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Everything posted by havenswift-hosting

  1. Hi There are a few options - Linnworks and Channel Grabber are two UK based companies that are used by quite a few of our clients. They are both reported to work well once installed and configured although many have said that the integration can take a little while to get sorted ! There appear to be pros and cons for both so it is personal choice which one is used Thanks Ian
  2. If you had taken (or can rename now) the skin that you have modified (which you should always do to stop upgrades over-writing changes) and you hadnt made any changes to the core files then there is no danger in uploading all files. Trying to over-write a few files is a lot of unnecessary work that is likely to cause a lot of problems
  3. If you have made no changes to any of the files then you can simply re-upload all of them for your release !
  4. Hi No, Al and I are saying different things but I have just PM'd you with some specific questions Thanks Ian
  5. Ben What hosting control panel are you using ? cPanel for example stores most of the ssl certificate files in a directory called ssl in the root folder above public_html and that is normal. Do not move any ssl directory and certainly dont put it within the public_html folder. It is difficult helping in a forum like this without more detailed information but are the domain paths that you gave earlier correct ie https://www.jgduywffwdfdufblabla.co.uk or is that just rubbish that you put to hide your true domain ? The settings you gave above from within CubeCart admin look fine Thanks Ian
  6. Hi The latest release of V4 was 4.4.7 and the 4.4.4 release did include a security fix although I dont think it would cause the symptoms you are experiencing and also a fix for issues with PayPal which might fix your issue - however, that sounds more like your host not having a clue what is going on. Later versions of V4 and current V5 seems very secure so it is more likely that your hosting account has been hacked but many hosts either dont know or dont care. An immediate upgrade to V5 *might* solve the problem but if malicious scripts have been uploaded as sounds likely, then this will not fix the issue. Your host doesnt care so I would suggest switching hosts ! Thanks Ian
  7. hi With both issues - it sounds like your host isnt being especially helpful ! With the spamming - they should be able to tell you what script is doing the spamming or provide a copy of a spam email which will help determine where the problem could be. Has the spamming issue been going on for 3 months or has this just happened ? Has the hosting company said that the site has been hacked or could it simply be that you dont have the spam / bot flood switched to enabled ? With the timeout - that also sound a little odd as well but without knowing more details it is hard to say for sure what is going on. do you have any more detailed information from them or are they saying neither of the problems are down to them to help you solve ? Thanks Ian
  8. Hi Ben The Google Chrome developers console is very useful for diagnosing website related issues and certainversions of Chrome are more picky with things like incorrectly configured SSL but never seen problems with the reCaptcha image before and it could be that the SSL itself isnt installed correctly. Every client hosted with us uses a SSL as do a lot of CubeCart users on other hosting companies and obviously IE 9 and 10 are both extremely common browsers so dont believe that this is a general CubeCart issue but without knowing the url it is impossible to say anything more - if Al is looking at this via a ticket then sure he will find the solution but if you need help on the hosting side then let me know Thanks Ian
  9. Hi Has this ever worked with IE or is this a recent problem - if so what changes have happened recently. I see you have a bespoke version of a standard skin - have you tried using a standard unmodified version of that or any other standard skin - most problems like this are due to poorly coded 3rd party skins or changes to standard skins Thanks Ian
  10. Hi DB As you use the Vector skin, have you tried switching to one of the standard skins and then checking to see if this is a Vector skin problem rather than a general CubeCart problem. As you know the circumstances when it happens, it should be easy enough to check This can then either be reported to the CubeCart team or to shopdev as an issue Thanks Ian
  11. I replied straight away but have not heard back from you - did you get the email ? Almost all payment gateways where the customer is taken to the payment gateway website (rather than staying on your own website) dont *need* a SSL and dedicated IP address but there are a large number of very good reasons why every E-Commerce store *should* always use an SSL certificate. Having a dedicated IP address used to be a requirement to have an SSL although this generally isnt the case now (depending on what OS and hosting CP your hosting company is running) but there are also very good reasons to still have your own dedicated IP address even so. Thanks Ian
  12. Hi Any payment gateway can be added and there are already quite a large number available in core release. However, with there being many hundreds if not over a thousand gateways, it is never going to be the case that every single one will be available. You will find that many have already been written by third party developers like ourselves and others and are available for a small additional cost but otherwise your client may have to pay to have it custom developed for them. I have not heard of this one already having been developed but if you are interested in custom development then drop us an email. Thanks Ian
  13. Al Can you confirm whether this fix will be ported into core and if so which version please ? For some people this is quite important and you have a ready made solution ! Thanks Ian
  14. hi Al & Milos Can you post more details of the problem and solution - I assume the fix will be in 5.2.5 but without knowing how long before that is released, many will want to implement a solution immediately. We have had quite a few requests to set the admin session expiration time to higher than 60 minutes but maybe these can be set via the store settings so store owners can decide for themselves ? Thanks Ian
  15. This is common with Heart Internet especially if you are using multiple domain names on a single hosting account and confusing which is the primary domain. Nothing to do with CubeCart and is seen by users on Heart with lots of different applications Thanks Ian
  16. Hi What hosting company are you with ? Is this a new hosting account or one you have used for a while or for other applications ? This is quite a common hosting / php / permissions problem with some hosting companies Thanks Ian
  17. You dont say what hosting your website is on and paths will vary but if you are using cPanel, then the downloads folder should be created above the public_html. So if your path is /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/downloads - this should be moved to /home/xxxxxxxx/downloads - no files are then accessible. Thanks Ian
