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Everything posted by havenswift-hosting

  1. Memcache is the default caching method, so unless you specifically add a statement into the global.inc.php to tell it to use something different (if your hosting doesnt have memcached) then memcached will be "used" and will fail
  2. Take a look at our Enhanced Order Entry Plugin which includes detailed Courier / Delivery Agent tracking information along with a load of other useful enhancements - https://www.havenswift-hosting.co.uk/cubecart-enhanced-admin-order-entry-plugin/ Ian
  3. I don't believe this is a CubeCart issue - nothing has changed in 6.0.9 that would affect Memcached and we have lots of sites on various different servers running using Memcached without any problems. The statement from your hosting company sounds a little confused unless you have never had Memcached available to you ? Ian
  4. Brian has given the steps to create a custom front end skin. If you have made changes to the admin skin or any other core files then additional work is required. If you have only changed the front end skin, then follow these and you are good to go although it is still a good idea to check for skin changes between versions and apply those to your new custom skin Ian
  5. There are many many tools available to get a list of changed files (WinDiff, Beyond Compare etc) but a list of changed files is not published by the CubeCart developers although Brian and myself sometimes create and upload one - however it is an easy task to do yourself. If you changed core files including in the Foundation skin, then these will be overwritten. It is always best to create a new skin if you are making changes and then apply any skin changes to your custom skin Ian
  6. If you think it may have something to do with the CC Security plugin - try disabling that first and then trying the upgrade again. Can you PM (better still open a ticket please) me your IP address and we will see if there is anything we can see Ian
  7. This is standard CubeCart functionality but has nothing at all to do with what the opening poster was requesting which is the ability to associate a specific image with an option and then on the product page, selecting that option via the drop down or radio buttons, would automatically change the image displayed. Our plugin does this which is most commonly used for colour options such as when selling clothes etc but it can be used for any option. When a product is added to the cart, the main image is always displayed rather than the last displayed one from the product page but it would certainly be possible to amend our plugin to be able to do this whether the image was as a result of simply selecting a different image by hovering over or via our functionality of selecting one via the selected option. If you are interested in this, then please drop me a PM or contact us via our website Ian
  8. It would be best if you created a github issue for this just in case Al is not aware of this and doesn't see this forum thread Ian
  9. "cubecart_category_language" is a table in the database - there is no way that CubeCart (or any other process) should be removing a table from the database - are you able to confirm that this table has been removed which is what that message is inferring. The suggestion of speaking to your hosting company is still valid and should be done.
  10. This means they allow you to send 500 emails in total from your account per hour and the next 125 are deferred and held in the queue until the following hour but any emails above this 625 (in your case over 1500 !!) are discarded and not sent
  11. Glad that is now working for you but did they also allow access to www.ecb.europa.eu so you are able to fetch currency rates ? If they are blocking these steps, are they also blocking some / all other external sites ? Ian
  12. Along with a whole load of other plugins (and also our third and latest skin !) they are available from our website https://www.havenswift-hosting.co.uk as haven't had time to get them up there. There is a bit of configuration to do with this, so if you aren't very technical, then maybe order the installation and I will also take a look at the subscriber situation and ensure that it all works properly for you
  13. This is obviously not standard behaviour so check your error_log file but I also suggest speaking to your hosting company Ian
  14. You used to use our "Email Template and Throttled Sending" mod for V4 which allowed you to create templates for all the standard CubeCart V4 emails and then also throttled the sending of these - if you have upgraded from V4 to V6 then the code for this will no longer be used (or even exist) and so cannot / should not be throwing errors. You have not purchased our V6 "Throttled Newsletter Sending" plugin (which allows you to define how many newsletters are sent every XX number of minutes and so sends newsletters to your whole mailing list in smaller timed batches - NO host would allow you to send 2200 newsletters in one go which is what CubeCart tries to do) so your website should still be trying to use the standard CubeCart newsletter functionality. While it sounds like you should have our V6 plugin, it appears that you have other issues still anyway Ian
  15. The issue is not purely with reaching CubeCart.com and is causing the other issues with the currency rate updates that you highlighted earlier and will probably be causing multiple other issues as well - as Brian said, contact your hosting company as this should never happen and is a fault with the server configuration Ian
  16. Yes, that is true although if newsletters were being sent before (as stated) and now arent then it is very unlikely to be caused by this and while it is true that there is a distinction between between customers and newsletter subscribers, it is very unlikely that no customers are subscribed to the mailing list. A much simpler way of checking if there are any mailing list subscribers is to simply go into the Admin | Mailing List option - if there are no email addresses listed, then no newsletters will be sent. If this is the case and you were able to send newsletters previously in V4 then something went wrong during the upgrade process. Ian
  17. It is simple to add a link or button either within the description or via the skin template files with a link through to a contact form. However, that option puts the whole store into catalog mode so if you want to sell some products you can't use that. Alternatively you could use stock control and set the stock level for the "enquiry" only products to zero but this isn't a particularly satisfactory solution either - it really needs a custom plugin solution where you can define on a product by product basis if a product is catalog mode only Ian
  18. If you dont want people to be able to purchase items in your "store" then you should change the Store Settings (on the Features tab) "Disable Checkout (Catalogue Mode Only)" which disables the ability for people to purchase items Ian
  19. What email settings do you have in the Store Settings (SMTP is far, far better than using php mail() ) and have you tested these using the test button provided - if this fails, that is the reason they aren't sending. If they are OK, then you should check for errors within the newsletter and template and check the error_log file and CubeCart errors for any possible problems. Then also check with your hosting company for any issues Ian
  20. It depends on your budget and also how close you want the V6 skin to be to your current skin. You can either look at a free stock skin or one of the commercial skins (check the CubeCart Extensions Marketplace) r if it is important to have it looking almost / exactly the same then your option is a custom skin but be prepared to pay for it Ian
  21. It can be frustrating to have errors but that is the nature of software - the versions of core software, skin and ALL extensions should always be regularly checked and updated. This is a manual task (for extensions) checking against the marketplace and while it would be much better to have a notification in the store (there is an open git issue requesting this enhancement) it isn't a big task to check this. WordPress has a great system for this but even then, the vast majority of users don't update these often or at all which shows that regardless of how much help is provided, many users don't help themselves. Glad you finally found the cause and have fixed the issue Ian
  22. I discussed this with Al earlier this year and he opened an enhancement issue for it https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/387 which you added a comment to I totally agree though, a system similar to how WordPress works for plugins and skins is needed - we often have customers that report an issue that has already been fixed in an extension Ian
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