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  2. We are offering a 14 day free trial on all web hosting plans including free migration from your existing web host. We'll even upgrade your store to the latest version at no extra cost! Our hosting is specially optimised for CubeCart stores which include; lightening fast dedicated memory caching. elasticsearch for search as you type functionality. the best CubeCart technical support direct from our developers. No more hosting middle man! Come and give us a try. Sign up now at https://hosted.cubecart.com
  3. Stock on hand is updated on processing. The duplicate orders are for items where we have more than one available, so the customer can return and immediately buy another. Otherwise, the customer would not be able to buy because no stock remaining - we have had customers say that they tried though. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE just put a workaround in place to stop people from placing a second duplicate order. This is only an issue with PayPal Commerce. (swearing removed)
  4. Anything unusual about how you manage stock or anything. We had about 10 stores reporting this problem but they are all resolved since the updates. This is now the only known case. Something different must be happening.
  5. Another duplicate PayPal order today that had to be refunded. I'd be happy with any workaround that stops a customer from duplicating their order within a few seconds (6 seconds this time). Anything that will stop having to refund orders and just suck up the PayPal fee every time. This is costing money, and the problem was flagged 6 months ago.
  6. Last week
  7. Not sure why but now it's showing as 3 decimal. Must have been the Northern Lights phenomenon
  8. In CubeCart6.1.9, the number of decimal places for the weight detail in the internal basket array, and the database details of the product, the option, the AIOS shipping rates, and the order summary was increased from 3 to 4. And there is nothing about the CBurst skin that would affect the number of decimal places to show. This should get you down to tenths of grams. (Add/Edit Product, Product Weight, the value entered here should be in kg or lb depending on the store's default weight unit.) "All my products use the full 3 decimal places...shows only 2 decimal places" Please enable debugging which will show what the individual product weights and basket total weights actually are. In admin, Store Settings, Advanced tab, "Enable Debugging" is 'Enabled'. In the next field, enter your IP address (www.showmyip.com). Save and have CubeCart clear its internal cache. View the storefront. Below the page contents (or might be a popup depending on the version of CubeCart in use) will be a section called SESSION:. The 'product_weight' is not formatted, but 'weight' should be. How many decimal places are shown?
  9. How can I add the extra decimal place to the weight shown to the customer in checkout, currently it shows only 2 decimal places: Basket Weight: 0.02kg but this can mean anything between 0.200kg to 0.299kg. All my products use the full 3 decimal places for product weights ie: 65g is 0.065 and it would be handy for customers to be able to see during checkout they can still add further products to their order without going over Royal Mail weight bands, 100g, 250g, 500g, 750g.
  10. how would i correct it to where nc is the only state with tax
  11. It seems you are trying to add a new tax rule that has these same details as an existing tax rule. Tax Class: (probably) Standard Rate Tax Detail: (something entered on the Tax Details tab) Country: United States State: North Carolina The table INDEX named 'tax_id' covers these actual table columns in CubeCart_tax_rates: 'type_id', 'details_id', 'country_id', and 'county_id' - which this combination of values must be unique. If you are actually NOT trying to add new rules when this error gets logged, then something may be wrong with the code.
  12. If you go to Maintenance | Rebuild and scroll to the bottom, you can check Rebuild Sitemap and click submit. Unfortunately, you have to do that every time you make a change.
  13. what does this mean im gettting a ton of red flag warnings File: [settings.tax.inc.php] Line: [126] "INSERT INTO `cc0d_CubeCart_tax_rates` (`type_id`,`details_id`,`country_id`,`county_id`,`tax_percent`,`goods`,`shipping`,`active`) VALUES ('1','1','840','44','6.75','1','0','1');" - Duplicate entry '1-1-840-44' for key 'type_id' Notice Error - These are unlikely to cause operatinal problems and can be thought of as best practice recommendations. Action is not required. Warning Error - These are unlikely to cause operational problems now but there is a problem, one that is likely to cause bigger issues in the future. Action is recommended. Parse Error - These are caused by misused or missing symbols in a syntax. Action is required. Fatal Error - These are are classified as critical errors. Action is required. Exception Error - These are are classified as critical errors. Action is required.
  14. i tried submitting a site map to google and it camae back with not able to grab sitemap in html and it was jiberish on the data i have the latest version
  15. I don't think you'll find a free one. I've looked myself and failed to find one.
  16. im trying to look for a free live chat feature but everyone charges monthly fee and im also trying to find a reward points but cannot afford i was hoping to find better options in the free modules im also looking for a Related or customers bought module and is there better seo capabilities being thought of google is having a time indexing the site i need a sitemap
  17. This article on how to build a social media platform from scratch is a must-read for anyone venturing into the digital realm of social networking platforms. With detailed insights and practical guidance, it offers invaluable information on the essential steps and considerations involved in developing a successful social media site. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or a budding developer, this comprehensive guide provides a roadmap to navigate the complexities of building a vibrant online community. I highly recommend checking out this article to gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies involved in creating your own social media website.
  18. This feature is standard. The list of found products is sent to the skin template and is displayed during 'View Basket' and 'Checkout' (Foundation has the code to display it, other skins might not). When preparing for the display of the 'View Basket' and 'Checkout' pages, CubeCart examines the shopping cart's current contents. Then, a database query is made to fetch up to the 30 most recent previous orders that sold any of these products. From that list, up to five are selected to be displayed.
  19. Where do I find that customers bought this
  20. The "Customers who bought this also bought…" feature is standard in CubeCart6. There are live help and affiliate trackers in the Marketplace (I do not know how they work). ProProfs Chat look interesting.
  21. Earlier
  22. I need help in a few things is there a mod that van be done for reward points and also the free forever live chat software that works fine and I would like to see a mod that has customers also purchased this feature . Is this possible cause I need to make the site better I use to be cubecart back in 2006 I started selling online but back then I had to pay for a license I think it was 69.00 also back then we had a affiliate mod is that still available for a mod to add . I look at the free mods and it does not show much so I'm reaching out to u on this the live help feature I would like to get is the proprofs chat they have a one person operaterion that is free it comes with chatbot as well for free for 1 operator that is the one I need so if that is possible to get please let me know thank u
  23. thanks, hopefully something will come of the feature request. Maybe to expand on my initial query: could one set up (or are there already?) different variables in CC for default currency in which the prices are defined, and the default currency in which the store displays? I presume these two are the same by definition - ie. one cannot set the prices in Aus$ by default (so as to be able to use PayPal checkout) while at the same time have the default displayed prices in eg ZAR? regards it is messy when you have to deal with payments that have limitations and countries that have payment type restrictions.
  24. Yes, that is surprising, if I had encountered that problem on a website, I would've reported it to the admin, but maybe that's just me! Anyway, resolved so all okay
  25. I posted a Feature Request in the Github for this. There is already the feature to include the chosen language in the customer record. https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/1519
  26. "and almost from the start with the e-sharp skin" That thought did come to mind. Why did it take so long for someone to let you know? (However, there are those I know that simply give up, and sometimes take it personally(!?), when a web page becomes too difficult to read or too onerous to fill out forms.)
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