  18. Well done Chris - another example of how well CubeCart can work !
  19. There have been a few recent departures from the CubeCart community of people that had been around for a long time - several of which hurt a lot of users over a number of years which was regrettable although the writing was on the wall for several years - it was no over-night thing and we stopped selling and recommending mods / plugins to our user base, from these developers, a very long time ago. The expectations for complex plugins to be written but then sold for a pittance and for them to be supported forever for free is the main problem - as I said it is not sustainable for most developers. CubeCart is one of many E-Commerce solutions that is true and ALL have their good points and bad points - there is not an "out of the box solution" for many people at all. If your online venture is just something on the side or a hobby then you obviously need to look after costs. However, users that are running a serious online business should understand that there are costs associated with doing this - if you were running a bricks and mortar shop, then your start-up costs would be much higher but you would still need investment each month / year into your business. CubeCart can be made to work extremely well and we have several clients running multi-million pound businesses built up over a period of years and several others that only started a year or so ago that are growing very rapidly and consistently doubling turnover on a monthly basis - so it can be made to work very well ! There is no need for a developers area to request a new hook - most developers would know how to get hold of Al or the support team one way or another ! We have made a few requests over the last 6 months and they have always been added (or will be in 5.2.5 !)
  20. Some developers dont understand hooks, some are lazy but there are also many places in the code where the hooks dont currently exist. When we have written plugins we have spoken to the CubeCart team and asked for new hooks to be added if required and these are usually added in the very next release. Al has publicly said he wants people to use hooks and is willing to add any new ones that are required - developers simply need to make the request ! It is generally quicker to change core files than it is to write a full plugin and people will often take the easy option. Obfuscated code is seen by some as a necessity due to having too many mods / plugins stolen and distributed. A reasonably complicated mod / plugin can take 20 to 100 hours to write and most in the CubeCart community want to pay a few pounds or dollars for that work and expect free on-going support - that is unsustainable and is why many good developers are no longer active around CubeCart. WordPress plugins are for the most part free (there are some commercial plugins and more commercial themes) but support is either non-existent or is charged per year. There is also a much wider audience and community for WordPress (some 20% of all websites on the internet now use WP) so even a small percentage of people willing to pay for on-going support or those who make donations (something that many WP developers rely on and is used quite often by WP users) when your plugin has been downloaded a million times adds up to a good income.
  21. That upgrade step should take a few seconds so the process has hung - what has caused that situation is another question ! Is there any information in the error_logs ?
  22. How did you send your newsletter - through CubeCart or by exporting the email addresses and using a third party package or service such as Mail Chimp ? If you did it through CubeCart then it is almost certain that most did not even get sent !! Almost all hosting companies have a limit on the number of emails that can be sent per hour and for many this is 100 to 200 per hour (and that includes ALL emails sent through the hosting account, so everything through webmail or an email client as well !) - this is to prevent spamming from an account whether deliberately by the account holder or accidentally if the account is hacked. CubeCart dumps all emails into the mail queue in one go rather than them being "throttled"
  23. Hi Where are you getting these "error messages" - these are lines from a php.ini file (either server default or a local one if installed) so would need more information to be able to help Thanks Ian
  24. 5.2.4 release supports PayPal HTTP 1.1 protocol as per the release announcement
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