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  1. I am evaluating CubeCart (v6.0.5) for use as a shop within our charity website, I am very impressed with the main functionality & ease of use. I would be grateful for some clarification and/or advice as the site will need to be able to sell T-Shirts & Running Vests of various sizes. Firstly, I have used the product options to create a dropdown list of the different products sizes (S,M,L,XL) which gives me different price & weight options in the admin area, however, I cannot seem to find how to set or manage different stock levels for each size option. Have I missed something or is this facility not available at this time? Secondly, if a customer selects to purchase the product from the product summary page (Add to Cart) then it by-passes the product detail page with the size select dropdown so a size is not set, is there a way to make this a mandatory field that is prompted for whenever the item is ordered? Many thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.
  2. So, I upgraded to version 6.0.6. I don't see much significant change in performance. May be this will be visible when the volumes are really high. However, the processing time when changing the order status from Pending to Processing is significantly high ~4-5 Seconds. Is it due to the synchronous email sending function or does the db query require some optimization? If it is so on a local machine then it could be a put-off when running over a hosting platform. I am on Linux with 4GB RAM and 1.7Ghz dual-core processor, running Firefox.
  3. I tried UPDATE `CubeCart_inventory` SET description_short=seo_meta_description but it did not work. I use long detailed descriptions on our estates collectibles, but I already have a fairly short meta description. I would like to copy the meta description to the short description. I'll still want to do some editing to short, but it will be easier if I have a starting point with the meta description.
  4. Hi - we've just set up a new store but are getting an error when testing the email. All settings confirmed as correct & the email works using the same settings in an email client. Has anyone any clues what may be the issue please?
  5. I wanted a longer description which appears underneath the product title in the catalogue list view. In templates/content.category.php I found this around line 94 which appears to be the line which gives us the short description under the title in list view {$product.description_short|strip_tags:true}but I can't find where the value is specified to give the character length for the $product.description_short so instead I've changed the line of code to this: {$product.description|truncate:125:"…"|strip_tags:true}this does work but I wanted a] to be sure I've not done something that breaks coding elsewhere, which it doesn't seem to have done, and b] is there somewhere obvious I've missed where I can change or add a value to specify the .description_short length?
  6. Is this a bug? Steps to reproduce: Skin: Kurouto 1. Do some shopping 2. View Basket (from basket summary) 3. Checkout and Make dummy payment (I used Paypal credit card mode with dummy numbers and it returned as transaction failed) 4. Select home page or check basket 5. The basket is not emptied after the transaction (rightly so because the payment has not gone thru and has returned an error) 6. Check Admin console 'Orders' section - the order gets registered as "pending" (order is being recorded in the database, which I think is wrong) What should ideally happen: a. The order should not get updated in the database (as the payment has returned an error) OR b. The basket should now be shown as EMPTY and retain the earlier order details.
  7. Is there any way to change all buttons in Foundation to rounded, without having to edit every file with a button individually? I'm not even sure I would like it, but would love to try it and be able to easily revert if I don't like it.
  8. Hi, Is there a standard format for the product catalogue? Where can I find the structure for the same? Does it cover all the fields including long & short descriptions? What about images?
  9. Cannot figure out why the connection to the smtp server is failing when configuring the email. I am on Ubuntu/Apache. This worked beautifully on windows. Am I missing a library or something? SMTP -> FROM SERVER: CLIENT -> SMTP: EHLO www.mydomain.com SMTP -> FROM SERVER: SMTP -> ERROR: EHLO command failed: SMTP -> NOTICE: EOF caught while checking if connected SMTP connect() failed. [[RESOLVED!]]
