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Al Brookbanks

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Everything posted by Al Brookbanks

  1. There was a bug in live mode which is now fixed. We have a merchants successfully taking live payments now.
  2. HI Kirk, We have another merchant with the error message; Can you confirm that this integration is working for you and live payments are working on your store?
  3. We don't have a partnership with Adyen but it's not required. They have exceptional documentation and the integration has been tested under their sandbox. Please do let us know how you get on. Where are you referring to when you say no documents on the CubeCart page? We will reach out to Adyen to see if we can get our integration certified.
  4. This extension certainly did work. It probably needs an update or rebuild if the API is no longer.
  5. In order to make the YouTube videos responsive you need to add the following CSS. div[id^='ytplayer_'] { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */ padding-top: 25px; height: 0; } div[id^='ytplayer_'] iframe { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }
  6. It was missing the description field. I just added it in version 1.1.1. You might want to add a description like "Credit/Debit Card, ApplePay or Masterpass" depending which ones you have enabled.
  7. Welcome. Let us know how you get on with it.
  8. Exactly. Your store is still using a mix and match of old and new files.
  9. The store still isn't at latest code base then.
  10. You think you are using the latest version but you are not. If in your folder structure you see and admin folder and a renamed admin folder it is likely that the admin folder (with latest code) is not in use! ./admin ./admin_abc123 The name will vary but you need to rename the admin folder admin_abc123 and delete the admin_abc123 folder.
  11. @Retrodisco @thefootballshirtstore Sounds like you need to upgrade to a more recent version of CubeCart!! I'll fix the typo but you need to upgrade your stores.
  12. Too busy crapping her pants I'm afraid.
  13. Yes. Needs doing. Also the SagePay extension needs openssl instead of mcrypt.
  14. Nobody raised an issue on GitHub. If they did it didn't make the release for whatever reason.
  15. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2996431/detect-when-a-window-is-resized-using-javascript Does that help? Be careful it doesn't refresh too many times as it resizes.
  16. It's used by LetsEncrypt to validate the domain for your SSL certificate.
  17. Yeah doing really well. I have another new baby too which I'm pretty pleased about.
  18. Change the hexadecimal value in skins/foundation/images/icon-sprites.svg: <symbol id="icon-spinner" viewBox="0 0 44 44" stroke="#d8d8d8">
  19. We are pleased to announce the release of 6.2.1 which stabilises and builds on the features of 6.2.0. In particular the GDPR tools have been extended upon to log cookie consent and numerous purge tools have been created to clean up the mailing list, customers and orders. A full breakdown of bug fixes and features can be found on the GitHub issue tracker. Download: CubeCart-6.2.1.zip Please visit out knowledge base for upgrade instructions.
  20. If it still says 6.1.13 then it will be at 6.1.13 or a mix of both. Please check the files uploaded fully without error replacing any existing ones.
  21. Hi Jack, Please upgrade manually and all will be ok.
  22. If you have basic coding skills you could adapt this: https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/code-snippets/maximum-order-value
  23. Turn on catalogue only mode (General Settings) and edit your homepage to show a message about being away and that checkout is disabled.
  24. Still online!!! Thank you.
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