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Everything posted by bsmither

  1. Not being able to get into the admin also means not being able to view the System Error Log. So, please use a database utility program to access the local database (or whichever database the local CubeCart installation is communicating with), and view the CubeCart_system_error_log table. There should be records with what went wrong -- unless what went wrong happens before the Database connection happens.
  2. Initially, I am going to say no. The include/exclude functionality depends on the product_id. If this function could use the product_code, then having a distinct product_code for each option combination in the Options Matrix Table, then there might be a solution. So far, the best I can advise is to clone a source product that does not include the disqualifying option, to create a new product that does include the disqualifying option - which will not be eligible for a coupon discount. However, re-reading your post, it seems that what you have is a product having a required option, that adds a cost to the product's price, that must be immune to any discounts. Maybe the publisher of this may have some info: https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/product-addons-easily-purchase-related-products-kit-builder Maybe this "option" would have a separate product that must be purchased at the same time as the target product.
  3. Probably because the "lightbox" is (a jquery plugin): * Featherlight - ultra slim jQuery lightbox * Version 1.3.3 - http://noelboss.github.io/featherlight/ https://github.com/noelboss/featherlight/ where the latest version is at v1.7.14 -- and now handles the WEBP format.
  4. The default tab for any plugin is "General". Then, in the module's admin skin template, this Smarty variable, {$MODULE_ZONES}, will bring in the tabs "Allowed Zones" and "Disabled Zones". (The visible nomenclature is relevant to the admin's language pack being used.) Also, in the module's admin index script, a call is made to instantiate a Module class instance, typically: $module = new Module(__FILE__, $_GET['module'], 'admin/index.tpl', true); where true relates to whether or not to determine and record countries allowed and disallowed and show the respective tabs. To add tabs, make a call to: $GLOBALS['main']->addTabControl(); where the function is in: /classes/acp.class.php When CubeCart is ready to show the collection of tab details, a hook, 'admin.tabs', allows for a module to fine-tune that collection.
  5. Comparing what I see vs the image above, not only is the menu icon missing, so is the search icon and the shopping basket icon. This suggests that, for some reason, the SVG file that contains the code to draw icons is either not getting fetched from your site, or the browser on the A54 is incapable of understanding how to process SVG image files. Other differences is that the telephone number is bold in the image above, it is not showing bold for me - although the HTML has <b> tags surrounding it, and a CSS rule exists for 'b' tags. Even when I force the issue, the phone number will not display bold. And that is really, really weird! Well, I just disallowed my browser to use fonts supplied by Google. The phone number got bold. Now I can't get my browser to go back to the way it was. Oh, well. Weird! Have you seen this situation on other devices/browsers?
  6. We have your web address. So, can you just put the image in your CubeCart main folder and let us know what the filename is?
  7. What I see is the store logo and shopping basket icon, then a cyan bar with a three-line menu icon on the left and a magnify icon on the right. Clicking on the menu icon will cause a hidden section to slide down into view. The first line in this new section is "Shop by Category" and when clicked on, will cause a hidden list to slide down into view. I see nothing obviously wrong.
  8. Unfortunately, core CubeCart functionality does not pre-determine what combinations are out of stock. The latest I know, CubeCart will only advise the customer that the selected combo is out of stock when the "Add to Basket" button is pushed. The Option Matrix table allows for discreet product codes, stock levels, and other details. As far what CubeCart does not do, (in my opinion) is because combining option groups does not scale well - so don't try. That is, color (6), size (6), scent (4), texture (3), shape (6) gets a combo table that is 2,592 rows long. However, there is this plugin: https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/absolute-matrix-option-prices-price-list-hide-out-of-stock-matrix-options It hasn't been updated recently, so be sure that the publisher can provide an encoded version that matches your PHP environment.
