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Everything posted by Noodleman

  1. order.class.php FIND: $this->_order_id = date('ymd-His-').rand(1000, 9999); ammend as required. There is no hook here at the moment, but might be an idea to open a request for one on GitHub so it can be done using a snippit/module in the future.
  2. Just an FYi... I wrote a CubeCart API, and then on top of that wrote a store integration/management solution. It allows you to run multiple stores across as many domains as you want, but uses a single CubeCart store as your central stock system and management system. All orders go to the one store, updates of orders get sent back to the store of purchase etc. Was a nice solution to reduce admin when you have lots of sites. It works well, although isn't available as a module as it has a lot of bespoke elements to it. I've deployed it to a few sites and also wrote a more commercial version of an API for a third party to use with their customers. Fun times
  3. just a caution, you may need to increase the size of the order number field on the various DB tables to accomodate a larger order number
  4. you could get a new hosting package or server and migrate your CC6 sites to that. Some hosting packages let you define PHP versions for each site or directory, you should review that with your hosting provider as it may be the solution. I would go to PHP5.6 or 7.
  5. As a test, enable the background shipping modules which your hooking into, then visit the checkout page. You will notice it's pulling in the same values from that module. It's not the linking module that's forcing that behaviour, it's the standard CubeCart behaviour. or... I misunderstood somerthing as it's been a realllllly long day
  6. Morning JKA, It's possible what you've described is actually intentional. If a customer has not yet registered or supplied a delivery address CubeCart by default will use your store address as the address to send to the shipping modules to gather the quotes. This is why after a customer supplies their address the shipping charges may vary. If this is for a registered customer or a customer who has provided an address then it may be a glitch in the modules. are you using the most recently available versions? (Excuse the long, messy list... this is going to get fixed with a site redesign) https://www.noodleman.co.uk/downloads.html I would probably need to recreate your example on a test store and confirm the behaviour, so it might be best to open a support ticket with all the details at https://www.noodleman.co.uk/support
  7. Yes, it does work with the category discounts module. The discounts module adjusts prices, so it's a pre-sale process. The customer rewards module is a post sale module, in that it awards points after the sales process. The points are worth a cash value, and those can be redeemed at checkout. They are redeemed using a modified version of the the voucher/coupon system. If you want to setup a "linked" product, and offer that at a discounted rate if purchased together then you will want to review the product addons module as this is a feature it offers. I released an updated version of that module a couple days ago which resolves some issues with CubeCart 6.1.4. If you were testing on the earlier release you should swap it out for the newer version.
  8. Hello, If you are getting a blank page, it will almost certainly be because you either have the wrong version installed , for example the PHP5.5 version when you have PHP 5.6 or higher, or vice versa. Or.. you have an old version of IonCube loaders installed and it doesn't know how to decode the module files. Your server error log will tell you if this is the case. If this is the issue open a support ticket and I can provide you with a legacy version which should work for you. The show prices module doesn't need any code changes to work, but may require you to make some store skin changes, depending on how you want it to work.
  9. from a performance perspective, not having to scale images and being able load smaller file sizes will make page load times faster. Sometime this year google will be factoring in page load times into search result rankings, so it's worth consider now.
  10. I wouldn't recommed it unless you want the responsability of securing customer card details, and be liable in the event of a breach.
  11. because that is what your store skin is configured to use in it's config file. CC will build cached versions of all sizes your skin needs so it doesn't have to build / process images on the fly, which is a very memory and CPU intensive process. Doing it once and caching the result is effecient. They are not useless, they are required. If you don't want them, remove them from your skin config file. I will be releasing a module to clean up unused images, should be out in a couple of months.
  12. It's doing a full text search using this select query SELECT I.*, MATCH (I.product_code,I.description,I.name) AGAINST('sshc' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS Relevance FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id, MAX(price) as price, MAX(sale_price) as sale_price FROM CubeCart_pricing_group WHERE group_id = 0 GROUP BY product_id) as G ON G.product_id = I.product_id WHERE I.product_id IN (SELECT product_id FROM `CubeCart_category_index` as CI INNER JOIN CubeCart_category as C where CI.cat_id = C.cat_id AND C.status = 1) AND I.status = 1 AND (MATCH (I.product_code,I.description,I.name) AGAINST('sshc' IN BOOLEAN MODE)) >= 0.5 ORDER BY Relevance DESC LIMIT 12 OFFSET 0 The trick is to now re-work that query, or totally re-write it to get you the results you want. Once you know what your query needs to be updating the code to make it work like that is a lot easier.
