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Please check that the defined shipping method is suitable


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Hi fellow Cubecarters,


I still find that during checkout Cubecart insists on asking the next question twice:


'Please check that the defined shipping method is suitable'


It's probably been said before, but I am still looking for a resolve to this as customers generally think they have missed somthing and just dont get it. Frankly nor do I - it causes confusion and ultimatley shakes confidence. In my opnion it probably results in a loss of sales. Not good.


I'm running 5.2.2 has this been resolved in the upgrade?




Thanks in advance.



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Hi Al,

Thanks for responding. I not sure how this applies to my cart? I see the sense in reevaluating a shipping cost which happens automatically based on the variations to the contents of a basket. But I'm not sure 'in my case' that reevaluating the shipping method from one page to the next is ideal.


This is how I see it:

The option to define a shipping method exists on the basket page.

The customer then proceeds to the checkout page, fills in his/her details and is presented for the second time with a drop down clearly highlighting the preferred shipping method as you would expect. Fine.

They then click 'checkout' and get a big red warning banner asking them to check the shipping method. This is the point when a customer then thinks well i've checked this twice already what am I doing wrong?

Maybe you are referring to another scenario that I haven't quite understood wherby having this rechecking is essential, but for the straight forward checkout process I am describing above I think it only adds confusion?


Many thanks

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While I agree that a recheck of shipping is needed in certain circumstances, I also agree that this functionality quite often causes problems and frustration - it is probably the number one complaint we get from our clients as they believe that it costs a lot of sales as their customers get fed up and abandon carts.  A case in point is where only a single shipping option is presented to the customer, either because store owners use a fixed fee per order or where the combination of factors limits the choice of shipping options to only one - even in this case the customer is asked to check that the shipping is correct !




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Hi Bsmither,


Thanks for responding. This does resolve the problem of having the shipping checked twice but one of the aspects of Cubecart that I particularly think is useful is the fact that a customer can check the cost of shipment at any stage of their visit without going through and completing all of their details. Not all shopping carts offer this and it's a good thing!


Shipping costs are a major factor when deciding whether or not to proceed with a purchase. Or at least in our case we are a clothing retailer and shipping costs can be competitive.


So if I am understanding the thread correctly with this fix I essentially loose the ability to check my shipping costs without filling out my full details?

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Thanks Al I appreciate that and look forward to any improvements you and the team can come up with. In the event that you come up with a something soonish, It would be ideal if there were a way of posting a fix here before implementation into the next upgrade so that we could benefit from it as soon as possible?


Thanks again.

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"I think useful is that a customer can check the cost of shipment at any stage of their visit."


Please realize that for shipping gateways that connect to commercial carriers (USPS, UPS, Fedex, etc), until they have a customer's delivery address, the initial estimate is based on shipping a package from your store, to your store.


"With this [edit] I essentially lose the ability to check my shipping costs without filling out my full details?"


Estimated commercial shipping costs are not calculated until a delivery address is confirmed. Of course, whether this is of benefit to you and your customers (by removing this potentially misleading, sometimes redundant step) is answered by the business practices you choose to implement.

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There was a V4 mod that requested shipping country (and county / state or postcode if that affected the shipping costs) - maybe something like that could be added to core ?


As a customer, I'm more inclined to buy from places I'm not familiar with where I can get the s/h charge BEFORE I commit to buy or have to Register. This sounds like a great way to handle it to me.

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Thanks guys,


Indeed I agree this is very much tied into the shipping system you are working with. We use one carrier so it's quite straight forward using the All in one Shipping option. Here in the UK its pretty uncomplicated as Royal Mail distances are zoned and zones and weight are predefined in the All in One Module. Within the UK internal shipping distances don't matter only weight and parcel size.


This would probably not be the case if I were using a commercial carrier as Bsmither points out without providing the shipping details first. Where does that leave us?

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