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  1. Hi, We regularly add custom notes to the "Public Note Content" field in the Order Notes. We've inserted the code {$DATA.note_to_customer} into the HTML of the Completed Order email template, but the new lines in the "Public Note Content" field aren't being respected when the email is sent. Example: - "Public Note Content" field: Text line 1 Text line 2 on a new line with a blank line between - Email: Text line 1 Text line 2 on a new line with a blank line between How can we get new lines to appear in the email? Thanks.
  2. Hi, I know that the HTML of the email templates can include a long list of data using the macros listed underneath, but can details captured in the Product Options area be used? I've searched the forums and couldn't see anything... An example: we capture the Make, Model, registration and year of manufacture of motorbikes for one of our membership products (non-physical) as Product Options. We would like to reference these when the Order Complete email gets sent. Can this be done? If so, what would be really handy would be if some logic could be used in the email template along the lines of "If empty, then display no text. If not empty, display Make: DATA.Product.Option.Make_field" - I hope you get the idea. Thanks.
  3. Hello, I am not sure if there is a thread for my query already in the forum. I would like to know if there is a way to place a restriction in a product to be sold in a specified area. The reason being is that I am willing to sell items such as fragrances which are restricted to sell internationally. I would much appreciate if you could help me on this. Thanks
  4. Greeting to cubecart's team and cubecarters, I'm one of the co-owners of http://ohsembuy.com and we'd decided to use Facebook ads to boost up our webstore's sales. After I setup an ads in Facebook, its required me to add the "Facebook Pixel Helper" code into my webstore's code, as shown at below: <!-- Facebook Pixel Code --> <script> !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s){if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)};if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script','https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '105319869934614'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); </script> <noscript><img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=105319869934614&ev=PageView&noscript=1" /></noscript> <!-- DO NOT MODIFY --> <!-- End Facebook Pixel Code --> I would be highly appreciated, if any expert can show me the ways to overcome this matter. Thanks in advanced, Simon Wilson.
  5. Hello everyone! I want to do an amendment on the site, so that when the customer would like to buy the site, you can specify the exact amount you want to buy. For example: I want to buy 2.3 kg of meat. (And I want this quantity will put it in the basket) It is a meat 10dkg 30 forints So, 230 x 30 = 6900 Huf This is the total price It would help anyone possibly do that? It would be important! Pls reply Thank you!
  6. I have a site (theolyn.com) I'm building in CC6.0.12. We're based in the UK and prices are in GBP. However, we're taking more sales from the USA and would like to offer an alternative browsing experience there that is more America-friendly. The solution I'd like is: Some sort of script that can identify a visitor's IP address and forward them to a sub-directory of the site as appropriate, so everybody sees the UK site unless they're from the USA, in which case they're forwarded to theolyn.com/us. Having identified a visitor as US-based, prices will then be shown in USD, rather than GBP. The ability to price products in different currencies precisely, so that a product that costs £349.99 can be specified as $449.99, instead of the less customer-friendly conversion of $453.29 (as it happens to be today — it will be slightly different tomorrow). Setting enticing prices in GBP is great, but it's much less enticing to Americans if the price is some awkward conversion, instead of a priced tweaked to be enticing to them. Does anybody know how I can make my site US-friendly, please? Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to help. UPDATE: I note I was in touch with bsmither a while ago on the topic of setting specific prices in different currencies on a per-product basis — see thread here: Assuming he gets back to me with a useful response, I'm just left with the problem of identifying and redirecting users based on IP address. Fingers crossed!
  7. Hi How can i set a rule in .htaccess that index.php?seo_path=my-seo-path 301 redirect to domain.com/my-seo-path.html as i see many index.php?seo_path=my-seo-path on Webbots and this is bad for seo.
  8. My Logo has been updated and I have 3 different variants for various purposes, and I have somehow managed to update the website store logo, and the logo on the invoices. However, I can't figure out how to make a banner display properly on emails. It is all bunched up :-(
  9. Hai, I'm using Cubecart V6 with the paypal pro gateway as my payment method. And I'm using Foundation as my skin of template. My scenario is : Non-member (Without Login) Customer can purchases and add item into their basket, and view it by click on "view basket". (the button will navigate them to xxxx.com/index.php?_a=basket) Member (Login) Customer can purchases the item, but the "view basket" button is failure. It navigate customer to (xxxx.com/index.php?_a=confirm). Previously it doesn't have "View Basket", I enable it via box.basket.php in skin, template. It is not only that, but it will shows the same url to customer when they press on login button during login process. (In order to confirm member had login, they need to press "back" button in browser and refresh the browser). Thanks
  10. well I attempted to do this <H1></H1> tag just like I did for another page. It worked for the other page but it didn't work on my contact-us.php page. I put both tags in shop/skins/mican/templates/main.php file. Here is what I have: {if $smarty.server.REQUEST_URI|stristr:'contact-us.php'} <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Contact Form</title> <H1>Contact Information and Form</H1> </head> </html> {/if} Can someone tell me what I did wrong and how to fix it? thanks
  11. Hi, Please be indulgent with my english... I need some help to fixed taxes rates on shipping and coupon. I thought I was doing it well but it seems to have failed. There's no taxes applies on my shipping and there's something weird happen with taxes when I apply a coupon. I need to apply canadian taxes on shipping amount and I need to apply both of canadian taxes correctly on subtotal after the system calculate the coupon discount. Please help me!