  13. It's been on the to do list to overhaul for a while. I've overhauled it for a couple of my customers who wanted some other types of behaviour so it is possible. a search for "HC" will using a different method than longer searched. I think it's either 3 or 4 characters or more uses full text indexes in the DB, where as shorter ones use a more traditional LIKE SQL search. If your technical, enable debug mode, perform your searches and capture the SQL queries, it's a good first step in understanding how it's searching for your keyword, or words. Those queries can then be manipulated in the core code to better suit your needs.
  14. There is a github ticket open to improve this for the USA, although you can set it up now with some creative configuration.
  15. I've migrated several other platforms to CubeCart, but not done osCommerce. In theory the process is similar, so I can probably help you with this. I can write what is known as an ETL process.. "Extract, Transform, Load", which firstly exports the data you want from osCommerce, then transforms it into the structure required by CubeCart, then loads it into CubeCart. If you want to explore this please feel free to open a ticket at my support site which is https://www.noodleman.co.uk/support
  16. Every store has a different set of requirements when it comes to this type of setup, so the solution will depend on those requirements. I've delivered this functionality for other customers over the past 18 months and it's working well for them. I've also used it myself in the past when I ran my own drop ship stores. Some drop ship providers even provide you with an API, meaning you can place the orders direct with them rather than just sending a mail. If your looking for a solution for this drop me a mail and we can explore your needs.
  17. You will need to rebuild the sitemap after rebuilding your SEO links,
  18. That would be my plugin.. It certainly will do what you want, but might need a couple mods of the code. Essentially it will create new numeric ID's for the order status, hard coded ones are 1=pending,2=processing, 3=completed etc The module adds new ones with an ID of 100 or higher.You just need to set the order status to the custom ID.. So.... $order->orderStatus(Order::ORDER_PENDING, $cart_order_id); Replace "order::ORDER_PENDING" with the new ID, for example $order->orderStatus(100, $cart_order_id);
  19. ok, so really you are looking for a common stock control system between your physical store and your online store. You would typically select one of these to be your main stock control system, either your software for your physical store, or your online store. Commonly it would be your physical store. You would then need to sync your stock levels between your physical store system and your online store. Any POS system, or stock control system should have an interface to allow for these types of integrations. Updating stock levels typically is quite a simple process. I think the first step is to select a solution that works for you physical store. At that point your solution can be reviewed to check how it can be linked with your online store.
  20. I've integrated CC with Quickbooks POS for another customer, although you will need to list the features you are looking for. do you already have a POS system?
  21. the best solution is don't us PayPal, they suck quite badly ad digital goods as I learnt recently in a similar dispute. PayPal do not cover digital goods in thier seller protections, I would look at other providers
  22. This is an old issue which appears to have crept back in. Customer purcases an item, goes via checkout. The cart then reduces stock levels from 1 to 0, the item is now out of stock. The cart doesn't let you order out of stock items and removes it from the order. The "work around" for this is to set the setting "Reduce stock levels" top be "Processing" rather than Pending, although it would be nice if the cart was aware that this was the last item and allowed it to be purchased, otherwise your stuck with 1 on the shelf all the time
  23. Evening! It depends on the version of CubeCart you are using. If it's a newer version you can install it directly via the marketplace, be sure to pick the correct version for your servers PHP version. you can check via your admin area menu item php info. https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/related-products-automated-recommendations 1.0.3 is the most recent version. you can also download directly from the same location and install the module to your server over FTP by directly by unzipping the file and adding the folder to the /modules/plugins/ directory of your store. Once installed you can access the module from the "Manage Plugins" list in your admin area, review the module configuration, there is an install guide tab with further details. There is an example on how to use the module in your store theme, however I would like to point out it is just an example.. It can be fully cuztomised to suit your store theme. The demo just starts for you upon install, you don't need to do anything special. If you run into any issues I am happy to help via my support services which is found https://www.noodleman.co.uk/support
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