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Everything posted by bsmither

  1. I think, by default for Foundation, a Category View is in a 'list' style. (This is, of course, a layout consideration of the skin you are using, and not a specific decision or setting made within CubeCart.) There are a few edits to make to the template to have it initially be in a grid view: In content.category.php, near line 59, find: <dd><a href="#" class="grid_view"><svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-th-large"></use></svg></a></dd> <dd class="active"><a href="#" class="list_view"><svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-th-list"></use></svg></a></dd> Change to: <dd class="active"><a href="#" class="grid_view"><svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-th-large"></use></svg></a></dd> <dd><a href="#" class="list_view"><svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-th-list"></use></svg></a></dd> Near line 70, find: <div class="row product_list_view"> Change to: <div class="row product_list_view hide"> Near line 130, find: <div class="product_grid_view hide"> Change to: <div class="product_grid_view"> Because a template has been changed, we need to clear the template cache (admin, Maintenance, Rebuild tab, Clear Cache).
  2. A template, by definition, provides standardization. Can we have two product pages where we can see this disparity?
  3. That's weird. There are numerous places in CubeCart's code that will throw Notices, at least, and they will be in the error_log. Not being able to write a file would be a Warning, and that will be in the error_log as well. Very weird.
  4. We ask that you create the error_log. If PHP is having a problem writing the file (eventually to be sent out to the browser to be printed), the error_log may have a clue as to why.
  5. Welcome Harvey Forman! Glad to see you made it to the forums. I see that you have chosen a hosting provider that has installed some sort of anti-scrape feature on the web server. The hosting provider may have also installed an overly-aggressive server-level caching mechanism, and maybe a URL rewrite directive in the web server's config file (as opposed to a specific rewrite directive in the .htaccess file that should appear in CubeCart's main folder). When asking for your main site, the reason you get the directory listing is because there are no documents that the web server has been told to look for in the absence of any specifically-named document (index.php, index.html, default.asp, etc). Additionally, the web server has not been given the directive IndexIgnore * (or whatever it would be for the web server in use). I would encourage you to discuss with your hosting provider these possible issues.
  6. Welcome Mauritron! Glad to see you made it to the forums. Currently, there is no way to 'administratively' remove a skin (as opposed to administratively install a skin). However, access the site folders (FTP, your hosting control panel, or etc) and delete the unwanted folder found in the /skins/ folder.
  7. Other than manually TRUNCATE'ing the CubeCart_sessions table, I do not know of a way to selectively or in bulk to dump anyone/everyone's shopping basket (not the same as a Pending order). If you feel it is important that the price of an item must be consistent with the current databased values, as opposed to maintaining the understanding that the price will be at checkout what the shelf sticker said it was when placed in the shopping cart (legal requirement in many jurisdictions), I encourage an issue be opened at the Github. Another apprach would be an operational feature that when the store is taken "offline", that all current shopping baskets be dumped. Comparing this scenario to Amazon, I have had items in my shopping cart be removed because stock ran out while I was procrastinating, as well as price changes - but was well-informed of what happened and why.
  8. What I see is that the image is 300 pixels tall (a size designation specified in the skin's config.xml file). In product_page.css, line 9, I find that there is a fixed height for the image's container: 25em. Because the height measurement is a direct factor to the size of the font in use in this container (9px), or 225px, the image will overflow. Suggest that you comment out the fixed height, or change it to match the expected height of the image it contains: 300px.
  9. I will say that both the HTML content and Plain Text content are present in each email (assuming nothing goes wrong). The placeholder is {$EMAIL_CONTENT}. Do not forget the braces. Some email readers (clients) are very reluctant to show the plain text content, even if it is the only content present in the email. Outlook is probably not one of those "HTML or nothing" clients. But finding the menu option to "Show Source" is well hidden. Showing source shows the headers, plain text content and HTML content, and for these clients, is the only way to verify that the plain text content even exists because if there is HTML, that is what will be shown.
  10. FTP the entire local folder to the destination folder. However, you should not FTP the /cache/ and /images/cache/ folder. During local development, especially if you were using, you may have the local URL in the /includes/global.inc.php file. Remove or comment out those variables. CubeCart will figure out for itself where it is.
  11. From the exact URL you gave us (/cubecart without a trailing slash), I get a 301 to /cubecart/ (with a trailing slash). That tells me there is something watching for URLs that do not conform to a specific syntax of your installation of CubeCart. And it isn't CubeCart. After I ask for the URL the 301 told me to use (/cubecart/ with a trailing slash), I get a 301 to /cubecart/Index.php (with an uppercase I). That tells me there is something watching for URLs that do not conform to a specific syntax of your installation of CubeCart. This could be CubeCart as I see there is a header that wants to set a CubeCart cookie. Thereafter, when asking for the URL the 301 told me to use (/cubecart/Index.php with an uppercase I), I get a 301 to /cubecart/Index.php (with an uppercase I). I also see that you are running PleskWin for which there may be a server directive, or perhaps there is a directive in IIS, or both, that is issuing the 301 specifying the Index.php (with an uppercase I) where the other specifically is looking for index.php (with a lowercase i). Look in /includes/global.inc.php for any value that includes Index.php (with an uppercase I). If there are any values that mention the URL or path to CubeCart, know that none of these values should actually have index.php as part of it.
  12. So the queries return what they are supposed to. Logically, that just leaves this expression: (empty($address['state']) && !empty($address['country'])) as the only remaining part of the condition that would result in the condition being true, thus the error message being generated. We should take this to email as I would like to give you some deep-level diagnostic edits to really find where this problem is coming from.
