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Dirty Butter

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Everything posted by Dirty Butter

  1. https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/languages You need to install the US English Language pack. The first tab on Store Settings has a section for Tax, Language, and Currency. Do you have the right currency set as default?
  2. I paid a developer to create a test site in a directory on the same domain that has the SSL store. My SSL and all my plugins work correctly on the test site. Maybe it was fiddling with SSL that is causing you issues?????? Again - take anything I comment on this with a grain of salt LOL
  3. Hi @ideoworks Welcome to the forums. I can't help with this, as it's way out of my league. But I found these threads on the forum dealing with passwords that may or may not be helpful in your situation. https://forums.cubecart.com/topic/49502-import-customers-data/#comment-207262 https://forums.cubecart.com/topic/50667-resolved-automated-login-cubecart-6/#comment-214591
  4. I can confirm that the SMTP test fails for me as well. Sorry - I wasn't on my computer until just now. My SMTP DOES work properly on the new PhpMailer version.
  5. I just used upc as an example as it was first in the list in admin. We don't have to provide a upc code, because everything we sell is used. But don't you provide UPC codes? Don't make the change to Team in definitions.xml. Your change will be lost on upgrade. Find the Language section in admin, click on your flag, and look in Category. You can change it there and it will survive upgrading.
  6. MY code to show upc is different than what I suggested to you, as Foundation is coded differently than Kurouto. So you still need to test it with your Kurouto skin.
  7. I was able to add the upc code line to my Foundation skin. But getting it Searchable means making some addition to catalogue.class.php so upc is included in the Search array. I do NOT know how to do that. I've been toying with the idea of adding an extra search field for the Advanced Search that would select products by the predominant color, as well as my Search (NOT stock code at this time).
  8. I'm pretty sure this is from 6.0.12, but it should be close. This section of the admin skins products.index.php has all the references to the Codes: <legend>{$LANG.catalogue.title_misc}</legend> <div><label for="upc_code">{$LANG.catalogue.product_upc}</label><span><input name="upc" id="upc" class="textbox" type="text" value="{$PRODUCT.upc}" maxlength="20"></span></div> <div><label for="ean_code">{$LANG.catalogue.product_ean}</label><span><input name="ean" id="ean" class="textbox" type="text" value="{$PRODUCT.ean}" maxlength="20"></span></div> <div><label for="jan_code">{$LANG.catalogue.product_jan}</label><span><input name="jan" id="jan" class="textbox" type="text" value="{$PRODUCT.jan}" maxlength="20"></span></div> <div><label for="isbn_code">{$LANG.catalogue.product_isbn}</label><span><input name="isbn" id="isbn" class="textbox" type="text" value="{$PRODUCT.isbn}" maxlength="20"></span></div> <div><label for="gtin_code">{$LANG.catalogue.product_gtin}</label><span><input name="gtin" id="gtin" class="textbox" type="text" value="{$PRODUCT.gtin}" maxlength="20"></span></div> <div><label for="mpn_code">{$LANG.catalogue.product_mpn}</label><span><input name="mpn" id="mpn" class="textbox" type="text" value="{$PRODUCT.mpn}" maxlength="20"></span></div> <div><label for="brand_code">{$LANG.catalogue.product_brand}</label><span><input name="brand" id="brand" class="textbox" type="text" value="{$PRODUCT.brand}" maxlength="20" /></span></div> I'll have to download kurouto to figure out what might work to show on the store front. Maybe someone else will be along who can tell you, as mine will be a slightly educated guess. Try this in content.product.php in your Kurouto skin templates. I added an extra line for the upc code. Hopefully it shows. <div id="product_description"> {$PRODUCT.description} <p><strong>{$LANG.catalogue.product_code}</strong>: {$PRODUCT.product_code}</p> <p><strong>{$LANG.catalogue.product_upc}</strong>: {$PRODUCT.upc}</p> </div>
  9. Getting the additional Codes to show on the store front shouldn't be too difficult. What skin do you use? What version CC are you on?
  10. My stores are so modified with core edits that I don't ever do the Admin Upgrade. I always do it manually. There was definitely an issue with 6.1.2 as far as the admin re-naming situation goes, but I'm not aware of any issue with being able to upgrade via Admin.
  11. Thanks!! It's back to normal now with the times showing on all but a few that came in between the backup and live databases. I really appreciate your help @bsandall!!
