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  1. Hi All, I have a website that requires members to Login but then so does the CubeCart Shop. Is there an out of the box way of having an integrated login? kind regards Spike
  2. I am trying to get the fonts bigger in the top menu that has the icon of the Home, and the names of the products. I tried adding <span style="font-size: 2.0em;"> </span> between various <li></li> tags in template file box.navigation.php But that did not seem to work. How can I make the fonts in that section bigger? Thanks in Advance!
  3. I would like to keep the reCAPTCHA on **only** when someone is singing up for the newsletter, or sending an email. I would like to avoid having them use it when placing an order at checkout. Customers are getting frustrated by entering wrong numbers, and complaining to us about that. Is there a way to do remove the reCAPTCHA for the checkout page only?
  4. I've noticed that any of my product codes that contain hyphens, e.g. 'ABC-1', are stored in the database instead as 'ABC?1'. They do display correctly in the store, so somewhere in CubeCart they are converted back and forth, but I haven't been able to find out where yet. This becomes an issue (albeit one that can easily be worked around) when trying to match product codes using direct SQL queries or, for example, reading in a CSV file to automatically update prices. Anyway, since hyphens don't have any particular special meaning in SQL when included in a string, what is the reason for the conversion?
  5. Hi All, Where do I add <!-- and --> ? And does it matter if I am using e-Shift? To remove the category images in file skins/foundation/templates/content.category.php add comments <!-- and --> to the following <!-- {if isset($category.image)} <div class="row"> <div class="small-12 columns"><img src="{$category.image}" alt="{$category.cat_name}" class="marg-bottom"></div> </div> {/if} --> To remove sub category images <!-- {if isset($SUBCATS) && $SUBCATS} <ul class="medium-block-grid-6 text-center{if $CONFIG.catalogue_expand_tree ==1} show-for-medium-up{else} small-block-grid-3{/if}" data-equalizer> {foreach from=$SUBCATS item=subcat} <li data-equalizer-watch> <a href="{$subcat.url}" title="{$subcat.cat_name}"> <img class="th" src="{$subcat.cat_image}" alt="{$subcat.cat_name}"> </a> <a href="{$subcat.url}" title="{$subcat.cat_name}"><small>{$subcat.cat_name}</small></a> </li> {/foreach} </ul> {/if} -->
  6. How can I Change the contact form to just email. I can't seem to get the email setting to work in the form. Says it has sent but I get nothing in my email.
  7. May be a stupid question, but if upload a csv with only Product codes and quantities will that update item stock?
  8. Hi All, Is There a way to import a Category file that propagate all the categories and sub cats.
  9. When adding items to the cart, it shows tax and calculates that tax until a customer is logged in. I only charge tax for people in my state. Is there a way to ONLY show tax for those in the state? This could throw a lot of guest customers off seeing a 'tax' charge in the cart before they log in. Thanks!
  10. I have noticed there is no continue shopping button on checkout. if I want to add something else to the basket I cannot. am I missing something? I am using foundation 6.0.8.
  11. How do you make out of stock items show after the items that are still in stock? I don't want people to have to look at all the out of stock items and in stock items mixed together. I am using 6.0.8 foundation
  12. I have a strange link connecting to my foundation.css file.  its linking to skins/foundation/css/foundation.css how do I find it and delete it?
  13. how do I remove the cubecart link at the bottom of the page? I am using 6.0.8 foundation skin.
  14. I have been reading for 2 days.. can't find the answer.. soo I was a zen cart user, but switched because CC is a bit easier..for most things. Search Bar too big?? where can I edit it And just need to know what size should I make my images for the scrolling banner.. And finally, is there a way to have a vertical category section without paying a fortune? Please and thank you!
  15. Hi , can someone tell me what the 'status' field in 'cubecart_category' is to do with ? ManyThanks ..
  16. So, I am back and forth. Originally I was going to have a forum and such setup with my store, however there was very minimal use of the forum and then it seemingly was having issues with MYSQL. Long story short, I am about to remove the forums. When the forums are gone, it will leave me with just the store. I had hopes and dreams of creating a website around the store so I created a landing page or portal on the root directory. This is good because it showed the options of where the user could go. However, with the forums removed, is it still a good idea to have a landing page? It would mean someone needs to click to access the store. I know clicks are important. For general discussion, do you peeps have landing pages or portals separate from your store homepage, or does your domain.com take visitors directly to your store? Inquiring minds want to know! Thanks!
  17. Good morning, I would like to know how to get the prices of products. I would like to leave the page alone as product catalogs. Thanks
  18. I have been researching the forums looking for a way to add a specific category to the homepage. I want the products in the category to display like the Latest Products do. And I am looking to locate it above the Latest Products. This is the most popular category for my store, so I would really like the homepage focus to be on those products. I am trying to find out what I need to modify in the content.homepage.php in order to do this.