  13. Sorry, you need to prepend the table name with w5bl, so that it is `w5bl_CubeCart_geo_zone`. SELECT * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_geo_zone` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_geo_zone.id = '469'; SELECT * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_geo_zone` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_geo_zone.country_id = '225'; The font makes it hard to tell the exact letters, so I leave it to you to determine the prefix.
  14. Mayhaps it isn't because you have a Windows server (I have two), it is because the web server is IIS (which I do not use). As such, there is a way (I forget how now) to order the default document preferences so that index.php is higher on the list when no document is specified. Be aware that there exists at some places in CubeCart's web pages a URL that is simply www.mysite.com/cubecart/ with no actual document mentioned. As such, this may cause a round-robin with index.html (if it has a higher position in the default document list) and index.php. I occasionally get a 503 with one of my dev boxes -- this particular dev box does not have PHP-FPM capability. So, after x-number of page requests, something gets exhausted and PHP just quits. (On one of the server boxes, I have a service wrapper on the PHP process that, when PHP quits, the wrapper restarts it. Usually in a fraction of a second.)
  15. Also check to see if someone at sometime made an edit to the .htaccess file in either or both the fitpacking main folder and CubeCart's main folder. If there is a directive in either that does the same thing that CubeCart is trying to do, then mayhaps this is the cause of the "too many redirects" issue. Yes, CubeCart actually does want the "non-ssl" variant of your store's URL in Store Settings, SSL tab.
  16. What I am expecting to have happen is that the here-to-for images in the item's Image Picker listbox (in admin's Edit Product) is now visibly checked and/or starred. As such, they can be unchecked and unstarred.
  17. Upload the whole /admin/ folder. Rename the existing /admin_hAsHeY/ to /admin_older_version/. Rename /admin/ to /admin_hAsHeY/ where hAsHeY is the sequence of random letters that make the folder name 'unique'. (This renaming is so that you can easily restore if necessary. Once the newly installed administration has been checked out, you can delete /admin_older_version/.)
  18. If you have this: Near line 93: var product_id = ''; var cat_id = ''; if($("#val_product_id").length) { product_id = $("div#val_product_id").text(); } if($("#val_cat_id").length) { cat_id = $("div#val_cat_id").text(); d.unique = true; } a.getJSON(d.script, { Then this plugin is from CC6110 (and maybe CC6111) or older. As I said, this older version of the file may still work, but I haven't tested it against CC6113. I have to conclude some parts of your upgrade to CC6113 didn't happen. Assuming you have no changes to core code in your admin folder, try FTP'ing an entire /admin/ folder from a fresh download of CC6113 over your existing admin folder. (Be sure to keep the same admin folder name as the existing name.) Because you are a Premium Member, is it not true that CubeCart HQ should have upgraded your site for you.
  19. Earlier, you said you upgraded to CC6113. Please check the following: In the admin /skins/default/ folder, /js/plugins/jquery.filetree.min.js: Near line 101, verify you have these statements: if($("#val_product_id").length) { script_data.product_id = $("div#val_product_id").text(); } if($("#val_cat_id").length) { script_data.cat_id = $("div#val_cat_id").text(); d.unique = true; } a.getJSON(d.script, script_data, function(j) { If the file has these exact statements, then perhaps your web browser is still using an older version of this file from its internal cache. If so, force your browser to reload the page resources. This is usually done with CTRL-F5. If the file does not have these exact statements, then maybe this file did not get processed in the upgrade. (On the other hand, I think the older file should still have worked.)
  20. Assuming the SSL Cert is correct, what happens when in admin, Store Settings, SSL tab, "Enable SSL" is checked?
  21. You have the latest code. That means one or more of the conditions in the statement on line 458 is true when it should not be. This is the part of the code I am focusing on: if( T $user_defined T && !CC_IN_ADMIN T && $_GET['_a']!=='addressbook' F= && ( F (empty($address['state']) && !empty($address['country'])) || F ($GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_geo_zone',false, array($state_field => $address['state']))==false) && T $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_geo_zone',false, array('country_id' => $country_id)) ) ) Using phpMyAdmin, execute each of these queries: SELECT * FROM `CubeCart_geo_zone` WHERE CubeCart_geo_zone.id = '469'; SELECT * FROM `CubeCart_geo_zone` WHERE CubeCart_geo_zone.country_id = '225'; For each of those queries, do you get any records?
  22. Welcome nagarajan! Glad to see you made it to the forums. Most common shipping and payment methods are available at the Marketplace.
  23. Using a programmer's text editor, please verify that you have this code in the file /classes/user.class.php: In the function formatAddress(), near line 435 (depends on the version of CubeCart): // Check state $country_id = getCountryFormat($address['country'], 'numcode', 'id'); if($user_defined && !CC_IN_ADMIN && $_GET['_a']!=='addressbook' && ((empty($address['state']) && !empty($address['country'])) || ($GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_geo_zone',false, array($state_field => $address['state']))==false) && $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_geo_zone',false, array('country_id' => $country_id)))) { $address_description = empty($address['description']) ? '' : ' (&quot;'.$address['description'].'&quot;)'; $GLOBALS['gui']->setError(sprintf($GLOBALS['language']->address['check_state'],$address_description)); httpredir("?_a=addressbook&action=edit&address_id=".$address['address_id']); return false; } There have been some issues with this: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/1290 https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/1367 https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/1708 We may need to take another look at the database table CubeCart_geo_zone. Please remind us what version of CubeCart you are using. Is this installation an upgrade from a CubeCart v5 version prior to CC5.2.2?
  24. So, after clicking the Edit icon for the suspect address, you actually got the page of all addresses? Unfortunately, that means the queries I wanted to see are not in the list. Thinking...
  25. I would like to view the storefront with debugging enabled and without any ip address in the field. Also, I am concerned about all the warnings about Memcached.
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