blue. What is your solution to making sure that abc gets re-associated with filter_conditions and blue gets re-associated with colour? One solution is discreetness: all possible values for the filter_conditions key will never appear as a value for any other key. And all possible values for the colour key will never appear as a value for any other key. Next, we need to choose a delimiter for these values. I have seen the following syntax elsewhere: www.example.com/abc,blue,order-fulfillment.html www.example.com/order-fulfillment,abc,blue.html Commas are legal characters in a URL. So, the htaccess rewrite rule will give to CubeCart: seo_path=order-fullfillment,abc,blue Then, we split on commas and merge them into the $_GET array. Getting CubeCart to create these URLs shouldn't be too hard. Let me think about this.
  6. " for example test-with-parameters.html " Please give us a much better, concrete example.
  7. An unmodified search function will look in 'name', 'product_code', and 'description' for search terms. The search will also filter for manufacturer, price (retail, sale, and customer group prices), and stock_level. Enhancements can be made via plugins and code snippets.
  8. " I went from 6.1.4 to 6.1.5 " There were some changes to the javascript file. Your browser is probably using the cached file from CC614. Try to force your browser to fetch all new page resources. This is typically done with the CTRL-F5 keyboard shortcut.
  9. I see that you are using the eTone skin. This skin does not come with the BXSlider plugin. If you are running CC6, then you have the Foundation skin available. Find the file: /skins/foundation/js/vendor/jquery.bxslider.min.js Copy to the folder: /js/plugins/ Find the file: /skins/foundation/css/jquery.bxslider.css Copy to the folder: /js/styles/ I also do not find the following, so be sure to add it: In /skins/e-tone/templates/main.php, find near the bottom: <![endif]--> {/literal} {if $COOKIE_DIALOGUE} Change to: <![endif]--> <script> $('.bxslider').bxSlider({auto:true,captions:true}); </script> {/literal} {if $COOKIE_DIALOGUE} I now see that the files to have been copied over (JS and CSS) are where they are supposed to be. That leaves the edit to the template file. After having edited a template file, be sure to clear the cache (admin, Maintenance, Rebuild tab, Clear Cache).
  10. Ok, yes, it's offline. In order to see what may be going on, we will need to see the store online. One way to do this is to send me a PM with admin credentials. You can create a new admin with absolutely no permissions what-so-ever. But being a logged-in admin, the storefront will be viewable.
  11. So, it's still not working? May we have a web address? Maybe we can determine what may be the problem.
  12. Welcome Trudy! Glad to see you made it to the forum. Let's review a few things about BXSlider: In the skin template main.php, near the bottom, there should be at least this: <script src="{$STORE_URL}/skins/{$SKIN_FOLDER}/js/vendor/jquery.bxslider.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> Then, later in the code: <script> {literal} $('.bxslider').bxSlider({auto:true,captions:true}); {/literal} </script> Then, in your Homepage document (typical where the images are), there must be this: <ul class="bxslider"> Note the class value. Finally, make sure that the file exists where the <script src> tag says it is. If, for some reason, javascript crashes, then this slider effect may not start. So, we need to make sure of that.
  13. Collation is considered to be the subject of discussion in the context of properly sorting results. But in sorting, one needs to compare one letter against another. So, in comparing, one can also apply this to finding legitimate associations given certain rules. The task here is finding both letter cases when either is specified when the rule says to accept letter-case associations. The letter-case associations is called "case mappings". Unicode provides for that. http://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode4.0.0/ch05.pdf#G21180 Here is an interesting discussion: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/297703/how-do-you-set-strings-to-uppercase-lowercase-in-unicode Which prompts the question: does the implementation of Unicode by MySQL respect case mappings? Everything I read says, yes. I have no direct experience with this, but I can experiment.
