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  1. I use CCv5, I have authorize.net through Linkpoint/Globalgatewaye4/Payez (they need to pick a name) I am noticing an issue where Some payments will show that the gateway was accessed via authorize, and it will not actually post payment into Linkpoint/Globalgatewaye4/Payez, when I spoke with them given the dates and times and amount that should have been posting, they say there is nothing on their end. No declines, No approval, No notice at all. I have gone through all the options that are in CC to see if there is a report of somekind explaining what is happening. Plain and simple. I am offering up services and not getting paid for it. This is a major problem. Has anyone else run into the same issue? Any fixes? Any clues at all? Im ripping my hair out here... and there is not much left.
  2. Hi Team, we are running digital shop on cubecart names https://hindikaraokeshop.com. so we didn't have any shipping method, for this we have installed one free shipping module in back-end and using free shipping but some of user is facing issue to place order. Cube cart is asking for shipping methods. i have attached screen shot for the same. if we will delete this customer and add him again so it will start working but in this case we will loose existing order and all old order so please suggest any solution without deleting this user. Please suggest any solution as soon as possible. Thanks
  3. This has been a drag and cant understand why we cant have a simple plugin where we can send a message to a single customer and have the message display in his profile. Also customer able to delete message after reading it. Something simple like from Admin CP find a User and have a box where we type info and it gets displayed in his profile. Is this hard to make?
  4. Hi is this normal or is there something that we can do to fix it, See attachment and thank you.
  5. All Cubecart stores are displaying the following error on the login page: Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50545 Library:50628 in /home/and21159/public_html/classes/db/mysqli.class.php on line 30 How do I fix this?
  6. Hi just a question? what is the code do display Availability : In Stock: This is sample that I used for Condition Ok found it its using {if $PRODUCT.stock_level} <strong>{$LANG.catalogue.condition}</strong> Thanks
  7. Installed and configured USPS module, got it set to USA but when I place a test order, I get the following: "Unfortunately there are no suitable shipping methods available for your order. This may be because the total weight of your order is too high or we cannot ship to your country. Please contact a member of our staff for any further inquiries." I've attached screengrabs for my configuration. My storefront is http://qm.sfi.org/index.php
  8. In all Cubecart 5 stores the newsfeed has either disappeared or turned into a long list?
  9. Hey Folks, This post is slightly irrelevant but let me post it anyway. With CubeCart 5 or 6 which point of sale or inventory tracking software do you use in your shop? If you aren't using anything how many of you would be interested to use a point of sale system that is integrated with your cubecart store. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
  10. Hi,I've just installed SSL on my site, and the ReCaptcha function now seems to have broken, telling me that it is the verification code is wrong.Any clue what could be wrong and how to fix this? I'm using version 5.2.1. Please help.Thanks!
  11. Hi again Well I can see Categories just fine only problem that I have is I cant edit or delete sub categories. I cant find them, any help on what to do or to add some code to get them to pop
  12. Where can I see the system requirements for each version of CubeCart. I am particularly interested if Cubecart 5.2.17 will run on PHP 5.5?
  13. Hey just a question,, Where can I find the file so I can edit the text in the picture. I did look in templates but couldnt find it. I want to change the reason so only Registered users can use check out.
  14. Hi, I would like all instances of the words All in one Shipping and PayPal Pro to be removed from admin, order details,etc.., and on all email templates. PayPal Pro can be renamed to something like Credit Card if need be. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Claudia
  15. CC is sending us multiple/ duplicate order confirmation emails - it's sparse / random - most orders are fine - don't see any pattern - started out as two with an order, and today we got the first order with three duplicates. Started after upgrading to CC 5. Doesn't cause any real problems beyond the extra email. It's like maybe the customer is back clicking and hitting submit button again
  16. This is important as I have lots of customers from England. Is there a way to set up so if someone is from another country shipping will be changed based on their location instead of charging only 5.00 for flat rate to all. To send a flat rate from USA is 25.00
  17. I have set up my contact me form and using simple Gmail email to test and no email has been received. I do get the green box saying Thank you for your message, a member of staff will reply to your email shortly.. Also test with Newsletter got 100% complete but email never received. Thanks and hope some 1 could help CubeCart Version5.2.17
  18. I would like to have a currency dropdown in the lower right hand side of my logo header. Also, is it possible to add the currency selected to the amount. Say if the site is in USD then the price would show 49.50USD so the customer would always know which currency they were operating in. I am in Canada, but 90% of my customer base is in the US. See image for clarification
  19. I use the Karuto skin and the only thing that shows on the mobile site are the categories. No images at all, the banner is still Cubecart mobile. No products, shown in any categories. I have made quite a few changes to pages and all my products have a lot of options. Could this be the reason. I have mobile site activated in my settings. Are there things I am supposed to do that I am not doing? Jill ccv5
  20. I would like to move the search to the right side boxes instead of in the top of the template. I thought there would be tons of requests for this but I only found one and it was for cc6. Tried it anyway but didn't work. Jill
  21. I thought it was time to upgrade my logo so I designed a new one and replaced the old one. But it isn't going into the box properly. Been a long time since I put in my previous logo, so maybe I am doing something wrong. As you can see, its low and to the right. How do I get it to fit into the box? Ideally I would like the image to go right to the top, over the dark blue bar and then elimiate the top bars that extend from the left and right of the logo. I know its New Year's Eve, so I won't hold my breath. Have fun and Happy New Year.! Jill ccv5
  22. Periodically when I go to save a change, or save and reload, instead of saving then taking me back to the products page or the product I am working on, I get sent to the dashboard without any of my changes being saved. It has always done this, more of a nuisance than anything, but now I have to add a lot of prices in the attributes, and doing a whole pile just to have them not saved it getting to me. Anyone else experience this glitch on 5.2.16? Jill cc5.2.16
  23. I have been adding some new products and they have a variety of options. Trouble is, the options show up in a random order. I checked out this thread: https://forums.cubecart.com/topic/44913-sorting-product-options/ but the changes suggested there didn't help at all. Any new way to get Cubecart to sort my options in a specific order? Jill ccv5
  24. I am having some trouble with the upgrade process. I downloaded CubeCart v6.0.8, extracted it, and uploaded the files over my existing ones (after creating a backup, of course). But when I browse to my stores /setup folder, the only option to upgrade is to version 5.2.12 (this is my current version) NOT to v6. Please advise accordingly. Thanks.
  25. I just rolled a store back to a version from a month ago and received the following message. ----- Restore Log from files_5.2.17_08Nov15-161606.zip (09 Dec 2015 - 15:14:23) ----- includes/global.inc.php - Extract Status: write_protected ------------------------------ Is this something I should be concerned about?
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