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Everything posted by bsmither

  1. This part, obviously, is not correct: /admin_xxxxxx.php/admin_yyyyyy/ Is there a shortcut or some other link that takes you to this address? If so, it will need to be edited. Please examine the contents of /includes/global.inc.php. Make sure the values there are correct. The store is in "plain text" because the page's resources links to CSS and javascript files are malformed and are not loaded. This can be caused by bad values in global.inc.php.
  2. I added more to my response above. Please refresh the page. We can try to solve this on the forums. If, however, you wish to take this to email, that can be done as well. The template you are looking for is content.checkout.confirm.php near the bottom. Will the added data be a drop-down selector? If so, we can use the country selector code as the basis for the delivery date code.
  3. Do you plan to allow a customer to checkout as a ghost? Or allow shipping to the non-billing address? That is, during checkout, normally, the customer can change the details of the delivery address. Has this been locked down? If the customer changes the delivery details, I think the Foundation skin auto-submits an "Update Basket" command and CubeCart will recalculate all the shipping. Hopefully, your code will also be recalculated. So, ignore the above concern.
  4. No problem. We would like to know the skin you are using.
  5. I would like to assist you in solving this situation. I believe the problems you are experiencing may be rather peculiar to your hosting environment, as this issue isn't well known. PM sent.
  6. From working the code in my browser, here are some edits. I do not know exactly what template each of these segments are in, so if you need help with that, maybe I can offer some guidance. Find: <div class="col-6-12"> <class="element-social"> <img src="https://wickedstuff.co.nz/bvm.png" style="float: right;"> </class="element-social"></div> Change to: <div class="col-6-12"> <div class="element-social"> <img style="float: right;" src="WickedStuff_files/bvm.png"> </div> </div> Find: </form> <div id="validate_email" class="hide">Please enter a valid email address.</div> <div id="validate_already_subscribed" class="hide">Email address already subscribed.</div> Add AFTER: <div><button class="button postfix documents-menu-trigger"><a href="#1">Legal Stuff</a></button></div> In main.js, find these 16 lines (the 17th line looks exactly like the 16th line, so pay attention!): //open/close primary navigation $('.main-menu-trigger').on('click', function(){ $('.cd-menu-icon').toggleClass('is-clicked'); $('.mobile-nav').toggleClass('menu-is-open'); //in firefox transitions break when parent overflow is changed, so we need to wait for the end of the trasition to give the body an overflow hidden if( $('.main-menu').hasClass('is-visible') ) { $('.main-menu').removeClass('is-visible').one('webkitTransitionEnd otransitionend oTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd transitionend',function(){ $('body').removeClass('overflow-hidden'); }); } else { $('.main-menu').addClass('is-visible').one('webkitTransitionEnd otransitionend oTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd transitionend',function(){ $('body').addClass('overflow-hidden'); }); } }); Replace that with: //open/close primary navigation $('.main-menu-trigger').on('click', function(){ $('.main-menu-trigger .cd-menu-icon').toggleClass('is-clicked'); $('.main-menu-trigger .mobile-nav').toggleClass('menu-is-open'); //in firefox transitions break when parent overflow is changed, so we need to wait for the end of the trasition to give the body an overflow hidden if( $('#box-navigation .main-menu').hasClass('is-visible') ) { $('#box-navigation .main-menu').removeClass('is-visible').one('webkitTransitionEnd otransitionend oTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd transitionend',function(){ $('body').removeClass('overflow-hidden'); }); } else { $('#box-navigation .main-menu').addClass('is-visible').one('webkitTransitionEnd otransitionend oTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd transitionend',function(){ $('body').addClass('overflow-hidden'); }); } }); //open/close document navigation $('.documents-menu-trigger').on('click', function(){ console.debug("Doc trigger clicked"); $('.documents-menu-trigger .cd-menu-icon').toggleClass('is-clicked'); $('.documents-menu-trigger .mobile-nav').toggleClass('menu-is-open'); //in firefox transitions break when parent overflow is changed, so we need to wait for the end of the trasition to give the body an overflow hidden if( $('#box-documents .main-menu').hasClass('is-visible') ) { $('#box-documents .main-menu').removeClass('is-visible').one('webkitTransitionEnd otransitionend oTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd transitionend',function(){ $('body').removeClass('overflow-hidden'); }); } else { $('#box-documents .main-menu').addClass('is-visible').one('webkitTransitionEnd otransitionend oTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd transitionend',function(){ $('body').addClass('overflow-hidden'); }); } }); The remaining problem is that when the list of documents (Legal Stuff) slide into view, there is no mechanism to clear it off the screen. The list of categories (Navigation) has the X at the upper right, but this is a fancy-shmancy effect derived from the hamburger icon. Since there isn't one for the Docs list, there is nothing to click to clear it. Also, when the Docs list has slid into view, the hamburger icon is still "hot". That is, with the Docs list overlaying the page, you can (maybe) scroll the page to the top, and still be able to click on that icon. Doing so slides the Navigation list into view - behind the Docs list. This is as much as I can do.
