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Dirty Butter

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Everything posted by Dirty Butter

  1. This would be similar to what you want to do: Of course the stuff after WHERE would have to be changed to the category id.
  2. Is the test store that is working properly also on 6.1.5? Do they have the same plugins/mods?
  3. I'd never seen that site before, either. I will definitely bookmark it. Glad it helped!
  4. I tested your homepage with https://www.whynopadlock.com/check.php It's the facebook and twitter images on the right side.
  5. Can you tell if it is product images or other images on your site that show as not secure? If you have any non-product images, be sure they are not in your code with the https:// part showing - just //. Could we have the store url please?
  6. Sadly there are a few documents I have in the footer that are not in the Header Document menu. They are no longer showing up in the sitemap. I use SFWS's Document Manager plugin. Perhaps he can show me how to modify his code to include the footer documents in the sitemap. Until then I'll just add them to the Header Menu. Hmmm - looks like adding them to the header documents did not make them show up in the sitemap. That's odd. I'll table this for a bit, in case Google is not "seeing" the new sitemap yet.
  7. The not found document does not have the show link box checked. Your code change worked!! I'll have to check tomorrow to see if there was a document I wanted in the sitemap that is now not showing.
  8. Search is working great, but I'm having a sitemap issue now. I created two documents related to search. One is in my Navigation - Store Search Tips - /our-store-search-tips.html. I WANT that one to show in the sitemap, and it does. The other document is called when the search is unsuccessful - not-found-search-tips.html?search[keywords]=bad search terms. These pages are disallowed in robots.txt - Disallow: /*html? BUT the unsuccessful search document IS in the sitemap.xml - and I DO NOT WANT it there. Google is complaining, of course. I had already tried unchecking that document, but an unsuccessful search then gives a page with nothing in the section where the document should be. So I tried providing a url on the document tab, but that gave a 401 page. I have this in seo.class.php that Bsmither created. I thought it was to keep anything I Disallowed in the robots file from showing up in the sitemap: // BSMITHER ROBOTS SITEMAP /** * Robots Disallowed: CubeCart types * * @var array */ private $_robot_disallow_types = array(); // edit to suit /** * Robots Disallowed: reg_expressions * * @var array */ private $_robot_disallows = array(); // END BSMITHER ROBOTS SITEMAP Maybe there has been a CC code change since that tweak that keeps it from working any more??? Is there some way I can code seo.class.php or some other file so that the sitemap entry /not-found-search-tips.html will NOT be created?
  9. I have goofy nonexistent urls showing as 404 in Google Crawl errors that haven't existed since I tried to create a test site well over a year ago. I've told Google to Remove the urls over and over - they don't. I've quit worrying about them.
  10. I misunderstood. Thought it worked on localhost and messed up when you tried to install on host. Bsmither will find it.
  11. I have that thread in GitHub bookmarked. I never did understand it. lol
  12. If anyone can be of help, it would be Bsmither!! I know I can't help with this, other than to ask some questions that are just shooting in the dark. Could we have the store url? Do you have any control over settings in your hosted account? How did you do the install - with Softaculous or some other software method? What version of CC did you install? When things are working as they should, you can delete the .htaccess file and CC will re-create a stock one. Perhaps it would be that re-naming yours and letting CC make a standard one might be worth trying.
  13. I think it's because your images are long that you are having problems. What would happen, I wonder, if the maximum width was set in config.xml to whatever your height is, instead.
  14. I lined mine up with the Empty and Update Buttons. Using different class for button gives a different color for the button. <div class="clearfix"> <div class="show-for-medium-up"><a href="{$STORE_URL}/index.php?_a=basket&empty-basket=true" class="button alert left"><svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-trash-o"></use></svg> {$LANG.basket.basket_empty}</a></div> <div class="show-for-medium-up"><button type="submit" name="update" class="button secondary left" value="{$LANG.basket.basket_update}"><svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-refresh"></use></svg> {$LANG.basket.basket_update}</button></div> {* CONTINUE SHOPPING *} <div class="show-for-medium-up"> <a href="?" class="button alert left">{$LANG.basket.continue_shopping}</a> </div> <div class="show-for-small-only"><button type="submit" name="update" class="button secondary left" value="{$LANG.basket.basket_update}"><svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-refresh"></use></svg> {$LANG.common.update}</button></div> <div class="show-for-small-only"> <a href="?" class="button alert left">{$LANG.basket.continue_shopping}</a> </div> {* END CONTINUE SHOPPING *} {if $DISABLE_CHECKOUT_BUTTON!==true}
  15. Did you create a returns table field in the database to match your <textarea name="returns" class="textbox"></textarea> ?
