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Everything posted by bsmither

  1. The code as it is: <span class="price">{$item.price}</span>{$item.quantity} &times; {$item.name} {if !empty($item.product_code)}({$item.product_code}) {/if} Perhaps, this is the code you are wanting: <span class="price">{$item.price}</span>{$item.quantity} &times; {$item.name} {if !empty($item.product_code)}({$item.product_code}) {/if}@ {$item.item_price}
  2. Details of the order include just the eventual single piece price (list price, sale price, quantity price, coupon discounted price, etc) and the quantity, and CubeCart then calculates the line item's total. So, what would be the source of what you are wanting versus what CubeCart has already logged regarding the price the item sold at? If a price different than the actual sold price, and wanting the order summary to have this data, we would need to alter the database to hold that data. If the current retail price, which may change over time, then we would have to fetch that from the database and add it to the data array that populates the template.
  3. If the images have the same filename, it could be the case where the browser is using the images that it cached for itself. If so, force your browser to reload page resources. This is usually done with CTRL-F5.
  4. Somehow, the queries have been strung together. Please try one at a time.
  5. If this is the rich-text editor (CKEditor), for the product description for example, then the case may be that the editor may be removing the <ins> tag. The reason for that may be because this tag is assumed to contain actual text that acquires the semantic meaning of the <ins> tag. But there isn't any in your example. Please see: https://forums.cubecart.com/topic/53539-text-editor-keeps-deleting-code/
  6. When at the Post Office and wanting to ship a box somewhere, the PO viewpad will show a list of appropriate and available shipping methods. The customer chooses delivery time vs. cost. This is very much like what is shown to the customer in CubeCart's checkout.
  7. Passing all the shipping parameters to USPS, they respond with all the services that are appropriate. The module then filters for only those you are willing to ship. To offer all possible shipping methods the USPS has determined is appropriate (and the associated cost for each of those methods), check all of the module's check boxes. CubeCart will list all eligible shipping methods, the cheapest cost being pre-selected in the drop-down seen at checkout.
  8. In admin, check the Request Log. The USPS response should be logged there. Given all the parameters sent to USPS, they respond with all the services that are appropriate. The module then filters for only those you are willing to ship. So, in this case, First Class is not appropriate, and neither is Ground. Priority (the USPS fills in how many days they estimate it will take to deliver) is appropriate.
  9. There are no real instructions. Study the function at GUI->displayCommon(). You will be using the hook class.gui.display.
  10. If you are hosted with a control panel (Cpanel?), there should be a tool that lets you make choices about what version of PHP you want for your site, as well as configuration and extensions for that PHP. If you run your own server, look in the PHP.INI file for the list of extensions. Uncomment the mb_string extension.
  11. Generally, CubeCart uses a function in /includes/functions.inc.php, currentPage() to build a URL. The URL posted above suggests the UPG module is doing something outside its scope of responsibility. Specifically, in this case, the Order->orderStatus() prepares notices for emailing by calling Order->getOrderDetails(). In the ORDER_PROCESS section, the cart.order_confirmation email template is loaded, and a call is made to Order->assignOrderDetails(). It is here that $DATA.link is created. It uses $GLOBALS['storeURL']. So, if this is where the link is actually being created, then somehow $GLOBALS['storeURL'] is getting changed. This is calculated and set in ini.inc.php and is not supposed to change.
  12. Could you better explain the linebreak issue? And I do not understand the last sentence.
  13. The Fatal Errors mentioning mb_strlower() means the new server has a version of PHP that has NOT enabled MB_STRING support. (MB_STRING allows for UTF-8 which gives foreign characters.) Check the extensions available for PHP and see if there is Multi-Byte support.
  14. For a newly installed store, there is one more step -- install a shipping module and a payment gateway module. The simplest ones are: https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/shipping-methods/flat-rate https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/payment-gateways/print-order-form
  15. Can't log out as the customer? Did you use the admin's "Login As >>" when viewing the customer's details? (not saying this is a problem -- just want to keep it on the table or dismiss it as a potential contributor to this situation). Do you know how to delete cookies that come from your store's domain? If so, delete those cookies. That will log you out!
