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Dirty Butter

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Everything posted by Dirty Butter

  1. Mine is 653 bytes! Is there anything unusual about your install? What did you upgrade from?
  2. I used to use an FTP client that would not save the global.inc.php file when I edited it, no matter what the permission was set to. I had to change the permission from within the cPanel FileManager. Do you have some kind of hosting access to the folders? If so, try it from there.
  3. The same level of folders that has the re-named admin.php file has a folder named includes. You will find the global.inc.php file there. You have to change the permission to allow you to save edits to this file. Make sure the names in global.inc.php and your folder/file are identical to what you re-named them to. They don't have to be the same - the folder could be ham and the file eggs.php. Then change the permission of the global.inc.php file back to 444.
  4. I've been known to hijack a few threads myself lol. np The CC demo store creates the same url I get, but their sort works. I tried to enable debugging in the Demo admin, but it's evidently not allowed, as I get a blank page. So I created another demo store TV product so I would have something to sort on the demo store. Then I watched the waterfall. I just barely understand how to use the waterfall, but I couldn't see anything obviously different in my waterfall results on my store Sort and on the Demo store sort. MY Search (that you created) uses the meta_keywords instead of the description. Would that be the reason mine doesn't work?
  5. I get a page refresh when I change the Sort, but the list order does not change - that happens no matter which sort method I choose. Your edits did not help my situation. Here's the url after the page refreshes: https://dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog/search.html?_a=category&search[keywords]=CARTERS%20BLUE%20DOG&sort[date_added]=ASC
  6. I looked on the 3rd party forum, too, and didn't see anything that looked pertinent.
  7. I am far from a knowledgeable CC user, but for the most part I was able to modify Foundation to do what I wanted. Most of the cosmetic changes were things I figured out how to do myself. Most of the core code that I wanted modified were accomplished with help on this forum. @bsmither is worth his weight in gold on this forum! His presence here on a regular basis makes up for the relatively small number of frequent contributors. Good luck with your endeavors, no matter what course you end up taking! Merry Christmas!
  8. Hi @IggyP I've stayed out of this conversation as I knew I would have nothing at all to add - WAY beyond my abilities!!!! Since you need to discuss this further with your engineer - perhaps the best thing to do at this point is to wait until you hear from him. We all hope you get a satisfactory solution to your issue! Merry Christmas! DB
  9. You must not have your IP address listed as the exception to show the Debug section. There would be a huge slate gray section below eCommerce by CubeCart that only you can see IF it has the correct IP in it.
  10. "Now, you shouldn't get a crash, but a warning shown in the Debug section at the bottom of the page." What is in the top part of the Debug section in gray at the bottom of the page when you get the screen shown above?
  11. Thanks! I had misunderstood - thought only the On Sale item sort was being addressed in GitHub.
  12. My Sort works with listings in a Category. But it does not work in either the Search box or Advanced Search results page. Changing the default in Admin effects Category as it should, but has no effect on Search results. What files should I check to debug this? My Search is NOT stock, but rather code provided by @bsmither. As far as I know nothing to do with sort has been edited, however.
  13. Use the message system on this forum to send Bsmither your email address. He'll email you and help if anyone can.
  14. @helenyork Please BEFORE you save your post on this forum - edit all information about your site that shows your re-named admin folder/file. I've XXX'd out yours in the post above. Have you checked to be sure the naming in global.inc.php in the includes file matches the browser login url for your admin_XXX?? What were you doing to get this error message? Has your site ever worked since upgrading to 6.1.1??
  15. I've tested, but cannot repeat the behavior you are experiencing.
  16. I haven't noticed that, but you give way more answers that would require checking other threads than I do. Will try to watch out for it happening to me.
  17. Yes, this should be near the bottom of main.php ( a few extra lines shown so you can tell where it belongs): {foreach from=$BODY_JS item=js}{$js}{/foreach} {foreach from=$JS_SCRIPTS key=k item=script} <script src="{$STORE_URL}/{$script|replace:'\\':'/'}" type="text/javascript"></script> {/foreach} <script> {literal} $(document).foundation({equalizer:{equalize_on_stack:true}}); $('.bxslider').bxSlider({auto:true,captions:true}); {/literal} </script>
  18. Your site works as expected on the narrow and wide sides of my Kindle, which uses the Silk browser. There are several Search engine listings for emulators, but I don't like to download software I don't know anything about.
  19. Hi @rianv Welcome to the forums! There should be settings in SagePay dealing with your account, etc., that you have to get from SagePay and save in the SagePay CC page. And AIOS needs to have the appropriate weight/cost/zone settings added to it. I don't use either one. Hopefully someone will be along shortly who can be more helpful. And you can do a forum search and find examples of AIOS for sure and maybe even SagePay. Is this a new install using v5? May I ask why you did not install the current 6.1.1?
  20. Is there any safe browser emulator that would make it possible to test with older browsers? If so, @creters - what is your store url?
  21. Are you working on more than one page at the same time? That will make that happen. Just noticed this is your first post on the forum - welcome!
  22. I see the same admin name showing in various blanks in Admin as well. Wasn't there some discussion about providing a different cookie for the Admin screens at some point? I think it was in connection with "logging in as a customer" logging out admin when the "customer" is logged out.
  23. Assuming your store is in a folder named cube and not on 6.1.1, try what you have with /admin.php.
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