  10. The following are code changes to a skin template and the common javascript that all CC5 skins use. This gives the same functionality as the CC6 Foundation skin. This requires CC6. CC6 makes new features and functions available to the skin and, while CC6 can use CubeCart's CC5 skins, the skin must be coded to display these new features and functions. Foundation is coded as such, but CubeCart's CC5 skins have yet to be updated. (I am intentionally not mentioning any third-party CC5 skin as I haven't had much exposure to their inner workings.) The Dynamic Price Update simply gathers the option price differential amounts, and sums the total into the product's base price. This amount is ajax'd to CubeCart where this value is run through the currency stringy-thingy. That is, a hidden 1234.56 is sent out and comes back properly formatted for the currency/locale being used. Some CubeCart users have expressed a desire to have the display of prices be just a bit more complete, such as having the option selector show the final total product price within the selector mechanism. These edits do not do that. (I am not saying it cannot be done. But when it is, dynamic stock levels and out-of-stock indicators can also be dynamically updated.) The following edits have been developed against the CC5 skin Kurouto. These same edits should be applicable to any other CC5 skin. In the CC5 skin template file content.product.php: Find: {foreach from=$option.values item=value} <option value="{$value.assign_id}">{$value.value_name}{if $value.price} ({$value.symbol}{$value.price}){/if}</option> {/foreach} Change to: {foreach from=$option.values item=value} <option value="{$value.assign_id}" data-price="{$value.decimal_price}" >{$value.value_name}{if $value.price} ({$value.symbol}{$value.price}){/if}</option> {/foreach} Find: {if $option.type == '1'} <input type="text" name="productOptions[{$option.option_id}][{$OPT.assign_id}]" id="option_{$option.option_id}" class="textbox {if $option.required}required{/if}" /> {elseif $option.type == '2'} <textarea name="productOptions[{$option.option_id}][{$OPT.assign_id}]" id="option_{$option.option_id}" class="textbox {if $option.required}required{/if}"></textarea> {/if} Change to: {if $option.type == '1'} <input data-price="{$option.decimal_price}" type="text" name="productOptions[{$option.option_id}][{$OPT.assign_id}]" id="option_{$option.option_id}" class="textbox {if $option.required}required{/if}" /> {elseif $option.type == '2'} <textarea data-price="{$option.decimal_price}" name="productOptions[{$option.option_id}][{$OPT.assign_id}]" id="option_{$option.option_id}" class="textbox {if $option.required}required{/if}"></textarea> {/if} Find (maybe near the top of the file): {if $PRODUCT.ctrl_sale} <h1><span class="price_previous">{$PRODUCT.price}</span> <span class="price_sale">{$PRODUCT.sale_price}</span></h1> {else} <h1>{$PRODUCT.price}</h1> {/if} Change to: {if $PRODUCT.ctrl_sale} <h1><span class="price_previous" id="fbp" data-price="{$PRODUCT.full_base_price}" >{$PRODUCT.price}</span> <span class="price_sale" id="ptp" data-price="$PRODUCT.price_to_pay}" >{$PRODUCT.sale_price}</span></h1> {else} <h1 id="ptp" data-price="{$PRODUCT.price_to_pay}" >{$PRODUCT.price}</h1> {/if} Find (at the top): <form action="{$VAL_SELF}" method="post" class="addForm"> Change to: <form action="{$VAL_SELF}" method="post" class="addForm add_to_basket">In /js/common.js: Find (maybe near line 430): }); var new_option = 0; function updateStriping(element) { Change to: // NEW if($('#ptp').length > 0 && $('[name^=productOptions]').length > 0) { price_inc_options(); $("[name^=productOptions]").change(function() { price_inc_options(); }); } // FIN }); // NEW function price_inc_options() { var action = $('form.add_to_basket').attr('action'); var total = 0; var ptp = parseFloat($('#ptp').attr("data-price")); var fbp = parseFloat($('#fbp').attr("data-price")); var ptp_original = ptp; var fbp_original = fbp; var parts = action.split("?"); if (parts.length > 1) { action += "&"; } else { action += "?"; } action += '_g=ajax_price_format&price[0]='; $("[name^=productOptions]").each(function () { if($(this).is('input:radio') && $(this).is(':checked')) { total += parseFloat($(this).attr("data-price")); } else if ($(this).is('select') && $(this).val()) { total += parseFloat($(this).find("option:selected").attr("data-price")); } else if (($(this).is('textarea') || $(this).is('input:text')) && $(this).val() !== '') { total += parseFloat($(this).attr("data-price")); } }); ptp += total; if($('#fbp').length > 0) { fbp += total; $.ajax({ url: action + ptp + '&price[1]='+ fbp, cache: true, complete: function(returned) { var prices = $.parseJSON(returned.responseText); $('#ptp').html(prices[0]); $('#fbp').html(prices[1]); } }); } else { $.ajax({ url: action + ptp, cache: true, complete: function(returned) { var prices = $.parseJSON(returned.responseText); $('#ptp').html(prices[0]); } }); } } // FIN var new_option = 0; function updateStriping(element) {
  11. Hello and Good Day! I can remove all references to CubeCart in the system and create a registration system for getting online stores in subdomains and getting paid for it? Your licence allow this? I am developer and I need understand if is legal and you allow this. Thank You.
  12. One of my test shipping addresses is to Canada. Just noticed that there us an extra s/h price choice on Checkout that only shows my handling charge. It has NO shipping choice name by it. Here's part of the Request Log: I know USPS has changed to Zone charges for US to CA. I tried the same address on the Calculate a Price page of usps.com, and it asks for the From and To Zip codes for Canada now. Here's the screenshot of this odd Checkout:
  13. New version 1.1.1 of USPS plugin now available in Extension Marketplace!! https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/shipping-methods/united-states-postal-service-usps
  14. Twice today I cloned an existing product that DID have a manufacturer to create a product that did NOT have a known manufacturer. Everything worked as expected, except nothing I did would save the NONE as manufacturer. It continued to revert to the manufacturer from the cloned item. I had to go to phpMyAdmin to change the manufacturer code back to zero in the inventory table. Could someone please test this in your store to see if this is a bug or not? If it is a bug, I wonder how far back it's been there...
