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Everything posted by keat

  1. I have a Nexus7 with a custom rom and custom kernel, in a car build, hooked up to a SSD, and a few other USB devices. Despite the kernel being able to, I've never been able to get it to mount the SSD, so I've been using StickMount app, it works, but it's flakey. I discovered last week, that the reason the kernel wont mount of it's own accord, is that Windows creates a hidden partition. Of course Windows is where I built the partition. The drive is formatted exFat. Using a Linux app, I deleted the hidden partition and now Android can see it, the data on there and it finally works as expected. Yay The problem is, everytime the tablet wakes up, is removed from the dock, the the ignition is recycled or the car cranked, the tablet loses the drive, which results in some sort of initialisiation routine when it comes back up. This takes about 30-50 seconds. (i'm utilising .nomedia files) Last night (using a spare HDD), I experimanted with an NTFS partition. Low and behold, the NTFS partition doesn't go through the same drive scanning routine. The LED blinks once, takes 2 seconds, the drive is mounted and ready to go. I think it's unlikely to the difference between the two drives, the exFat drive is an SSD, the NTFS is an old mechanical drive out of a laptop. I don't understand why NTFS is instant and exFat takes 30+ seconds, and can't seem to find an answer. Especially when everywhere I've read suggests using exFat
  2. Not Cubecart related. I've scoured the net for 3 days trying to find a solution to a problem, I can't find the answer anywhere, even joined a forum to ask but no luck. Then last night I stumbled on the answer through trial and error. Does anyone know anything about Android, NTFS, exFat and SSD drives.
  3. enable debugging, lets see if i generates a debug error. maybe also create a file ini-custom.inc.php in the root of your store and poulate it with the following code. <?php # Custom initialization commands # Filename: ini-custom.inc.php # File location: main CubeCart folder ini_set('memory_limit', '256M'); ini_set('max_execution_time', '60'); ini_set('error_log', 'error_log'); ini_set('log_errors', 'on'); ?> This should create an error.log file in the root of your store, which may also give some clues.
  4. I'm back on lockdown, thanks for taking the extensive time. We learned something at least.
  5. i can't see why not, i'll PM you some details.
  6. I've been running the query whilst in the actual database, and not from the root of PHPMyAdmin. I had to modify the above query slightly to get it to run (remove the cc6_ prefix), nothing much changed, still took 13 seconds or more, and 'explain' didn't look any different. Thinking that maybe I ought to be running in the root of PHPMyAdmin, i readded the dbsname_cc6_ prefix, but then got the following error. 3 errors were found during analysis. Unrecognized keyword. (near "FORCE" at position 298) Unrecognized keyword. (near "INDEX" at position 304) Unrecognized keyword. (near "FOR" at position 310)
  7. Al. Could we have the edit button back please. I've fat fingers (or old age),
  8. opening statistics still took around 30 seconds or more. id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE I ALL PRIMARY NULL NULL NULL 4378 Using temporary; Using filesort 1 SIMPLE O ref cart_order_id,product_id product_id xxx.I.product_id 97 1 SIMPLE S eq_ref cart_order_id,status cart_order_id 56 xxx.cart_order_id 1 Using where And running the single query still took 13 seconds.
  9. Are we 100% vertain that this isn't just related to sheer volume of data. Order summary id is showing 59,683, so potentially 59,000 orders to trawl through.
  10. http://www.cabletiefan.co.uk/webimages/sumcartid.jpg http://www.cabletifan.co.uk/webimages/orderinv.jpg the forum doesn't seem to want to add all the images, so you may have to click and collect (so to speak) http://www.cabletiefan.co.uk/webimages/orderinv.jpg this having no edit feature is annoying. http://www.cabletiefan.co.uk/webimages/orderinv.jpg
  11. In structure view, they are displayed as horizontal, so I'd suggest rows. However in browse view, they would be columns. :-)
  12. Looking in order_summary on the clean 6.1.7 install, it has 47 rows. The live site has 63. ???
  13. Best do this on a copy first .. (says nervously) I've taken a snap shot of the indexes on order_sum and order_inventory. I'm unable to drop the existing promary key. sql complains about one auto column, must be defined as a key.
