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Dirty Butter

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Everything posted by Dirty Butter

  1. You can edit the global.inc.php file to remove the erroneous admin folder. You want to KEEP the admin folder naming that corresponds to the admin folder with 6.1.8 files in it. You will probably have to change permission to make changes to it, and then change back to 444. But be warned that I have NEVER seen a forum post on here with two admin named folders in the global.inc.php folder.
  2. Thanks for that, @harrisorganic. But that's not the one that explains how to get the Admin_XXX issue setup properly. I thought @havenswift-hosting spelled it out on a post, but I can't find it.
  3. INSIDE global.inc.php there should be reference to an admin_XXX folder on one line and an admin_XXX.php file name on the next. Is that what you have?
  4. There's a very detailed description on the forum somewhere. I tried to find it earlier today, but couldn't. Hopefully someone will be along soon with good directions.
  5. That might be an issue, as a bug crept into the auto install when they started adding the CSRF hardening. It would be best if you followed the directions for the manual install for 6.1.8. It's supposed to be fixed from 6.1.8 on. Be sure the 6.1.8 version of the files is in the admin_XXX folder and admin_XXX file that matches what is in your includes/global.inc.php AND there are no other named admin folders/files.
  6. Welcome to the forum, @shaununouk! Thanks for making your Signature. That saves a lot of time asking questions before someone has enough information to help with problems. Is yours a new install or an upgrade? It's sometimes helpful to know that, as well.
  7. Hopefully that will give someone clues as to the root problem. Some of that sounds like a host setting issue????
  8. Welcome to the forums, @Match Attax Outlet ! I'm not the one to help with this, but someone who can would want to know what version you are on, as there have been some recent changes to FileManager behavior in the last few upgrades. If you create a Signature (Look in your forum Account) you should also add what skin you are using and any other useful information about your hosting situation.
  9. I can't think of anything else to try, except to rename your .htacess file and let CC create a new one. Assuming that doesn't help, I am out of ammunition. You had problems upgrading to 6.1.7, if I'm remembering correctly, so whatever the issue is, it's probably been around for a while.
  10. Welcome to the forums @bbtil! If there is a sub-category, the category name in Admin will be a link (blue font). (Air Systems) If there is not a subcategory, it will be black text. Click on the Category link to see the subcategories and edit them with the edit pencil icon over to the far right of each sub-category name.
  11. Try content.checkout.medium-up.php. Small evidently does not display weight.
  12. http://semperfiwebservices.com/site-testimonials-cc6-plugin.html
  13. I use the Inspect Element with FireBug to see what CSS section is controlling the style of a specific part. Looks like you're using something similar. Based on that, try foundation.css .top-bar-section.
  14. The 1.0.7 fix appeared to have something to do with CSRF.
  15. You're asking the wrong person about what you should do. I fear I'll only make things worse.
  16. Commenting out the line with state verifying language in it would be a logical place to start. For instance, in your skin's content.addressbook.php <div class="row"> <div class="small-12 large-8 columns"><label for="state-list">{$LANG.address.select_state}</label><input type="text" name="state" id="state-list" required value="{$DATA.state}" placeholder="{$LANG.address.state} {$LANG.form.required}"></div> </div> There would be similar lines on registration and possibly in the checkout pages. You would also need to find the places in the admin source and skin files - THAT's where the real problem will come. orders.index.php has this line which relates to required. Taking the required verbage out might be enough. If you attempt this be sure to keep safe copies of any changed files!! <select name="customer[country]" id="sum_country" class="textbox billing country-list required" rel="sum_state">
  17. This is on the list of Requested Features - be sure to vote! https://features.cubecart.com/topic/contact-form-cant-set-page-title_8
  18. Check these files to see if the 6.1.8 changes were made: admin_XXX\skins\default\js\admin.js line 72 "matrix_include" == c ? h.attr("name", "option_add[" + c + "][" + options_added + "]") : "set_enabled" == c ? (h.removeAttr("disabled"), h.attr("checked", "checked"), h.parent().addClass("selected"), h.val(1), 1 == d && (h.parent().addClass("selected"), h.attr("checked", "checked")), h.attr("name", "option_add[" + c + "][" + options_added + "]")) : "default" == c || "negative" == c || "absolute_price" == c ? (h.removeAttr("disabled"), $(l[i]).is(":checked") && (h.parent().addClass("selected"), h.attr("checked", "checked"), $(l[i]).removeAttr("checked").parent().removeClass("selected")), h.attr("name", "option_add[" + c + "][" + options_added + "]")) : (d = parseFloat(d, 10).toFixed(2), $(o).find("." + c).append(d).find("input:first").val(parseFloat(d)).removeAttr("disabled")), $(l[i]).val("") admin_XXX\skins\default\templates\dashboard.index.php line 133 <td>{$THEAD_ORDERS.cart_order_id}</td> admin_XXX\skins\default\templates\settings.admins.php line 67 <td><strong>{$section.name}</strong> - {$section.info}</td> admin_XXX\sources\dashboard.index.inc.php lines 40-53 ## Delete admin folder if it exists and shouldn't if($glob['adminFolder']!=='admin' && file_exists(CC_ROOT_DIR.'/admin')) { recursiveDelete(CC_ROOT_DIR.'/admin'); if(file_exists(CC_ROOT_DIR.'/admin')) { $GLOBALS['main']->setACPWarning($lang['dashboard']['delete_admin_folder']); } } ## Delete admin file if it exists and shouldn't if($glob['adminFile']!=='admin.php' && file_exists(CC_ROOT_DIR.'/admin.php')) { unlink(CC_ROOT_DIR.'/admin.php'); if(file_exists(CC_ROOT_DIR.'/admin.php')) { $GLOBALS['main']->setACPWarning($lang['dashboard']['delete_admin_file']); } }
  19. I want to try to find a specific admin file that would be different in 6.1.8 compared to what you upgraded from. What did you upgrade from?
  20. The error_log is at the root of your store (same level with includes and admin_XXX folders in it). Open it and delete all entries. Then try accessing admin again, even if you see the CSRF notice. Report on error_log entries. Do you have any other sites at this level of your domain? I run into CSRF issues because of a Wordpress install on the store domain.
  21. OK - SSL shouldn't be the issue. Can you tell if your admin_XXX files are dated when you did the 6.1.8 upgrade? Assuming that's not the problem - please clear ALL cache from within CC except your images. Then clear all your browser cache. Clear your Error_log Try opening your storeURL/admin_XXX.php. Report any error messages and what happens. If you get the CRSF message again on the login screen, try logging in anyway (I see that one frequently myself).
  22. Check your file structure for your store. There should only be one file named admin_XXX.php and one folder named admin_XXX, Both of those names should match what is in your includes/global.inc.php file. And the admin_XXX file and folder should be at the same directory level the includes folder is in.
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