  9. According to the GitHub, issue #1134 changed the Shop by Category navigation code that got cached, in CC6012. At about that time, I was also having to add the following to the /includes/global.inc.php file, to force CubeCart to use discreet domain names: $glob['storeURL'] = 'http://www.example.com'; $glob['standard_url'] = 'http://www.example.com'; $glob['ssl_url'] = 'https://www.example.com'; Please know that CubeCart cares not what the "hostname" is, but whatever it is, CubeCart figures it out and remembers it. But, these config settings will override what was used. Which "may" confuse some web browsers -- I am not up to speed on the security and safety measures browsers have lately.
  10. It could be that the Apache web server, in its main config settings, has not yet been set to allow for directory overrides. Please see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18740419/how-to-set-allowoverride-all
  11. Given that domain names are a courtesy with respect to how computers actually talk to each other, using an IP address is the actual way to initiate communications - given certain conditions. The fact that the IP address remains as part of the link to the site, and is cached, suggests some part of your site is still at an older version -- where such version added the domain name to the URLs built for parts of the skin and then cached. That scenario was fixed many versions ago. When this happens, in the folder /cache/, examine all the files (other than request, sql, and lang) to see which one may have the full domain name (IP Address) in it. You might also ask your hosting provider to configure your web server [host] file to reject accepting IP addresses on port 80 and 443.
  12. This is (almost absolutely) an issue the hosting provider will need to solve. (Unless what you have is a fully self-managed private server.) The standard install of MySQL on a server box has a table to hold all the timezones, but does not populate that table. Thus, when a command is sent to the database server to use a specific timezone, there is no info to be had. Loading a timezone file into a database server is a very common thing to do, and your hosting provider should be able to do it. (There are plenty of web pages that describe the process. Your host can google for it.)
  13. My mention above about the manufacturers was that CubeCart (unfortunately) looks in the manufacturer's actual Name for the submitted keyword -- not the product's property designation 'manufacturer'. Or maybe I misunderstood your comment. But, for your store (music albums), you wish to change "Manufacturer" to "Label". I admin, Languages, click the Edit icon of the language you wish to change. On the next page shown, in the "Search this language" box, enter 'Manufacturer' and click the Go button next to it. The returned list has links in the Key column that will take you to an editing page where you can enter a new phrase for that key. (Hint: Right-click on the link and select Open in new tab. That way, it's easy going back to the first browser tab to make more edits on new tabs.) You will need to click with your mouse on the 'key' word to make the text entry box editable. (It's necessary to do it this way.) After entering a new phrase in the text edit box, click Save. After making the desired edits, have CubeCart clear its internal cache (the blinking orange button at the top-right corner). Changed phrases are databased, and so will survive upgrades.
  14. Ok, so regardless of where "man" was found, the listing is in Name A-Z (Title) order. There would need to be quite a bit of code edits if the search results listing was to be sorted first by "Found-in-Name", then "Found-in-Code", then "Found-in-Description". Not impossible, but somewhat complicated.
  15. "it lists everything with man in the description before man in the title" Interesting. I will need to track down why that might be. On the results page, the Sort By selector has "Name (A-Z)" selected? In admin, Store Settings, Layout tab, "Product List Sorting" is set to what? (Although I am not sure if search results honors this sort ordering.)
  16. There is a situation in CubeCart (bug has been reported), that involves the name of the manufacturer. As an experiment, in admin, Manufacturers, note that there is a manufacturer named "BMG Rights Management (UK) Ltd". This is the manufacturer for "Kula Shaker - K". Is there any other product that has this manufacturer? The experiment: change the name of this manufacturer to "BMG (UK) Ltd". (After saving the change, have CubeCart clear its internal cache (the blinking orange button seen at the upper-right corner of the page). Then try searching on "man".
  17. Let's start by letting us know the exact version of CubeCart you are running. This can be found in admin, Dashboard, Store Overview tab. Let us know your skill at editing code files.
  18. There are three phases to CubeCart's search function (four for CC650+). For short words, the last two phases will be the only ones to find that one short word: the whole word man, or the part of the word commander. (The first phase(s) will not look for a word with less than four letters.) CubeCart's search will look at the product's Name (Title), the Product Code, and the product's description. Therefore, if the last phase was the phase that actually found something, the irrelevant product shown might have had a word with the search term as part of it contained in its description. There was another conversation on the forums asking if it is possible to have CubeCart ignore looking at the product description for the search term. That can be done, but would require a code edit. As for the strange missing products that have "man" in the Name (or Title), perhaps we can explore why that is happening.