  12. global.inc.php is in the includes folder. (Don't edit the global.inc.php-dist file by accident.) You will have to change the permission on the file in order to be able to edit it. Be sure to change the permission back to 444 when you are finished. Once you have a naming system that suits you, please be sure in any future posts on the forum that involve showing your code (perhaps error_log entries?) that you XXX out whatever you renamed your admin file/folder.
  13. You CAN rename the admin folder/file to suit yourself AS LONG AS you make corresponding changes in the global.inc.php file.
  14. Do you already make use of ALL the Miscellaneous Codes on the Product listing? It seems like it should be possible to use one of those, rename it, and edit the storefront code to display it where you want it.
  15. Well somewhere along the way I messed up and lost all my times for order_notes. I have a backup, so I used that. The times are back in cPanel, but in admin they all show 12/31/1969. Is the problem in this 6.1.1 version table or more likely something wrong with the admin/source code?
  16. That seems to be working - THANKS! I always have to try {* /* // ## and <!-- ways to comment, as I have never understood when to use each one.
  17. Crashing when I tried to use it. Did I put it in the right place? {* if($GLOBALS['session']->has('version_check')) { $extension_updates = $GLOBALS['session']->get('version_check'); $extension_updates = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_extension_info', false, array('file_id' => array_keys($extension_updates))); if($extension_updates) { $GLOBALS['main']->addTabControl($lang['dashboard']['title_extension_updates'], 'extension_updates', null, null, count($extension_updates)); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('EXTENSION_UPDATES', $extension_updates); } } *} ## BRIANSANDAL IGNORE PLUGIN UPDATE ERROR MESSAGE *} if($GLOBALS['session']->has('version_check')) { $extension_updates = $GLOBALS['session']->get('version_check'); $file_ids = (is_array($extension_updates) && !empty($extension_updates) ? array_keys($extension_updates) : array(-1)); $extension_updates = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_extension_info', false, array('file_id' => $file_ids)); } ## END BRIANSANDAL IGNORE PLUGIN UPDATE ERROR MESSAGE *}
  18. Can you Search your database for that image name as a regular expression? It should be in the CubeCart_filemanager table. Copy the file_id and then Search for that in the CubeCart_filemanager table. It should show up there if it's still associated with a product. The CubeCart_category_index will show you which product it is associated with.
  19. I did TRY to run them as written - they just didn't all work for me. I'll fiddle with mine some more.
  20. You have upgraded to 6.1.3, haven't you? Try the Show Assigned Images Only button in the Product Image tab . Could the old image be in a folder, while the new one(s) are in the root source folder?
  21. I changed all sites to the same thing. 6.1.3 is supposed to stop making new ones - but 6.1.2 DID.
  22. Well, no good news on this one yet As of 6.1.3 I'm still having to use your code change to keep from filling up the error log with these warnings. I spoke too soon. I'm still getting this message (with your code edit from above near line 134). Line 321 is $extension_updates = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_extension_info', false, array('file_id' => array_keys($extension_updates)));
  23. This shows in the top left corner in tiny print when I run the query from the Maintenance tab. /error.html Nothing else shows - no CC code at all. I do not use a prefix I think I figured out how to edit the tables - was successful with our test site, anyway. Fingers crossed as I attempt it on live sites. Our database was first created in v3 something, if that has anything to do with it.
  24. I always upgrade manually, which means running the queries in MySQL. I get the error message ./error.html on an otherwise blank page when I try to run the INDEX changes: ALTER TABLE `CubeCart_alt_shipping` DROP INDEX `id`, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE; #EOQ ALTER TABLE `CubeCart_alt_shipping_prices` DROP INDEX `id`, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE; #EOQ ALTER TABLE `CubeCart_category_language` DROP INDEX `id`, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`translation_id`) USING BTREE; #EOQ ALTER TABLE `CubeCart_downloads` DROP INDEX `id`, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`digital_id`) USING BTREE; ALTER TABLE `CubeCart_inventory_language` DROP INDEX `id`, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`translation_id`) USING BTREE; #EOQ ALTER TABLE `CubeCart_modules` DROP INDEX `module_id`, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`module_id`) USING BTREE; #EOQ ALTER TABLE `CubeCart_filemanager` ADD INDEX(`filepath`); #EOQ ALTER TABLE `CubeCart_filemanager` ADD INDEX(`filename`); #EOQ The rest of the changes in 6.1.2.sql work properly. I don't have a clue how to make these changes manually in the database.
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