  12. how i can remove parameters from url , like i have page http://www.abc.pk/index.php?_a=viewCat&cat_id=1 to http://www.pakonlineshop.pk/mens-fashion i have tried many options but did not get , if i use this rule #RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)$ #RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f #RewriteRule ([^/]*)$ index.php?_a=viewCat&cat_id=$1 [NC] this loads some category's products on http://www.pakonlineshop.pk
  13. Hi verybody, anyone can tell me where to set up my email to receive notifications when someone performs an order? thanks
  14. Smallmouse wrote in 2008 "Hi again, I am trying to sell tickets to events online using cubecart. Is there any way that when the customer enters in the number of tickets they require and add to basket, then they are given a form to fill in with the names of those attending for each ticket? I am really stuck with how to do this. Any help appreciated. Thanks. Lisa." I am trying to do the same, however at the moment I use digital items and have the attendees registered name only. Would be nice to a full blown ticket agency using a CC plugin. Any takers? regards Duncan
  15. I need to add a banner for the paypal billmelater to my website, but it's in <script></script> form. I tried putting it in the Welcome Message text but it won't show the banner. I have spent 8 hours trying to figure out if I needed to tell javascript to be true, but i found so many references to javascript that I'm not sure where I have to change anything and I thought javascript was enabled cause I use recaptcha. Anyway if someone can help me figure out how to get this paypal banner that's in <script></script> form on my website I'd appreciate it. I have Cubecart 6.0.11. I do have the script already as given from Paypal. I could put it in my header too if that helps anyone help me. I use the Mican - Blue theme.
  16. Greeting to cubecart's team and cubecarters, I just started using cubecart v6 and I was very impressed with the functions of cubecart. However, I'm now encounter some problems and I need some suggestions here. I used Softaculous to install my online ecommerce website (Ohsembuy) with the latest cubecart v6, it's working fast and smoothly without any hassle. Until now, I've uploaded more than 20 products onto the store. Yesterday, I'm ready to add the "Online Payment Gateway" from "WebCash". The customer support manager from WebCash informed me that I need to insert the "Online Payment Gateway API" by myself. I login to my webstore and try to add on the gateway API. However, I found out that I can't edit those PHP codes (All the PHP codes are fixed) just like the below picture: I can only view the PHP info, but can't barely change or edit the PHP codes. My question here - Is there any alternative solution for me to add the "Online Payment Gateway API" onto my webstore, since I can't change or edit the PHP codes? PS: I really need to solve this problem urgently, hopefully someone will guide me here. Thanks in advanced. Regards, Simon Wilson.
  17. Hi, I am having an issue with setting EU rules etc. This may sound confusing but here goes. I do not want to sell to EU customers when it involves currencies, but, since I sell digital products, and occasionally add freebies, I do want them to be able to order and download those. I have tried every which way to mess with the tax and zone settings etc, and have had my CT from Australia, and a friend from the UK test for me, and no matter what, the cart stops them. I even tried setting up a tax rule of FREE set at 0 cost, but nothing let's them in. Am I doing something wrong, or is there simply not a capability to do this in CubeCart 6, I have the latest version.
  18. Hi Cubecart forum, I have found in: Products/images there is an Exclude Image tick button. However I am unable to click on it or even untick the included Image box. Does anyone else have this issue? I also found that if I uploaded an image with the same name I get both listed in the file manager. Your comments and observations please.
  19. Hello, Just looking to see what everyone does for their record keeping processes. Currently, I have to manually input my sales in to Quickbooks and am looking for a better way! I then print out the invoice from the cubecart store and place that into a folder for a hard copy. I see a lot of people don't even keep their orders in the system. I am just looking to see if there is a way to streamline this process, it's very time consuming and wasteful as far as ink/paper goes!
  20. Hi there, I look after a website that uses cubecart v6 in catalogue mode. The cubecart software is currently installed at the root level of "public_html" folder. We want to make some major updates without the site going down or being disrupted. Is it possible to have a second version of cubecart running from another folder to work on and then when we are ready to go live take the old site down and use the new version? Thanks Amanda
  21. Hello all, I have a question : - How to display the e-mail the buyer on the purchase confirmation page with the module "PRINT ORDER FORM" in template file : print.tpl or else (as downloaded from the orders data such as below?) - This is an external system of data collection orders the customer so that he could ransom guarantees/Leave feedback. Regards
  22. I'm trying to set up a coupon for free shipping, I went through the process saved it, but where does it appear or how would or could I use this on FB or my cubecart website. I'm telling ya, by the time I get my site setup you might be able to add me as a moderator to help other people someday. hehehe Thanks, Mike
  23. Hi Looking at the template file for GalaxyX skin product display - content.product.php, I see it uses {$PRODUCT.full_base_price} & {$PRODUCT.price_to_pay} to display the prices. However, {$PRODUCT.full_base_price} is not displaying the original price. We have a 'Trade' Customer Group and have assigned 'Trade' prices to our products, so when logged in as a Trade customer we expect that the original price AND the Trade prices are displayed but instead we just get the Trade price twice (the first is crossed out). Is this a bug? Also, how can I test if a customer belongs to a particular group? Many thanks in advance.
  24. I know this is not probably the right place to ask a question like this but after receiving so much good advice I will try anyway and see if someone can shine a light. So here is my problem: I have CCV6 which is able to send system emails to any email accounts such as Gmail but not to the business domain email where is hosted. Is this something that I have missed on the site configuration or I have to point it to the IT management at the Server side? As far as i am concerned I don't see any configuration file that might prevent processing domain emails. As usual Helpers will be greatly appreciated..:)
  25. Prior to go live with the site we have tested Paypal and despite placing an order and successfully paying with Paypal we are not receiving any admin email to warn us that a payment / order was placed. We are using CC V6 10. the site has three administrators and all three are set to receive system emails. I have tried to see if there is anything related in the forum but could not find any, (except for POF which is not what we are using as a Gateway). Anyone has a clue?
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