  19. Is there a way to view skins locally, as in so I can see my updates without uploading them to my server each time? What is the best editor to use for skin creation?
  20. Okay, after some recent discoveries with my skin and some issues I have. I need to know if I can clone or duplicate my store as it is now to another location so that I can work on a custom skin. I want to keep the products that are already listed in the store if possible so that I can test the images and alignments properly. I do NOT want this to be a live store, or a store that has customers accessible, or even for it to have the ability to change the live stores database if I add/remove products from the database or even in and out of the cart. Is this possible? Or do I have to do a whole new store install and create fake products?? I don't want to break any terms with CC as this is for closed testing only. I am constantly looking for a good skin, and it seems that I may need to just try and customize one myself. This test site might be up for quite some time before it's deployed to the live store. All searches I found were test stores migrating to live stores, and not the other way around...
  21. Im looking to concatenate a sub-string of the product description on to the meta description when there is no product meta description being called. bellow is the section of seo.class.php i was trying to alter but as far as i can make out the smarty variable does not work in the seo.class.php file. Any suggestions ? public function meta_description($glue = ' - ') { if ($GLOBALS['config']->has('config', 'seo_metadata') && $GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'seo_metadata') && !empty($this->_meta_data['description'])) { switch ((int)$GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'seo_metadata')) { case self::TAGS_MERGE: if ($GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'store_meta_description') && $this->_meta_data['description']) { $description[] = $this->_meta_data['description']; $description[] = $GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'store_meta_description'); } else if ($this->_meta_data['description']) { $description = $this->_meta_data['description']; } else { $description = $GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'store_meta_description'); } break; case self::TAGS_REPLACE: $description = $this->_meta_data['description']; break; } return (is_array($description)) ? implode($glue, $description) : $description; } else { return $GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'store_meta_description') . $PRODUCT.description, 120; } }
  22. Call out to anyone who has installed and is using any of the affiliate plugins. I'm new to this particular area. I have been asked by my client to install an affiliate plugin so that click-throughs from an external site that result in certain products being purchased will result in a commission payment to the originating site. Sounds fair enough, I thought, so I installed the iDevAffiliate plug in,since it seems to be the most popular. so... autoinstall using the generated token, enable it in the Admin Panel and refresh the cache...... then what? I can't find any instructions on how to configure it. The "edit" link on the Manage Plugins takes me to a very thin page where I can set the status and how to log the commission; there's a mysterious field called "URL to iDevAffiliate" to complete, but no other config options. What's the deal? Do I have to sign up with idevdirect to go further? Are there any configuration instructions out there? Are there any other plugins that might be better for what I need? Any advice gratefully received. Postscript: I guess that this is related to post https://forums.cubecart.com/topic/35588-affiliate-tracking-self-contained-in-cart/ but that post degenerated into a bit of a rant about email marketing, which I can assure you I'm not in the slightest bit interested in.
  23. I have a CCv5 website which has the dreaded "This web page has a redirect loop" message when adding a product from the product page to the basket and clicking 'View Basket'. If I do a refresh the message remains, however if I do a hard refresh (Ctrl + F5) it loads and shows the basket contents as intended. I have done my research on this message and I have read about local time changes and there is nothing wrong in my htaccess so I am stumped. The website worked fine, this was upon backup and restore of the website. I have tried multiple computers/browsers, cleared cookies, tried on phone, etc with same result. Screenshot attached.
  24. What's the best way to save modified files when upgrading? For instance, every time I upgrade I am finding at least a handful of files I have to go back in and re-code to get my store back up and running the way I want. Most are admin dashboard/order features. I see there is never any change logs available showing what files have been edited, but I would assume that if the file has been overwritten then it had a change to it. How can I go about making the code changes as seemless as possible??? Thanks!!
  25. hello, I have to say we are very impressed with cubecart at first glance it seems very friendly & so far is running stable so far. I have a few small issues we noticed during testing, I know I can address these but just need to get more familiar with the code structure. Question 1. With respect to "coupons" during final checkout instead of displaying the "coupon code" how can we change it to display the Coupon Description (or both) instead of the only the coupon code? Question 2: The External News & Announcements feed is causing insecure warning (when viewing dashboard via SSL) Where do we configure/disable that? Question 3: When setting up the PayPal Pro Plugin there is an option for "transaction password" under "3Dsecure" (just below merchant ID) can you clarify which password this is & is it required if I have the API setup & configured? Is there any security risk populating the 'transaction password' Can anyone elaborate on how this option effects transactions (if 3dSecure is disabled) or enabled with the merchant ID but without a transaction password? thanks in advance, Robert
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