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Everything posted by bsmither

  1. There are several places where CubeCart checks for stock levels throughout the shopping experience. All "should" check for the enabled/disabled state of the store setting "Allow out of stock purchases". Let's try this: In admin, Store Settings, Layout tab, "Allow users to change front-end skin", set to Yes (Logged in admins only). On the Stock tab, "Show stock levels", check to enable, and "Main stock level as matrix stock level summary", check to enable. Using a programmer's text editor, make an edit to /skins/foundation/templates/main.php by adding {debug} at the very end. On the storefront, you should now see a drop-down selector at the bottom-right. Choose Foundation. Your browser will want to throw a popup. Let it. (You may need to dismiss this popup and refresh the page to get a fresh popup.) This the template engine debug console. Visit a product page that you know has zero or negative stock Scroll to where $CONFIG is in the left pane. Then look for 'stock_level' (should be "1") and 'basket_out_of_stock_purchase' (should be "0") keys in the right pane. Then scroll to almost the bottom and find $PRODUCT in the left pane. Then find 'stock_level' (will show quantity available) and 'use_stock_level' (should be "1") in the right pane. Do all these settings agree?
  2. I see this as a problem with the core code. The skin does not determine if an out-of-stock item can or cannot be sold. The skin only displays what CubeCart tells it to display. Please verify the exact version of CubeCart you are using, and whether there are any plugin modules or code snippets in use. (Not gateways or shipping modules.)
  3. Just to clarify: You are saying the store will allow a customer to add a 'zero or negative stock level' product to the basket, proceed through checkout, and pay for that item? Or you are saying that the store "implies" one can Add to Basket a 'zero or negative stock level' product to the basket? If this is just the Add to Basket button indicator, then there have been issues when that product has an Options Matrix. The current version of the Foundation skin makes an AJAX call to CubeCart verifying the stock level of the "just now" chosen combination of options. Only then is the stock level revealed for that combination.
  4. Please check the "Use Stock Level" checkboxes in the Options Matrix table.
  5. On each of the Document, Product, and Category Settings screens, Search Engines tab, you can enter a custom Meta Title.
  6. "The first line of text"? Such as the document's Title? On each of the Document, Product, and Category Settings screens, Search Engines tab, you can enter a custome Meta Title.
  7. The {if} {/if} block of statements is controlling whether or not to display a link to Sale Items. Add new <li> statements either before the {if} or after the {/if}.
  8. Of the templates, Foundation is the only template included with the CC6 series and is the only template supported by CubeCart Ltd. CC5 has five or six templates included, but none are actively maintained - neither is the CC5 core code. A skin written forCC5 can be used by CC6, and Foundation can be used with CC5 (although some of the cool features won't work). Third-party skins are the responsibility of the third-parties. Some of them do get updated. There is a technique I have used that allows for something along the lines of what you seem to be describing. The skins have template variables that can be assigned javascript code. The javascript can add whatever, wherever, knowing the id's of target DOM nodes. I have added div panels to Kurouto using this technique (similar in appearance and function as the admin screens).
  9. Just need to finish up by polishing the CSS and we are good to go!
  10. CubeCart will apply taxes if the taxable address has matching conditions. In admin, Store Settings, General tab, find "Tax Customer By". Choose either 'Billing Address' or 'Delivery Address'. Generally, this will be 'Delivery Address'. (CubeCart uses the Billing Address as the Delivery Address if the customer does not supply a distinct Delivery Address for an order.) In admin, Taxes, Tax Classes tab, add a "Standard Tax" and click Save if this tax class does not already exist. In admin, Taxes, Tax Details tab, add a Tax Detail: Unique name (such as 'GST'), Display as (such as 'State Tax'), Status is Enabled. Click the Save button. In admin, Taxes, Tax Rules tab, add a Tax Rule: Tax Class choice is "Standard Tax", Tax Detail choice is "GST", Country choice is "United States", State choice is "Florida", Tax Rate is 7.0, Apply To is checked as applicable, Status choice is "Enabled". Click the Save button. CubeCart does not (yet) calculate taxes based on any tax region smaller than the State. (For example, Washington state has taxes for city, county, and other improvement zones, collectable from any delivery address in the state. I am working on a solution for that.)
  11. The background you have on the other skin, then change the bacground of the Login/Register, currency, and shopping basket links. In box.navigation.php, you can see the unordered list that makes up the nav bar.
