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Al Brookbanks

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Everything posted by Al Brookbanks

  1. We can do one then you'll be able to copy the changes across or see what we did. Hope you get it sorted.
  2. Hi Richard, we can do this for you under the managed support plan if that works for you.
  3. Yes I agree. Maybe a root file called constants.php with a bunch of well.. constants.
  4. Agreed. It's frustrating we have to impose this limit. I develop on a mac and PHP is configured to be able to ask for extra resources when needed. I can upload a 10Mb file and PHP will create thumbnails. Unfortunately most hosting companies don't allow temporary resource spikes and we are bound to the fixed PHP memory limit. In this case many images over 350Kb will crash the store. Memory errors in GD crashes are impossible to catch. Although this limit is annoying.. I don't think we have much choice. I'd rather impose it then have a new merchant upload 5Mb files direct from their SLR then think CubeCart is crap because the server crashes out.
  5. Have a look at this line: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/blob/master/admin/skins/default/js/admin.js#L322
  6. It is because there were no changed between those versions. Nothing to worry about.
  7. The issue of line items missing is complex and as far as we are aware it is fixed in 6.1.5. Alec was a massive help. The issue we think came around low stock items in the basket. Say you have 3 items in your basket. Two have plenty of stock and one is the last one. If the stock level is reduced to zero when the order is placed (transferred to payment). If the customer users the browser back button it could screw things up as technically the item is now out of stock. If the stock change time is "Processing" then this isn't going to happen as the stock changes after payment. Processing is the default setting.
  8. It will make absolutely no difference to upgrades. Sorry if I caused confusion.
  9. It's more likely to cause problems.
  10. Please also make sure stock reduces when the order status is set to Processing and not Pending.
  11. I've got no words really. Another sad and frustrating day. Where next....
  12. I would say it depends a bit. Looking at user agents is tricky because there are so many variations which will change with time. Detecting viewport with CSS media queries is probably a better way to go.
  13. I think it works now. The search index was updating.
  14. This is new.. I had a look at the code and it all looks good to me. The documentation looks good too.
  15. This is a first. Which extension was it and does it have any specific requirement like Ioncube?
  16. Hi Eddie, As usual Brian is spot on. The upcoming release will ignore files not identified as images.
  17. CubeCart isn't expecting those files. Please delete all three from the images/source folder.
  18. That's right.. make appropriate changes there. In this case delete the second and third rows. Even the notices above suggest what to do.
  19. It's not something that can be explained very easily. Please login to phpMyAdmin and view the table structure in question. At the bottom is a section listing all column indexes. These need to be edited. You may find incorrect ones and duplicates. Don't worry if you make a mistake as it can be corrected with no data loss. Take a full database backup first.
  20. Can you believe that CubeCart has been around since 2003? What started out as a small project has snowballed powering thousands of stores globally. If you have a success story you would allow us to publish we would be truly very grateful if you could share it with us. We need new merchants to realise the potential they have using CubeCart. This will help contribute to further growth, new features and an all round brighter future for everyone. Please feel free to email me personally at [email protected] with your company name, store URL and short success story of upto say 300 words. Many thanks to you all for your support.
  21. Please check our hosting requirements: https://www.cubecart.com/hosting-requirements
  22. there have been quite a few updates recently
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