  16. When you click the shopping basket icon, there is a fade-in box labeled "Your Basket". At the bottom of this box, there is a green "Checkout" block. (True, this fade-in box will fade-out after five seconds.) If you hover the mouse cursor over the green "Checkout", the web browser should indicate what web address this points to (perhaps shown at the bottom of the screen). That link should be: www.mystore.com/index.php?_a=checkout But, your browser shows you this link as /index.php?_a=addressbook&action=add (or, eventually, takes you there). Try this please. Log out as the customer. Log out as the admin. Then, add an item to the cart, click the shopping basket icon, click the green Checkout in the fade-in box. Where do you end up?
  17. "when I click on Checkout it goes to the Add Address registration screen even though I have logged in" When you are viewing the cart, the web address should be index.php?_a=checkout. Is this true? Having logged in, you should see the customer's name in the upper-right corner. And you should see a Billing Address block and a Delivery Address drop-down selector with Add Address button under it. Is this being shown? Or are you at index.php?_a=confirm ?
  18. Stupid question coming ------ did you replace www.mystore.com with your actual store's web address?
  19. What does it show here: www.mystore.com/index.php?_a=addressbook
  20. Does the address shown in the Addressbook have both a checkmark for the Billing Address and also the Default Delivery Address?
  21. Welcome LKW! Glad to see you made it to the forums. CubeCart does require an address to checkout. If the customer is logged in, but has not created a Billing Address (and optional Delivery Address), CubeCart will have the customer do this. The Customer's Account settings pages has an Addressbook. If the visitor is not logged in (a 'ghost' customer'), the checkout page will have an in-line form for the customer to fill out an address.
  22. Since you haven't loaded your store with any product as yet, we will recommend that you fetch CC6.1.13 and unzip it locally on your desktop. Rename the admin folder to what you already have on your site, rename the admin.php file to what you already have, then FTP the whole thing to your site instructing the FTP program to overwrite all existing files. Then run /setup/index.php opting for the "Upgrade" procedure. Other than that, what I see is that the .htaccess file could be missing, misconfigured, or out-of-date. Here is the current essential contents of .htaccess: ##### START CubeCart .htaccess ##### ### File Security ### <FilesMatch "\.(htaccess)$"> Order Allow,Deny Deny from all </FilesMatch> ### Apache directory listing rules ### DirectoryIndex index.php index.htm index.html IndexIgnore * ### Rewrite rules for SEO functionality ### <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html?$ index.php?seo_path=$1 [L,QSA] </IfModule> ### Default store 404 page ### ErrorDocument 404 /index.php ## Override default 404 error document for missing page resources ## <FilesMatch "\.(gif|jpe?g|png|ico|css|js|svg)$"> ErrorDocument 404 "<html></html> </FilesMatch> ##### END CubeCart .htaccess ##### Note that the directive to send a 404 response document is the index.php page. When getting the index.php page for any and all .html pages tells me that URL rewrite capability is not enabled. It is very important that your web server (nginx/1.12.2) be able to rewrite URLs. Check with your hosting provider (or server admin) to verify this.
  23. You said "My email settings seem to be OK, as the test shows." That concerns me, as the test surely should have failed.
  24. Discuss with your hosting provider that your app (CubeCart at mydomain.com) cannot send emails to yourself (at mydomain.com). They may have a solution. Unless you have a plugin to do this, CubeCart is not (fully) coded to send the admin an email when a visitor registers a new customer account.
  25. Please view the admin, Email Log. If there are checked entries (as opposed to X'd), then we need to consider: * The server environment provided by your hosting company has a problem sending email from the domain of your store to the same domain as your email address, or * If using a gmail address, you need to configure it to accept emails from web apps, or * check your spam folder.
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