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Everything posted by keat

  1. The one which happened last night has a cart time stamp of 170712-001919-1986 I've included the raw access logs for this customers IP address. Considering the cart was posted at 00:19:19, there's quite a lot of activity going on for a few minutes after ? @Al Brookbanks could you take a look and see if it reveals anything at all ?? missing cart.xls
  2. The customer was using firefox, says that his battery went flat, just at the point where he'd chosen POF and clicked continue. I think it's unlikely to be related to his battery going flat, and possibly his browser crashing ?? Interestingly, the ones I've reported on another thread also mention firefox, although one also mentions chrome.
  3. Well I'm having right fun and games with Capita. (PAY360) After more than two weeks of waiting, chasing for updates, they finally came back to me today to tell me what I already know, and that thier gateway is sending back the phrase 'only' I told them this on the 26th of June.
  4. keat

    False links

    I've downloaed the entire site to run a search against it. I found two references, one in language\en\home.inc.php and another in lang.inc.php, but I suspect these to be old V3 files, so not relevent
  5. Hi Brian My two screen grabs were the order summary from withing the admin side of the cart. Here it is from another view.
  6. Google webmaster tools is reporting 2000 links from one of my web sites to another. I have nothing setup to do this that I'm aware of. I suspect something buried deep within the coding, as I may have used one sites files to build the other. (to save time with mods etc) The report is saying thet the link originates from mydomain.com/login.html Any ideas where to start looking ?
  7. I'm pretty much convinced that this is related to something which is happening on the end users browser, as we've just had one on one of our quieter sites. See attached screen grabs. Note how the original order items are 2, 1, 2, 1 And on the blank, the order is 1, 2, 1, 2 Does this shed any light on the issue ??
  8. I'm not aware of anything built in as standard. Three options really. 1. Appoint the item a price and then apply a sale price to it (but it's not really a sale) 2. Edit the description and add the phrase "RRP £15.99" 3. Have a scour about and see if there's a plugin, take a look on HavenSwifts, NoodleMans or Semperfi's web pages, something my be available for little money.
  9. Is there nothing that can be added at OS level.
  10. Maybe the backup is what's increased the store size, and now you are trying to also backup the backup. Not certain though.
  11. I've seen similar issues when using redirects. Do you have ftp access ? Try renaming the .htaccess file temporarily, maybe just but a letter b on the end.
  12. I'd probably do all this via Cpanel as it would be far quicker. (less than 5 minutes) Using file Cpanels file manager, create a new folder in the root of your space (outside of public_html), and copy the whole of public_html inside it. It takes about 2 minutes. (depending on size of course) Then using PHPMyadmin, create a copy of your database. Using the copy function in PHPMyadmin append something like -copy to the end of it. In the even of a catastrophic failure or major issues, a full roll back would take literally 5 minutes. Assuming you have access to Cpanel or DA-Admin
  13. Mine just says RewriteBase / maybe because my store is in the root of the public_html folder.
  14. Uncheck 'email address override' Also delete or edit your image asap. It's not a good idea to divulge your email address.
  15. I'm trying to agressively target my SEO and one of the issues I'm having is with Goolge page insights. with Google being god at the moment, I'm concentrating my efforts in this dirtection. I read that PHP7 gives gains over 5, so I updated one of my sites from 5.6 to 7. I also installed memcache. However, page insights shows no gains in performance. It continues to moan about browser caching, so I tried a few experiments on the site. Cache disabled gives me a score of 78, but no improvement when it's enabled. Am I missing something with Cubecart Cache ?? Secondly, page insights continues to moan about the foundation skin, seems that it's not very efficient. Can anyone add anything ?
  16. Unless we can recreate it, then i think it's unlikely that we will see a resolution.
  17. I compared shipping.class.php from 108, 109 and 110 and all files appear identical. Did you clear the cache after updating ? I have something lurking in the depths of my memory, that I've seen this before, but for the life of my don't know why.
  18. I'm pretty sure BSmither gave me a fix to make the field so it had to be selected. Customer being unable to continue without making a selection. See my post below. About half way down the page where I state that Mr Smither is a god.
  19. ah, thanks. Still too long though. Google aswords is complaining about the length of the SEO url, this one is even longer.
  20. I'm trying to access cat_id=8 from the customer side, without using the SEO applied url, but for the life of me can't recall what the none SEO url format is. eg, rather than www.mysite.com/seourl.html, I want to use www.mysite.com/cat_id=8 any pointers what the old url format would look like ?
  21. page insights complains about the foundation skin not being compressed. messages along the lines: Compressing https://www.mystore.co.uk/skins/foundation/css/foundation.css could save 167KiB (88% reduction). I have mod_deflate installed in apache, so I guess the file needs to be compressed in someway to take advantage ? Or is this something not to bother worrying about ?
  22. In the very later versions of Cubecart is a feature which checks the database tables and indexes are correct. I suspect the messages " PHP Notice: `navigation_link` is not allowed as a key in " are related to this check. Take a look in advanced >> maintenance >> database and see if it's reporting any issues with the indexes and keys. I'm no expert, but regards the other error, reading between the line the file 'classes/db/mysqli.class.php' is trying to reference to ' http://docs.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.query.php' I may be wrong, and i've no idea why it would want to reference to this file, but if it does, then maybe your server is unable to gain access to it. This is purely guess work though. I'm not convinced that any of these are related to your contact form not working. What happens with the form, does it fail to load, or fail to send.
  23. I believe the automatic update issues started around 6.0.11, so I think you'll be OK doing an automatic update from 6.0.6, but I would suggest making a full backup of your public_html folder and database beforehand. If you have access to Cpanel or DirectAdmin, these backups will take only 5 minutes. At least then you can roll back in a few minutes if you run in to issues. I've updated a 6.0.10 site to 6.1.7 and a number of V3 sites too without major issue.
  24. If all your items have a single price, then everything you need is in the inventory table. Product Code, Product Name, Description, Price etc etc. If you have price breaks ie £1.00 for 1 item, £9 for 10 items and £75.00 for 100 items, then it gets complicated, and you're probably better off doing it through Cubecart.
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