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Al Brookbanks

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Everything posted by Al Brookbanks

  1. Please try a hard refresh or clear your temp internet files.
  2. The auto upgrader should check the integrity of the files after upgrade to make sure they are latest and if not compile and error report. It sounds like it worked ok.
  3. Manual upgrade should be more reliable.
  4. The auto upgrade may skip renaming the admin.php and admin folder. You can rename the admin folder and admin.php file (keeping .php on the end) manually then edit the includes/global.inc.php file to reflect the changes. Do you still have the smarty error? If so please try deleting all files in the /cache folder.
  5. Please follow stage one of this https://support.cubecart.com/Knowledgebase/Article/View/202/46/how-do-i-create-a-custom-skin-or-template You can then upgrade and the customisations won't get overwritten.
  6. The cookie domain was bad but still validated in order for it to be used. This caused a session fail.
  7. We are excited to announce the release of CubeCart 6.1.0 which comes with a number of great new features. What's New? Dashboard notifications for extension updates (see upgrade notes). Font Awesome replaced with SVG in Foundation skin for optimisation with smaller page loads (up to 107KB smaller). SVG support for logo. Redis cache support. Automatic admin folder/file renaming on install for improved security (see upgrade notes). Automated admin file and folder renaming after auto/forced upgrade based on config values. Store email log with preview of rich and plain text version. Log retention (default 30 days). Reviews can be added via admin control panel. "Available for purchase" field added to import tool. Free shipping option for coupon codes. Smarty template engine updated to 3.1.30. Email content and template syntax validation on save. Improvements to front end catalogue search for partial word matches. Improvements to mail()/SMTP test tool. Unsettled orders tab improvements on dashboard for print, bulk print and status change. Merchants can now specify featured products. Bulk price update tool now includes quantity discounts and product options. Bulk product assign to category tool improved. Bulk price change tool separated from "assign to category" tool. "More" pagination memory on browser back button on front end of "Foundation" skin. Improved admin control panel file manager with drag and drop image uploads (powered by DropzoneJS). Misc bug fixes & tweaks. Upgrade Notes Upgrading may (depending on write permissions) give you a new random admin login URL which is designed to enhance security. This has been developed to help prevent unwanted attention. Please make a note of this new path which will be shown under large bold red text on the final step of upgrade and update your bookmarks. If you do not see this message the admin login URL will remain as it did before. If you didn't see this message and the old admin login no longer loads the expected login page please check the included/global.inc.php file for the "adminFile" value and substitute this instead of the admin.php part of your old bookmark. Notifications for extension updates will only occur once the store is at 6.1.0 and once existing extensions have been reinstalled via token method.
  8. I experienced connectivity issues trying to commit to GitHub yesterday.
  9. I expect it's a "title" tag and not an "alt" tag. You'd need to check the HTML source and Foundation JavaScript to try and find where it is generated and remove it. This turns out to be an easy one.. Just remove the title tags from the anchor links in this document: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/blob/master/skins/foundation/templates/box.navigation.php
  10. Thanks James. Over the years it's always been a constant battle getting CubeCart 100% compatible with a billion and one different hosting configurations. More often than not having a Windows server caused the majority of problems. This is why we push for Linux over it. We don't test CubeCart on windows WAMP or WIMP (IIS) setups.
  11. The database name could be made lowercase and the database class could change any requests to be lowercase. Saying this is the database collation is case insensitive it shouldn't make a difference anyway.
  12. Sadly due to all the 3rd party addons that have coded around the current naming convention I don't think this can be done. Another thing I just noticed is that your database has "latin1_general_ci" encoding. It should be really "utf8_unicode_ci". I just had a look at your database on 1and1.com and see the table names are lowercase again!? The shop seems to be working. "_ci" at the end of the database encoding means "case insensitive". With this in mind the table name cases shouldn't matter with any encoding ending with "_ci" at the end.
  13. I don't think changing the case of the table name in the CubeCart code is a good plan. I would use virtual hosts on one Linux environment but there is no hard and fast rule..
  14. I see. This issue has come up a few times over the years. Maybe the very best option is to use a Linux virtual machine with VirtualBox https://www.virtualbox.org. It's totally free.
  15. I don't think you have done anything wrong. I believe that when you export from XAMPP the table names get malformed. There may be a MySQL setting or database collation that can be used to stop this happening in the future. Have a look at this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6248735/how-to-force-case-sensitive-table-names
  16. This issue has been resolved internally. The database had incorrect case on table names (probably having come off a Windows box). Once the case on the table names were fixed it worked fine. For example: `cc_cubecart_config` was changed to: `cc_CubeCart_config` This issue does come up a lot and it is always due to a config error or database corruption.
  17. Cool. That looks loads better.
  18. From memory I think its the gallery section.
  19. Great work Phillip!! Please you stuck with CubeCart and its great having you in the community. The store looks great but maybe the gallery thumbnails need to be made bigger. http://www.elvis-online.co.uk/shoponline/catherine-cookson-bundle.html You can do this if you want to by editing the skins/e-sharp/config.xml file then clearing the cache in the maintenance section of the admin control panel.
  20. On this list #1 is done and #3 is done ready for the 6.1 release see issue #1243.
  21. Thanks all. This was a long time coming eigh? I have updated the USPS integration to reflect the name name change.
  22. Yes thanks I've got a list of quite a few changes I want to make over the next couple of weeks.
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