  14. In your skin template content.product.php: Find: {if $SHARE} {foreach from=$SHARE item=html} {$html} {/foreach} {/if} In the same template, a bit further down: Find: {foreach from=$COMMENTS item=html} {$html} {/foreach} The SHARE is the array of HTML snippets that show the social media buttons, and the COMMENTS is the array of HTML snippets that show extractions of content from social media sources. Place these where you want them to show. Since you have edited a skin template, you may need to clear the cache (admin, Maintenance, Rebuild tab, Clear Cache).
  15. Here's the reason why this does not show expected results: the OM table is built by creating a row for every possible option combination. This is absolutely not how options are presented on the product page - regardless that there is only one option group (size). CubeCart must allow for having more than one option group (size, color, scent, etc). If Big/Red/Cherry is out of stock, Small/Red/Cherry and Big/Green/Cherry is still in stock. So the options to choose any size, any color, and any scent must always show the full complement of choices. Even if everything you have in Big is out of stock, even if you only have one option group, CubeCart is not programmed to deal with specifics at that level. That's not to say CubeCart can't have programming added to evaluate channel-voids in an n-dimensional matrix.
  16. CubeCart falls back to the "parent" product's (main) stock level if no matrix combination's stock level can be found. That is, using the Options Matrix table, one can specify a stock level and a "use stock level" for each row in the OM table. If any row from this table gives any kind of "yes, we have something" response, the product will be shown. For the product you have observed, you said "size out of stock is still listed", please explain that. Are you saying that this product has only "Size" as an option? Are there any Size rows in the OM table?
  17. I think that is suppose to be how it happens. Please verify: examine the schema of your database. For the CubeCart_inventory table, learn what the Collation for the table is set to. For a collation of "utf8_unicode_ci", the ci means "case insensitive" and should find any combination of the term's letters in upper or lower case. With later versions of MySQL, you can override the table setting and set individual columns to a specific collation.
  18. Welcome baksida! Glad to see you made it to the forums. Currently, CubeCart can easily make "on demand" reports available to external entities who send a special URL to request them. These are outward-bound "feeds". However, there is no simple and complete means within CubeCart for it to make a request to an outside entity for data of the type you are wanting. A plugin can be constructed, and the mechanism is available to generally make requests* to outside entities. * CubeCart does make requests to outside entities for current currency exchange rates, system version checks, and shipping rate requests.
  19. And when there is no admin_id in __SESSION, do you still see (hidden) out-of-stock items?
  20. To review, LIKE will find the given consecutive string of letters anywhere being searched. RLIKE will find that whole word. The search will not find anything less than the given consecutive string of letters. So, tales is what is given, and these might be in the results: sportales, tales, or talespinner. But not anything less such as barkstale.
  21. To supress this message, in /admin/sources/dashboard.index.inc.php: Near line 51, find: $GLOBALS['main']->setACPWarning(sprintf($lang['dashboard']['error_version'], CC_VERSION, $history[0]['version'])); Change to: // Database schema check:: $GLOBALS['main']->setACPWarning(sprintf($lang['dashboard']['error_version'], CC_VERSION, $history[0]['version'])); Near lines 95-96, find: ## Check current version if (!$GLOBALS['session']->has('version_check') && $request = new Request('www.cubecart.com', '/version-check/'.CC_VERSION)) { Change to: ## Check current version if (false && !$GLOBALS['session']->has('version_check') && $request = new Request('www.cubecart.com', '/version-check/'.CC_VERSION)) { The first change stops CubeCart from sending the message about the database not matching CubeCart's version to the error banner system. This change is probably not necessary as if the database is at CC614's schema, there wouldn't be an error message. The second change stops all the checking for new versions: of CubeCart and all the extensions installed.
  22. Please verify the following: In admin, Store Settings, Advanced tab, enable Debugging and enter your IP address in the adjacent field (www.whatismyip.com). Save. In the debug section, find __SESSION and the 'admin_id'. Note that the value is not zero. Logout of admin. View the storefront. In the debug section, verify that if there is an 'admin_id', it is zero.
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