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Dirty Butter

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Everything posted by Dirty Butter

  1. I test all the time by taking it all the way to the PayPal site page and then going back to our store without paying. But PP is our only payment available.
  2. CubeCart_newsletter_subscriber Sorting by subscriber_id should have worked. Did you clear all caches?
  3. I changed the size of the font, using Bsmither's code, and after clearing CC caches, it worked. I tried going back to the stock code in orders.print.php WITH the changes SHAWN YUMI wanted, and I do get a different look to the printout using stock orders.print.php. (I think my edited packing slip was just too different to make the changes obvious.)
  4. You might want to do a quick search for "duplicate content Google". As I understand it, you risk your page rank for searches if they deem it to be duplicate content.
  5. I tried your changes and saw nothing different. So I made some outlandishly obvious changes to print.css and STILL did not see any change in the Packing slip. So lets be sure we are talking about the same thing. I make my own store changes in the template file orders.print.php for the Packing Slip. But there IS a print.receipt.php template in the skins that has its own css file.
  6. Welcome to the forums, @SHAWN YUMI. I made all my changes to the packing slip in the template file, not the css file. What change are you trying to make in the print.css file? I'll try it on my test store and see what happens for me.
  7. As I understand nothing of how to make such things work, I would like to ask if having these language specific sites would be seen by Google as duplicate content.
  8. @bsmither I tried today to add the confirm code for contact_email and contact_emailconf, but was not able to figure out how to add it to 3.cubecart.validate.js
  9. I'm not familiar with the e-sharp skin. But it's this section in the Source Code: I assume there is a call ({include file='templates/box.search.php'}) somewhere on main.php for box.search.php that you should be able to move within the sidebar div.
  10. Looks good! I might suggest that you consider moving the search bar above the fold.
  11. I have now worked out all the code it takes to get Email Mismatch warning if the two email entries do not match - regardless if the customer Registers first and then adds to the basket and goes through the Checkout process OR adds an item to their basket and then goes through the Checkout process. user.class.php /** * Register a new user * * @return bool */ public function registerUser() { // Validation $error = false; foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']->load('class.user.register_user') as $hook) include $hook; //Validate email if (!filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email', FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $GLOBALS['gui']->setError($GLOBALS['language']->common['error_email_invalid']); $error['email'] = true; /* BSMITHER REGISTRATION Validate Email */ } elseif ($_POST['email'] !== $_POST['emailconf']) { $GLOBALS['gui']->setError("Registration Email and Confirm Email do not match!"); $error['email'] = true; /* END New */ /* BSMITHER CHECKOUT Validate Email */ } elseif ($_POST['user_email'] !== $_POST['user_emailconf']) { $GLOBALS['gui']->setError("Checkout Email and Confirm Email do not match!"); $error['user_email'] = true; /* END New */ } else { content.checkout.confirm.php <div class="row"> <div class="small-12 large-8 columns"><label for="user_email" class="show-for-medium-up">{$LANG.common.email}</label><input type="text" name="user[email]" id="user_email" required value="{$USER.email}" placeholder="{$LANG.common.email} {$LANG.form.required}" autocomplete="email"></div> </div> {* BSMITHER NEW Confirm Email *} <div class="row"> <div class="small-12 large-8 columns"><label for="user_emailconf" class="show-for-medium-up">Confirm Email</label><input type="text" name="user_emailconf" id="user_emailconf" value="" placeholder="Confirm Email {$LANG.form.required}" required ></div> </div> {* END NEW *} and at the bottom of content.checkout.confirm.php <div class="hide" id="validate_terms_agree">{$LANG.account.error_terms_agree}</div> {* BSMITHER Validate Confirm Email Message *} <div class="hide" id="validate_user_email_mismatch">"Email Mismatch"</div> {* END NEW *} content.register.php <div class="row"> <div class="small-12 large-8 columns"><label for="email" class="show-for-medium-up">{$LANG.common.email}</label><input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="{$DATA.email}" placeholder="{$LANG.common.email} {$LANG.form.required}" required ></div> </div> {* BSMITHER REGISTER Confirm Email *} <div class="row"> <div class="small-12 large-8 columns"><label for="emailconf" class="show-for-medium-up">Confirm Email</label><input type="text" name="emailconf" id="emailconf" value="" placeholder="Confirm Email {$LANG.form.required}" required ></div> </div> {* END REGISTER CONFIRM EMAIL *} and at the bottom of content.register.php <div class="hide" id="validate_required">{$LANG.form.required}</div> {* BSMITHER REGISTER Validate Confirm Email Message *} <div class="hide" id="validate_email_mismatch">"Email Mismatch"</div> {* END REGISTER EMAIL VALIDATE *} Now the javascript that makes this work: in the skins js folder - 3.cubecart.validate.js. There are two different sections that have to be modified, one for the checkout and one for the register scenarios. FIND $("#checkout_form").validate({ SO YOU KNOW YOU ARE IN THE CORRECT SECTION: -----ADD THIS CODE JUST ABOVE THE PHONE CODE----- /* BSMITHER CHECKOUT Validate Confirm Email Match */ user_emailconf: { equalTo: "#user_email" }, /* END BSMITHER CHECKOUT Validate Confirm Email Match */ AND FURTHER DOWN IN THAT SAME CHECKOUT SECTION: /* BSMITHER CHECKOUT Validate Confirm Email Match */ user_emailconf: { required: $('#validate_user_email_mismatch').text(), equalTo: $('#validate_user_email_mismatch').text() }, /* END BSMITHER CHECKOUT Validate Confirm Email Match */ ------ADDED JUST ABOVE THE PHONE CODE------ in that same 3.cubecart.validate.js file FIND $("#registration_form").validate({ SO YOU KNOW YOU ARE IN THE REGISTRATION SECTION -----ADD ABOVE THE PHONE CODE --- /* BSMITHER REGISTRATION Validate Confirm Email Match */ emailconf: { equalTo: "#email" }, /* END */ -----AND FURTHER DOWN, AGAIN ABOVE THE PHONE CODE----- /* BSMITHER REGISTRATION Validate Confirm Email Match */ emailconf: { required: $('#validate_email_mismatch').text(), equalTo: $('#validate_email_mismatch').text() }, /* BSMITHER END */ Hopefully my directions make sense - I'm used to following directions - not giving them, and usually have trouble following them, too!!
  12. Welcome to the forums, @StruzA More than likely this modification has caused your issue. Try renaming the files you modified and replacing them with the stock files. You can download the full copy of 6.0.12 from the CC site.
  13. Find the call for box.sale_items.php in main.php and comment that section out.
  14. I don't use the Sale side bar box, but when I did show Sales Items I called it Featured Sale Item, since it's random.
  15. You have to clear the language cache to get rid of the old term and clear out the browser cache too probably. Change all those other places that have the underware in them LOL
  16. I've never seen what a different language pack looks like. Is THAT in the Swedish language definitions?
  17. Do a search on the definitions.xml file for that underware word and see if it's in there somewhere
  18. I wish I knew enough to help, but it doesn't make sense that you're seeing Deutsch where it should be English
  19. Welcome to the Forums, @HC Design! Look in the Admin>Store Settings>Features tab and see if you have Sales Mode set to Disabled. Assuming you DO want the Sales category, see what you have in the skin template box.sale_items.php. It should be {$LANG.catalogue.title_saleitems}. Assuming it is, then go to the Language definitions file and see what is written there for catalogue.title_saleitems. The other place to look would be to look in Admin>Settings>Languages>Your own flag>Catalogue phrases> near the bottom you will find what you have in title_saleitems.
  20. I cannot replicate the Checkout Page email confirmation working. I tried taking off the registration page confirmation, since most of our customers probably do NOT register first. I've tried it WITH and WITHOUT the user.class.php code change. I think I found the problem with Checkout email confirmation. /* BSMITHER CHECKOUT Validate Confirm Email Match */ emailconf: { equalTo: "#user_email" }, /* END BSMITHER CHECKOUT Validate Confirm Email Match */ Note user_email. Whereas Registration is just #email /* BSMITHER REGISTRATION Validate Confirm Email Match */ emailconf: { equalTo: "#email" }, /* END */
  21. Glad to hear that @bos issue is resolved. Hopefully @Ggib will have a resolution soon!
  22. What CC version are you on, @Ggib? What language is set as default in Admin>Store Settings>General tab?
  23. What skin are you using? I'm not knowledgeable, but I am guessing you have the left sidebar at say 4 and the rest as 8. THEN inside the "8" section you have 4 and 8.
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