  19. Double check to make sure that the Basix template element.breadcrumb.php has not been edited. My comment above about needing </div> where I said it should be is not correct. Make sure that the last five lines of that template is: {/foreach} </ol> </div> </div> {/if}
  20. So, there is this line of code: <div id="element-breadcrumbs" class="hidden-xs"> There needs to be a matching </div> right after it. (I think.) At least, that allows the rest of the page to be visible on screens at "xs" width. There may be more.
  21. Without allowing javascript to run (which I always do when first visiting an unknown site), I get the complete page -- laid out according to the CSS rules for "xs" width. I do notice that the images do not scale down as the width of the screen gets slimmer. For the image tag, adding style="max-width:100%;" will fix this. This could be done in the Homepage document, having the editor show advanced properties of the image. However, when enabling javascript, the page still seems to be complete -- and the LightSlider is taking care of the image scaling. The above was the homepage. Viewing a category or product, I see what you are describing.
  22. A code snippet has been written to search category names and descriptions for keywords. Results are sent to the View Category template (used to show search results). There are edits to the template to show these results. Note that searching categories and searching products are connected only by the collection of keywords used to perform the search. That is to say, searching on "subwoofer valley jupiter" might find categories with these words in the name or description, and separately also find products with these words in the name, code, or description -- regardless if the products and categories have any relation to each other. There are additional edits to core code that have adjusted how searching product names, codes, and descriptions is performed. The edits fixes what I consider bugs and unreasonable restrictions. These edits will be proposed to the programmers in an issue posted to the GitHub. If you are interested in experimenting with this project, please send a PM with your email address.
  23. So far, I have found four edits necessary: /classes/cart.class.php, near line 210, find: if (!is_numeric($quantity) || $quantity < 1 || $quantity > 999) { Change to: if (!is_numeric($quantity) || $quantity < 1) { skin template element.product.call_to_action, near line 33, find: <input type="number" name="quantity" aria-label="{$LANG.common.quantity}" value="{$PRODUCT.minimum_quantity|default:'1'}" min="{$PRODUCT.minimum_quantity}"{if $PRODUCT.maximum_quantity gte $PRODUCT.minimum_quantity}max="{$PRODUCT.maximum_quantity}"{/if} maxlength="3" class="quantity required text-center"> and delete this part: maxlength="3" skin template content.homepage.php, near line 62, find: <input type="number" name="quantity" aria-label="{$LANG.common.quantity}" maxlength="3" value="{$product.minimum_quantity|default:'1'}" min="{$product.minimum_quantity}" class="quantity required text-center"> and delete this part: maxlength="3" skin template content.category.php, near lines 116 and 176, find: <input type="number" name="quantity" aria-label="{$LANG.common.quantity}" value="{$product.minimum_quantity|default:'1'}" maxlength="3" class="quantity text-center"> and delete this part: maxlength="3" You can learn about this at: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/2086 So, maybe make the changes so that the max would be 99999 (maxlength="5") -- or whatever suits your expectations.
  24. Please show us line 1135 in the file /classes/user.class.php. I cannot determine what version of CubeCart has user.class.php, line 1135, has a statement that makes a call to load(). The closest statement I can see is a call to $GLOBALS['hooks']->load('class.user.load'). So, generally speaking, CubeCart has a specific sequence of waking up that has very little leeway - where a call to instantiate class 'n+1' will require that class 'n' be instantiated first. That is to say, instantiating User might require that every class listed ahead of it be instantiated first -- in this case, at least the Hookloader class and Session class, which themselves might require earlier listed classes be instantiated, such as Language and Debug. Try including controller.index.inc.php -- which might require you to check the necessity for define('ADMIN_CP', true);.
  25. Sorry, the template "settings.logs.php" displays the prepared list.
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