  15. I have am just looking at implement a Store on my website and I like the look of CubeCart but I am having some issues. I have installed 6.0.5 twice now in two different folders just to ensure this is not an install issue! The problem is with adding Option Attributes. I have created an Option Group called Size and am trying to add Option Attributes for Small, Medium, Large, etc. So I go to Option Attributes and select the only Option Group in the dropdown, enter the Attribute Name and click on Save, it comes back and says the Option Group has been successfully updated but no Option Attributes are shown. Nothing in the error logs (with debugging enabled) and no records created in the CubeCart_option_value table either. Is this a bug in this version or am I missing a step somewhere to make this work? Thanks, Adam
  16. ♦Royal Mail uses a different list of country names to anyone else, but only has 4 world pricing zones and a reasonable set of weights, so a template could help a shopkeeper set prices for different weights to different countries. ♦Royal Mail has cheap & green prices like £2.80 2nd class 2kg UK-to-UK, small parcels size, proof of posting included. No tracking. ♦Royal Mail has a confusing & changing list of services, but only a few that each vendor would use often, so a base to get started would help. ♦Royal Mail has not realised that they'd make more money if they wrote free plugins for shopping cart companies. As CC and some of the users are based in the UK, anyone could ask an MP to forward a letter to Royal Mail asking for something reasonable. I don't know if there would be a reply but it's free via writetothemcom. ♦Royal Mail's size constraints for international postage are obscure while they have I think 4 of them for UK-to-UK, The way they publish changes of price are obscure to me although other people probably understand and I've never been caught-out. If you are a small-scale UK shopkeeper using their published price list for parcels dropped-off at a post office, you can probably cope with their occasional price changes or unclear pricing. You might even want an addon that prints out a Drop And Go sheet for each batch that you take to the post office. If anyone could write a "getting started with Royal Mail" plugin that lists their 4 world zones automatically that would be great. Maybe it could list prices for a given parcel size and warn users that anyone who has different-sized parcels or wants a different service needs to edit the plugin, and that shopkeepers need to keep track of price changes.
  17. What is the recommended image size for the following: 1. Product image 2. Scrolling Banner 3. Site Logo
  18. Currently, i have a module, but i can't create package to upload to CubeCart market.Can you give me instructions about this?
  19. Hi. I am a new Cubecart user, and not much of a code adjuster. I am looking for a way to keep my main page fresh rather than having the "latest products" showing. This is of course fine while I am adding products, but I would rather have a mix of items showing. I am aware I can somewhat do this by controlling the products that have "latest" ticked, but have already run into the problem of not being able to isolate easily from admin which products have currently got "latest" ticked. So my questions are... First of all is there an easy way to search for products in my shop that are currently ticked as "latest products" so I can untick some of them?. I have come across "fusion" being mentioned a few times on the forum, but also understand it is no longer available for download. I also understand this plugin may have been able to give me the functionality I am looking for. So my second question ....Is there another way I could have a mix of "latest products, featured product and sale items showing in the main content? I am using a slightly modified version of the Foundation skin. My website is https://knicknacs.com.au Thanks in advance
  20. How can I create a scrolling section - e.g. auto-scrolling list of latest products etc? Would that be skin specific? Also, how can I create a changing banner - which changes images at frequent intervals? My preferred skins are Kurouto and Mican.
  21. So obviously there will be competitors and there are already a number of options around for online stores. However, the general perception is that CC is a bit outdated (as I was told by a few online consultants I checked with). Having said that, I checked out a few stores such as CS-Cart and Magento. Yet I keep coming back to CC due to my comfort level with its customization (though CS-Cart is very, very close). Currently my installs are on my local machine and once the entire store is properly configured, I will port the files, folders and data to the target hosting platform (to be finalized between A2Hosting & Avrixe). Hence, a few critical questions now arise (in light of the existing range of options available): 1. What are the number of products which CC will be able to sustain? I am looking at around 500-1000 digital products, 2000+ physical products each having around 3 images on an average. 2. What number of concurrent users can CC sustain; the load that it can bear and the number of concurrent and mutually exclusive transactions which it can effortlessly carry out? 3. What is the current version viz. CC6's stability & robustness index on a scale of 0 - 100? 4. What is the frequency of upgrades/updates for CC6? Does it require the store to be shutdown and reconfigured after each upgrade/update (w.e.f CC6)?
  22. Hello All!!! I would like to make some changes on my homepage layout. I use Vector skin with Fusion framework. Is there anyway to do it. Thanks,
  23. I would like for medium to have 2 columns grid view, instead of 3, OR use list view for small and medium (whichever is simpler to code). Grid works fine for large. How do I modify content.category.php?
  24. In CC6, Foundation skin, I wish to reduce the font size of titles of doc pages. They are way too big! I can locate .css but not sure which H1, H2 tag to edit. I'm new so, any help much appreciated. Thx
  25. For some reason, the policy documents are not opening in my Linux environment. They were opening in the windows (WAMP) environment quite fine. Any clue? Ref. links to About Us, Terms & Conditions, Return Policy etc. The requested URL /linking-policy.html was not found on this server. The requested URL /login.html was not found on this server. Does it have something to do with the SEO settings? Also, upon executing Maintenance, an error pops up - "Failed to Build Sitemap". Now, I have set permissions for all the folders and sub-folders + files to rwx-rwx-rwx to make sure everything runs here. Any specific folder permissions which I need to undo or reset?
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