  14. I just spotted that order_inventory on the live site has an index Keyname for productId (note no underscore and uppercase I) The clean copy is product_id. Didn't seem to help with the speed though. 1 SIMPLE I ALL PRIMARY NULL NULL NULL 4378 Using temporary; Using filesort 1 SIMPLE O ref cart_order_id,product_id product_id 4 xxx_ccv6.I.product_id 97 1 SIMPLE S eq_ref cart_order_id,status cart_order_id 56 xxx_ccv6.O.cart_order_id 1 Using where
  15. I created a clean install of 6.1.7 and then compared the indexes side by side. I did find a few issues. The customer table had no unique index for email, and I had to remove a number of duplicates to create this index. Options_matrix although had an options identifier, it was tagged as a second entry under ProductID and the reviews table was missing every index, so I copied the table from the clean install. Other than that, i could spot any issues, and none of this fixed the problem. Its taking about 35 seconds to open the statistics tab. id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE I ALL PRIMARY NULL NULL NULL 4378 Using temporary; Using filesort 1 SIMPLE O ref productId,cart_order_id productId 4 xxx_ccv6.I.product_id 96 1 SIMPLE S eq_ref cart_order_id,status cart_order_id 56 xxxx_ccv6.O.cart_order_id 1 Using where
  16. I'm a little confused, would it create a URL. ? I've just created a test newsletter, and it arrived as an email. Surely, the PHP script creates the email based on the database contents. or am i missing your point ?? Whilst on the subject of newsletter, I'm really paranoid about myserver being blacklisted, so for this reason, I use mailchimp. Mailchimp offer a free service if your'e emailing to less than 2000 recipients. Worth a look.
  17. did you make any file changes to 6.1.7. I have a few sites on this version and have no such issues.
  18. There are at least two very good plugins available to populate the category pages with options. @bsandall Where is this option please.
  19. Ultimately, I guess the data will be in the database under Cubecart_newsletter
  20. You can change the phrase "Choose Payment Method", to include the additional text you may require, but I see that you may have already changed this anyway. I'l hazard a guess that any edits would need to be in skins/yourskin/templates/content.gateway.php but this only a guess on my behalf i'm afraid
  21. Putting the word 'EXPLIAN' before the query resulted in the following. 1 SIMPLE I ALL PRIMARY NULL NULL NULL 4378 Using temporary; Using filesort 1 SIMPLE O ref productId,cart_order_id productId 4 cart_ccv6.I.product_id 96 1 SIMPLE S eq_ref cart_order_id,status cart_order_id 56 cart_ccv6.O.cart_order_id 1 Using where and 1 SIMPLE I ALL PRIMARY NULL NULL NULL 4378 Using temporary; Using filesort 1 SIMPLE O ref productId,cart_order_id productId 4 cart_ccv6.I.product_id 96 1 SIMPLE S eq_ref cart_order_id,status cart_order_id 56 cart_ccv6.O.cart_order_id 1 Using where running the actual query SELECT sum(O.quantity) AS quan, O.product_id, I.name FROM `CubeCart_order_inventory` AS O INNER JOIN `CubeCart_order_summary` AS S ON S.cart_order_id = O.cart_order_id INNER JOIN `CubeCart_inventory` AS I ON O.product_id = I.product_id WHERE (S.`status` = 2 OR S.`status` = 3) GROUP BY I.product_id DESC ORDER BY `quan` DESC LIMIT 15 OFFSET 0 took 11.47 seconds, so not far off the benchmark figure quoted in debug. Wit the word Explain in front, the results were almost instantaneous.
  22. In debug mode, I see a number of timings against the queries, most of which are pretty rapid, but two stick out. [18] SELECT sum(O.quantity) AS quan, O.product_id, I.name FROM `CubeCart_order_inventory` AS O INNER JOIN `CubeCart_order_summary` AS S ON S.cart_order_id = O.cart_order_id INNER JOIN `CubeCart_inventory` AS I ON O.product_id = I.product_id WHERE (S.`status` = 2 OR S.`status` = 3) GROUP BY I.product_id DESC ORDER BY `quan` DESC LIMIT 15 OFFSET 0 -- (12.1980421543 sec) [NOT CACHED] [19] SELECT sum(O.quantity) AS quan, O.product_id, I.name FROM `CubeCart_order_inventory` AS O INNER JOIN `CubeCart_order_summary` AS S ON S.cart_order_id = O.cart_order_id INNER JOIN `CubeCart_inventory` AS I ON O.product_id = I.product_id WHERE (S.`status` = 2 OR S.`status` = 3) GROUP BY I.product_id DESC ORDER BY `quan` DESC -- (11.7274589539 sec) [NOT CACHED] Not surprising that the lag is centered around order_sumarry (258mb) and order_inventory (78mb) I also see an error, but the timings on this are small, so I guess this isn't an issue. [31] INSERT INTO `CubeCart_system_error_log` (`message`,`time`) VALUES ('[Notice] /home/xxxx/public_html/admin/sources/statistics.index.inc.php:307 - Undefined index: plugin_tabs','1495019008'); -- (0.140591859818 sec) [ERROR - NOT CACHED] [32] DELETE FROM `CubeCart_system_error_log` WHERE time < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 30 DAY)) ; -- (0.000190019607544 sec) [ERROR - NOT CACHED]
  23. If i open up statistics, not only does the admin side take time to refresh, but it also seems to affect the customer side. I'm guessing something to do with MySql data crunching. Is there anything I can do to speed this up.
  24. Using PHP MyAdmin export CubeCart_shipping_rates and CubeCart_shipping_zones. Import these in to your new database. Maybe you might want to perform the same with Taxes
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