  7. We would ask that you create the error_log to determine what PHP 7 doesn't like about your installation of CubeCart.
  8. Try to get some assistance from the skin's publisher. I will look at the javascript file as it is delivered to my browser.
  9. So, it seems the main-menu class is being targeted by javascript - when the hamburger/menu icon is clicked - to slide into position. However, having copied the div structure from the navigation code so that the documents code looks the same, means there is that same div structure: <div id="box-navigation"> <ul class="main-menu"> and <div id="box-documents"> <nav> <ul class="main-menu"> Thus, two panels slide into view. What needs to be done is three things: 1. Make it clear to the javascript that the hamburger will slide $('#box-navigation .main-menu') into view, 2. Copy the javascript routine so that a different icon will slide $('#box-documents .main-menu') into view, 3. Add a similar looking button below <div id="box-newsletter"> so that it is the trigger to slide the docs menu into view. I do not have a copy of GalaxyX, so I do not know how much I can help.
  10. In box.navigation.php, find: <h3><i class="fa fa-ellipsis-h"></i> {$LANG.something.something}</h3> <div id="box-navigation"> Delete the entire line that has <h3>.
  11. In main.php, find: <div class="grid"> <div class="col-1-1"> <div class="content"> {include file='templates/box.navigation.php'} </div> Change to: <div class="grid"> <div class="col-1-1 footer"> <div class="content"> {include file='templates/box.navigation.php'} </div> In box.navigation.php, find: <div class="panel navigation"> <ul> Change to: <div id="box-navigation"> <ul class="main-menu"> This should get you mostly to where I think you want to be.
  12. Certainly. CSS changes and a change to the size of the image in the skin's config.xml file. Do you need help?
  13. Welcome rsp! Glad to see you made it to the forums. #1. No to the domain, yes to the web server - of which LAMP will suffice. #2. There are a few (older) demos, but the Knowledgebase articles at www.cubecart.com should be the most helpful.
  14. Uhh... Deleting the language isn't actually solving the problem. It hides the symptom of the disease but does nothing to cure the disease. But, oh well. Hiding the symptom works well, too.
  15. My copy of the Mican template content.checkout.confirm.php is using {$LANG.address.state} as the field's label. In the debug section, under SESSION, '__client', what do you have for 'language' and 'user_language'? Then, if you are logged in as an admin while viewing the storefront, under '__admin_data', 'language', and also under '__admin', 'user_language'.
  16. Viewing the rendered HTML that has already arrived at the browser is too late. We must look a the template itself. Please remind me what you are doing exactly when you see "County". You said: Is this on the storefront (customer making an order), or in the admin (admin creating a new order for a customer)? Also, enable Cubecart's debugging and enter your IP address in the adjacent field (www.whatismyip.com). This will show the language CubeCart is using for this session. CubeCart's default language strings (definitions.xml) has for [address][state] is "State". Only when the language en-GB is being used is "County" used. So, either you are using a third-party skin, or CubeCart thinks you still want to use the UK language. Is the language picker showing on the storefront?