  16. Since CC is a UK company, I just wanted to express my sympathy over the terrorist activity today. Praying for those directly affected and their families.
  17. OK - that must have been a fix for something else. Oh well.
  18. @havenswift-hosting I stand corrected then. Would this change make it possible for a normal via Admin upgrade?
  19. I did find what seems to be the last comment Al made in GitHub about the upgrade process. So it would make sense for you to pay for the upgrade to 6.1.6, rather than pay now for upgrading to 6.1.5.
  20. Lower should be fine. Maybe @Al Brookbanks can clarify whether the upgrade from 6.1.5 to 6.1.6 is back to working properly with the Admin upgrade process. If not, you might want to consider waiting for 6.1.6 to be released and pay the lower price support to get upgraded to 6.1.6.
  21. Is your install all stock code? As I understand it, CC staff will not tweak any edits you might have made to stock code, so you would still have to put your edits back in. You are the only one who could decide if it's worth it. Hopefully upgrades after this one will no longer get so confusing, and you won't have to be concerned with paying for upgrades.
  22. Another annoyance is that we no longer have automatic line numbering available when we copy/paste code here in the forum. It makes referring to a particular line in subsequent comments much more difficult. Is this a feature that can be turned back on?
  23. This thread should be helpful: As for the CC service contract: You can pay for the month, get them to install, and then cancel, if your install is with stock code. You are not obligated to continue with the contract.
  24. I used the line you changed it to last night, and it is working properly now! THANK YOU!!! My search now uses AND with RLIKE. And it ignores order of the terms and any superfluous spaces! /* BSMITHER SEARCH */ $this->_sort_by_relevance = false; $rlike = ''; if (!empty($search_data['keywords'])) { $searchwords = preg_split( '/[\s,]+/', $GLOBALS['db']->sqlSafe($search_data['keywords'])); foreach ($searchwords as $word) { if(empty($word) && !is_numeric($word)) continue; if ((strtoupper($word) != 'AND') && (strtoupper($word) != 'OR')) $searchArray[] = $word; } $regexp = ''; $columnsToSearch = array( 'I.name', 'I.description', 'I.product_code', 'I.seo_meta_keywords', ); foreach($columnsToSearch as $col) { for ($i=0, $noKeys=count($searchArray); $i<$noKeys; ++$i) { $regexp[$col][] = $col." RLIKE '[[:<:]]".$searchArray[$i]."[[:>:]]'"; } $regexp[$col] = '(' . implode(' AND ', $regexp[$col]) . ')'; } $rlike = " AND (" . implode(' OR ', $regexp) . ")"; } $q2 = "SELECT I.* FROM ".$GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'dbprefix')."CubeCart_inventory AS I LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id, MAX(price) as price, MAX(sale_price) as sale_price FROM ".$GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'dbprefix')."CubeCart_pricing_group $group_id GROUP BY product_id) as G ON G.product_id = I.product_id $joinString WHERE I.product_id IN (SELECT product_id FROM `".$GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'dbprefix')."CubeCart_category_index` as CI INNER JOIN ".$GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'dbprefix')."CubeCart_category as C where CI.cat_id = C.cat_id AND C.status = 1) AND I.status = 1 ".$whereString.$rlike; $query = $q2.' '.$order_string.' '.$limit; if (($search = $GLOBALS['db']->query($query)) !== false) { $count = $GLOBALS['db']->query($q2, false, 0); $this->_category_count = (int)count($count); $this->_category_products = $search; return true; } } } } else { /* END OF BSMITHER SEARCH */
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