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Everything posted by keat

  1. In the end I went for a simple aproach. I created a new category but have this hidden from the front page. In main.php, I removed the 'Featured Product' call, and added in it's place a small amount of html to create a button with hyperlink to the hidden category.
  2. did you do this as a hook ?
  3. Just be aware that these changes in the database will probably be lost if you update your site at any point, with potential for data loss. Take a look here as there are additional code edits.
  4. On the featured product box (Popular Products), is there any way to have this show 3 products instead of just one random product. At the moment, we have this called Deal of the Week. All products have 'show in featured product' unchecked, apart from one. This then sits there static. I'd like to show 3 products. I assume that any changes would need to be made in catalogue.class, but it's beyond my realms Mican Skin by the way
  5. There is a mod avaiable called vertical navigation box by semperfi. Feel free take a look at my site to see it in action. Cable Ties
  6. It turned out in the end to be a mis communication. I've removed "Featured Product", the boss thought that we could utilise the space where the column would have resided. He assumed that he could push a 4th product in the column space. I thought he wanted to show 4 icons across.
  7. using the Mican skin, is it possible to reduce the size of the latest products thumbs and having 4 across instead of 3 across.
  8. If you've not used this before, then you may have to enable it in the dashboard store settings. I use it frequently, as it also copies the product options, which saves loads of time.
  9. Guys what's that image banner feature called which is part of foundation. I'm looking to have a play with it, and for the life of me don't recall what it is.
  10. What I found is, it doesn't matter what settings you put in any php files, they are all over ridden by the server default of 20 minutes. Although, that 20 minute figure is then influenced by the garbage clean up, which may run later. On my server, this equated to about 40 minutes. Al did some coding work, that would copy this session data and dump it somewhere for safe keeping, although I recall him saying that even this wasn't ideal, as you would need a certain amount of user rights over the server, which most hosted plans don't offer. I don't recall the specifics, maybe speak to Al. As I have my own server, and it only hosts a few cubecarts, it was easier for me to chnage the server default, than it was to start modifying files etc.
  11. I didn't submit it. I'm happy to share it though if it helps CubeCart_geo_zone.csv
  12. its caused by sessions.gc_maxliftime, and has been the bane of my life for getting on 2 years, until Al and I found it. session.gc_maxlifetime This value (default 1440 seconds (20 minutes)) defines how long an unused PHP session will be kept alive. For example: A user logs in, browses through your application or web site, for hours, for days. No problem. As long as the time between his clicks never exceed 1440 seconds.
  13. There are a number of discrepancies. If I recall Middlesex isn't in there. In the end I created a whole new county list, however, Ceredigion wasn't on my radar. I also included Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey as counties.
  14. keat

    save basket

    I did indeed make the changes in php.ini. Having done a lot of fault finding with Al on the sessions.gc_maxlifetime, it seems that the local value is overwritten by the servers master value, so it doesn't matter what value you put in session class, this will be ignored by the server. The default PHP value being only 20 minutes, and about another 20 miniutes to invoke the session delete. (40 minutes in total) This was the ultimate cause of my null orders. Customers leaving the browser window open and the session timing out on the server. Al made some changes to cubecart to try and overcome this, which I believe writes information to a temporary file, but I was lead to believe that even this wasn't going to be straight forward, and of course requires a CubeCart update which is a PITA as I have custom mods. A mod which gives the customer the option to save his basket, would be another effort to try and curb the habit of leaving the browser window open.
  15. keat

    save basket

    I host my own server, so changing these settings is not an issue. I modified sessions.gc_maxlifetime to 3 days, but it seems that 3 days is not enough for some folk. I've now upped this to 7 days, but no doubt someone will still find a way to break it.
  16. Is there a save basket function or plugin available. I still have customers trying to use cubecart as a live ordering system, where they open a browser window, add items to the basket and leave the window open to come back to later. I was hoping that increasing sessions.gc_maxlifetime to 3 days would be enough, but it seems not.
  17. I had this previously on a V3 site, it took me weeks to figure out that the host was running cloudflare. Might be worth checking.
  18. Just an update on the issue where orders are missing contents. We had another instance yesterday, where the order had about 50 items, and the first 30 were missing. Considering I reconfigured session.gc.maxlifetime to 3 days, it seems some customers may actually leave thier PC's running and session open. I guess I'll never truly get a fix for this. arrrgggggg
  19. You may need to enable cloning in "Store Settings" > "Extra"
  20. I didn't realise 6 was a page number, (I assumed it was maybe a category_id) Manually changing the URL to "page=1", reveals a small number of sale items. (we only have a few) Page=2 etc reveals "No Products Found" I guess therefore that Google webmaster tools must have indexed page 6, when we had a sale on or something, when page 6 was populated. This now begs the question, why is there an invisble page 6 with no items on it and no 404 ? And why do I not have a link to "Sale Items"
  21. I have webmaster tools telling me that a page doesn't exist, and that i'm not displaying a 404. However, when I follow the suggested link it takes me to a "Sale Items" page, that has no products. And rightly so, doesn't exist, but it yet when i follow it, it does. I'm confused. Where is this URL being generated, and considering I have sale items, should these not be on the URL https://www.cabletiesonline.co.uk/sale-items.html?page=6&cat_id=sale
  22. This can be quite tricky, we have something similar. We sell cable ties, we sell with price breaks of 100, 500 and 1000. If a customer ordered 5 x 100, it will cost him more than 1 x 500. It does happen, and we would never quible if a customer were to complain, however, it does rely on customers being somewhat intelligent and tech savvy. I couldn't get the options matrix to work how we want it to.
  23. I dare say there are plugins available, take a look on Havenswift, Noodleman or Semperfi's web sites. However, if all your canvas prints have the same otions (150 x 100, 250 x 200 or 350 x 300 etc), then when you clone a product, the options are cloned too. If the options are the same prices, then this makes it even simpler.
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