  17. This might be a remnant of Smarty having compiled the template, and the file in the skin cache may have the prior language phrases. But this is just a guess. Perhaps clearing CubeCart's cache will cause the template to be compiled with the correct language strings.
  18. Sooo...., if the site administrator has implemented this anti-scrape mechanism, then AJAX exchanges of data may fail if the AJAX package does not send the correct cookie - or may actually fail even with all the correct cookies. I have no experience in this scenario. The template parser (Smarty) does not execute any code other than its own Smarty code. Having PHP code in a template is exactly the same as having any other text. It is just plain text and that plain text will be in the final output that Smarty creates. Also, any code that looks like Smarty code but is not Smarty code in a template could cause PHP to crash. For example: <?php echo "Hello {smiley} World" ?> will cause Smarty to quit parsing the template and stop PHP with a Fatal Error. Please know that you must not think the templates are PHP code scripts just because the filenames end in .php. (The templates can be named anything, and I do not know why the programmers chose '.php' as the filename suffix for the skin templates.)
  19. @ayz1, I would probably see CubeCart as well if I let javascript run from a site I do not yet trust. But there is something that is sending this initial page, it runs some javascript, then instructs the browser to fetch this page with the querystring i=1, probably as a flag that the javascript payload has been implanted. (Maybe nothing more than a signal that the cookie has been created. Maybe!) If you are watching your network waterfall (see your browser's diagnostic tools), you will see the bounce. This discussion (https://blog.kwiatkowski.fr/?q=en/testcookie) suggests this slowAES is a server-level (or cpanel setting) mechanism to thwart bots from scraping content from site pages.
  20. Please discuss this unwanted javascript with your hosting provider.
  21. That will cause different problems, but not the problem I am seeing. There is javascript related to slowAES that is wanting to run. This is not part of CubeCart.
  22. There is something that is blocking me from viewing this site as a CubeCart site. CubeCart and the Foundation skin does not stop someone from viewing the site when the javascript of the browser is not available. The response I get is a simple statement that this site requires javascript, as if there is some other code that is not part of CubeCart running first.
  23. That is one way and certainly valid. Another way would be: {$order.postcode_d|upper} This is a Smarty variable modifier that applies PHP's mb_strtoupper() function to the value. This will uppercase all letters that are appropriate. Not a problem for most if not all of the world's postal code formats. These two methods, however, are solving the problem with precision, on a skin template by template basis. Again, if this is all you need, then you're done. But what is needed is a global solution. That is, the common core code that accepts the form's POSTed values and forces the response to uppercase. Then it gets databased. We see an example of that in the user.class.php file, saveAddress() function. However, in cubecart.class.php, private _checkout() function, there is: Near line 958: 'postcode' => $_POST['billing']['postcode'], Near line 997: 'postcode' => $_POST['delivery']['postcode'], Change those two statements to: 'postcode' => strtoupper($_POST['billing']['postcode']), 'postcode' => strtoupper($_POST['delivery']['postcode']),
  24. It seems this is similar to: https://forums.cubecart.com/topic/52967-secure-checkout-button-not-working/ Please let us know what skin you are using. If not Foundation, temporarily switch to using that skin and determine if the problem still exists. Let us know if there is a web address where we can view the page.
  25. Download the EN-US language pack. Unzip it and place the files in the /language/ folder. Place the flag image in the /language/flags/ folder. Admin, Languages. Check the Status box for English (US). Admin, Store Settings, General tab, Default Language, set to English (US). When Cubecart created the initial admin, the language in use at the time of setup may have been applied to this admin. So, the admin screens will appear that way. Admin, Administrators, Edit your profile, Default Language, set to English (US). Log Out. Log In.
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