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Al Brookbanks

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Everything posted by Al Brookbanks

  1. CubeCart 6.1.13 has been released. This is a security release so upgrade is important. What's New? 31 Closed Issues 1 Security Update Download: CubeCart-6.1.13.zip Many thanks again to Robin Peraglie from RIPS Technologies.
  2. Sorry if I gave the wrong info. Did you upgrade your store recently? The setup process should convert code snippets to the correct encoding. Maybe it somehow got double encoded or something. The solution may be to just delete all "includes/extra/snippet_*.php" files. They will then regenerate automatically with correct code so long as the store has been upgraded properly and the setup process was run.
  3. Looks to me like code has been injected into your files. This might have been done if the server was hacked and malicious code appended code into writable files. Quite often there are two reasons hackers do this. 1. To steal traffic by redirecting your users to their site. 2. To force virus downloads. Please check the source code hasn't been tampered with.
  4. Look for "Extensions' instead. Terminology change but same thing.
  5. Thanks so much. I removed some comments and published it in 1.1.4.
  6. Can sone one send me a gateway.class.php with these code edits that works for them. I've reviewed this post from https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/1783 and it makes sense to add code to look for payments on hold but the code posted confuses me. Why does this line look at array key 1 from the result array when the switch for the payment status looks at key 0? $this->_result_status = $results[1]; I don't think I have an Auth.net test account anymore.
  7. I don't know but as a guess classes/gd/gd.inc.php.
  8. Do Google have any tech support at all? You'd think one of the biggest companies in the world would have staff to help?
  9. Is it supposed to popup a survey window? Sounds like it. Can you check the console log for any errors? Also check in your Google account if it needs to be turned on or configured at all.
  10. Do you mean this? https://bxslider.com
  11. https://github.com/cubecart/v6/blob/6.1.13-branch/classes/session.class.php
  12. Sorry about this. Replace the session.class.php file from the classes folder of the 6.1.13 branch.
  13. Hi Mark, Sorry for the delay here. I've just been stuck at hospital for a few hours. Nothing important. You'll need to add the code to the content.receipt.php file which is the page shown to the customer after payment has been made.
  14. Has you tried asking the developer? https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/developer/patrick-bullert
  15. {literal} <!-- BEGIN GCR Opt-in Module Code --> <script src="https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js?onload=renderOptIn" async defer> </script> <script> window.renderOptIn = function() { window.gapi.load('surveyoptin', function() { window.gapi.surveyoptin.render( { // REQUIRED "merchant_id":"YOUR MERCHANT ID PROVIDED BY GOOGLE", "order_id": "{/literal}{$SUM.cart_order_id}{literal}", "email": "{/literal}{$SUM.email}{literal}", "delivery_country": "{/literal}{$SUM.country_d}{literal}", "estimated_delivery_date": "{/literal}{"+2 days"|date_format:"%d-%m-%Y"}{literal}", // OPTIONAL "opt_in_style": "OPT_IN_STYLE" }); }); } </script> <!-- END GCR Opt-in Module Code --> {/literal} Try something like this.. the date bit may need work as I haven't tested it. Reference: https://www.smarty.net/forums/viewtopic.php?p=64359 Alternatively you can use JavaScript to get a date x amount of days in the future. The merchant_id is provided by Google right? So you can hard code that value in.
  16. I'm not sure it can be explained in any more detail than in the standard instructions. https://support.cubecart.com/Knowledgebase/Article/View/228/43/how-do-i-upgrade-from-cubecart-v6-to-latest-v6 Is there any particular bit you don't understand. We could rewrite it for those with zero experience of web development but it would be very lengthy. There also isn't really a "one size fits all" solution.
  17. Every time or once? I can't think of any recent changes that would affect this.
  18. I've upgraded about 15 stores today and not come across this. Did it say it was upgrading to 6.1.12 and did it complete to a final screen saying upgrade complete? I don't know why this would be.
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