  12. It will look ugly - there will be more work to do. In the skin style file cubecart.default.css, add this rule: #top_header { background-color: #333; }
  13. It is not a "stray". This is Foundation's "block-grid" with four columns. After four columns are filled, a new row is started. In the Foundation skin template element.social.php, line 15, change small-block-grid-4 to small-block-grid-8.
  14. I would argue for a process where you copy your database every six months (mid-term and at the end of your fiscal year) just so that you have evidence of your income sources should anyone have a legal need to know who bought what ten years ago. Not only is there the CubeCart_customer and CubeCart_addressbook database tables, there is also the CubeCart_order_summary table that holds customer data. Trimming the Order Summary list removes important sales data - unless you have that in some other form of bookkeeping. I have a customization that adds checkboxes to the list of customers similar in function to that seen in the list of orders.
  15. You should scroll down the list, looking for warning banners. These banners will be obvious. I do not see CubeCart_inventory as it will be further down the list. May we assume you are running the latest version of CubeCart?
  16. "Hooks" for the templates? Aside from the concept that the skins are meant to stand alone, that is, assign data to Smarty variables, then let the skin template code do what it will with that data, means that, currently, you are required to copy a skin template, rename it, and customize it to handle the custom data you gave to it. That also means you will need to become familiar with any new capabilities that a newer version of CubeCart provides to the skin. For example, CubeCart can now accept an AJAX request for product prices based on the product's options chosen. But it is not critical that any skin implement this, and CubeCart does not force it onto the page that is sent out to the client. Smarty can use (almost) any PHP function, and can be given access to Classes instantiated by the application. For example, access to the Database class is permissable. (Consult the Smarty docs.) Please give us a use case for where "hooks" in a skin template file would be necessary, where simply assigning data to a Smarty variable in a CubeCart hook will not work.
  17. What I am envisioning is that the current menu construction is to be duplicated where the Language box would be if it was enabled (Search, Language chooser, Currency chooser). The available width is just about as big as the sidebox column. So, I do not see a "horizontal" menu as is depicted by Foundation's horizontal menu. Therefore, are you asking how one can copy a vertically stacked, accordion extending menu construction in that box's space? If that's not it, have you created sufficient space to construct a horizontal bar extending from side to side with the categories able to be lined up in a single row? (See Crosshatch)
  18. The above error messages seem to be caused by the database you are using having a faulty or non-existent FULLTEXT KEY attribute on the CubeCart_inventory table. This error appears when CubeCart has constructed a query to search the database looking for 'fobs'. The query wants to use an aspect of the CubeCart_inventory table, an index of the type FULLTEXT that contains a quick lookup table, where finding 'fob' will happen very much faster than otherwise. This does not explain, however, why you are having difficulties with getting images to be associated with products. Maybe there is another error in the database "schema". What does admin, Maintenance, Database tab show?
  19. We will be happy to help. CubeCart will let you create a custom Sales Report, a custom Customer listing, and perhaps other reports via plugins. CubeCart stores info about sales in the follwong tables: CubeCart_order_summary CubeCart_order_inventory CubeCart_order_tax CubeCart_order_history CubeCart_transactions CubeCart_order_notes To get data from the database, study Database->select().
  20. Correct. Add Countries to Allowed Zone if you want this module to specifically address these Countries, denying all others. Add Countries to the Disallowed Zone if you want this module to specifically deny these Countries, addressing all others.
  21. You say not a big deal -- ok, I won't put this as high on my list of priorities.
  22. You can click the Edit icon for each of the methods, and each method row will switch to having text entry boxes, such that the entire grid is text entry boxes. You do not need to Save between having edited any one row. We can certainly work on making the methods of a zone sortable, but to what end? I would like to see your use case. For my uses, a zone has a combination of criteria that are mutually exclusive: a weight range in combination with a subtotal range in combination with the number of items range. Under no circumstances will a zone return more than one method's rate. So, do you have, for example, in a zone a set of methods that describe different shipping services (First Class, Priority Flat Rate, Ground) for the same criteria (the same weight range for all services)? Maybe we can re-align your rate grid.
  23. For the individual methods in a zone, no, I don't see that happening other than the order that they were entered. For the complete list of shipping zones, however, that is drag-n-drop sortable such that the most specific zone gets analyzed/evaluated ahead of the more widespread, general zones. "Edit All"? As in being able to edit all the methods at once on a zone by zone basis, or as in saying, "Bump up all rates in all zones by 2%"?
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