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Dirty Butter

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Everything posted by Dirty Butter

  1. No problem! I tried to create one myself and couldn't get it to work. But I worked it out from another way: Add this to main where the svg lines are in Foundation: <a href="#" class="back-to-top"><span><img src="{$STORE_URL}/images/icons/folder.png"> {$LANG.common.top}</span></a> Just as a test I used the folder.png image. But you should be able to find an Up arrow png image somewhere onnline that you could add to the images/icons/. I'll look for one, too. This one is free to download and comes in lots of sizes: https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/296828/arrow_up_icon#size=20 The other issue for you is that you wouldn't have the back-to-top class. Add this to your skin css/cubecart.css file: a.back-to-top, a.back-to-top:hover, a.back-to-top:active, a.back-to-top:visited { color: #000 !important; } Hopefully that's all the edits you need! Just remember, these edits will not survive an update of your Galaxy skin file and would need to be added back in. It's always best to make comments before and after any such edits you make, so you can see what to merge with a newer version.
  2. Yep - that means it's not showing because it's coded to use svg icons. You may be able to create a button class with transparent background and pale borders and use that, instead, and then hard code the Top text.
  3. If the code never existed in Galaxy, rather than accidentally being deleted - you will probably need to add something to css or images somewhere. Does Galaxy use svg or fontawesome for icons? I suspect it's not svg. I'm not sure if you can add the svg file from Foundation 6.1.8 to get this back-to-top to work, or if you will need to change svg references to some comparable fontawesome references. I'm trying to find which CC version started using svg. Looks like the change was made in 6.1.0.
  4. This is the section in main.php of stock Foundation: <div class="large-3 columns show-for-large-up" id="sidebar_left"> {include file='templates/box.featured.php'} {include file='templates/box.popular.php'} {include file='templates/box.sale_items.php'} </div> <a href="#" class="back-to-top"><span class="show-for-small-only"><svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-angle-up"></use></svg></span><span class="show-for-medium-up"><svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-angle-up"></use></svg> {$LANG.common.top}</span></a> </div> <footer>
  5. It sure looks like this should have worked, but it doesn't. {if $customer_membership.group_id = '1'}
  6. No - it's not. I've tried several different strings, but couldn't figure out what would work. Bsmither does something like add {debug} to the bottom of the file he needs to see what is available. You get a popup. Keep the popup, but delete the {debug} from the file. I tried looking at the popup, but I just don't understand it all well enough to be able to spot what is needed.
  7. This looks like it worked: This did NOT work, but I think it would if the expression was correct. content.account.php <h2>{$LANG.account.your_account}</h2> {if $pricing_group.product_id = '1' } <h3>Please change your login email address and password</h3> {/if} where customer is added to Group with id=1 (I found the correct id number from phpMyAdmin.
  8. You had upgrade issues getting to 6.1.7, so chances are the problem was leftover from your previlous situation. Take a look at the sql queries in setup/db/upgrade/ and make sure all those database changes are in your database. If you run a query from the upgrade folder that has already been run you may end up with some duplicated indexes. They will show up in your Maintenance>Database tab and can be fixed via phpMyAdmin.
  9. @bsmither helped me solve including a YouTube embed for a specific category. Maybe something similar would allow extra text for just that group.
  10. I saw the same errors when I tried to upgrade 6.1.7 to 6.1.8 from within admin. My installs are far from stock. But had no problem uploading my edited files and manually running the sql queries.
  11. Could you search for the email addresses and add them to a Group? That might give you a way to show them text that others would not see.
  12. I saw it that first time I looked, but haven't seen it since then - even though all cache has been cleared.
  13. This is way out of my league. And no one else appears to be on here who could provide help. Maybe it would be best to get CubeCart to fix your install? You can drop the support plan at any time.
  14. There is no license any more, as Cubecart is open source. But it sounds like the call to the old license site is still active in your code. What version did you try to upgrade from?
  15. @difonzo Is the front end of your store functional? Do you have access to your database and directories with cPanel or something similar? If so, please look in includes/global.inc.php and see what the admin_XXX.php file and the admin_XXX folder are named. Do NOT share the actual XXX part on the forum. Try to login to your store url/admin_XXX.php Have you created the error_log?
  16. Also, just a suggestion, since you are using Options: Instead of using Add to Basket on the Homepage and Category pages, it stops the customer from seeing the Choose an Option warning if you edit the button as a Details/More Info type button. Just change the url of the re-worded button to the product listing instead of the basket. This is what I use in content.homepage.php: <a href="{$product.url}" title="{$product.name}" class="button small postfix">{$LANG.common.info}</a>
  17. Glad that worked for you! I think I'm going to put this on my stores, too!
  18. I don't know. I guess you could try seeing if the language will accept the image file.
  19. Welcome to the forums@mrfackler. Please check to be sure the admin_xxx.php and the admin_xxx folder both match what is in global.inc.php. I know I can't save changes to the global includes file unless I change permission, make the change, and then reset the permission.
  20. Without this part it doesn't seem like the developer release would have caught the admin upgrade issues from a few versions ago.
  21. Welcome to the forums, @jshap24 I can't tell you how, but someone who could help you with this would want to know what CC version and what skin you are using.
  22. You will need to figure out how to get it to show on small, however. It may be as simple as changing this part to take out the class part: <div class="right text-right show-for-medium-up" id="box-session">
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