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Everything posted by bsmither

  1. I agree, that is a hassle. We request that you make sure the admin folder and admin script filenames match that found in /includes/global.inc.php, and that there is only one admin folder and one admin script. (If more than one of either, use the later dated ones).
  2. "Shipping" should not be capitalized. I would think that the folder structure of the downloaded extension matches that of CubeCart's structure: /modules/plugins/name_of_ups_advanced_module_part_1_whatever_it_may_be /modules/shipping/name_of_ups_advanced_module_part_2_whatever_it_may_be FTP the contents of the /plugins/ folder into CubeCart's /plugins/ folder, and then the contents of the /shipping/ folder into CubeCart's /shipping/ folder.
  3. Not really understanding what you mean. "Admin login page changes"?
  4. Within what you downloaded, you say there are two folders. What are their names?
  5. In admin, Languages, click the Edit icon of the language(s) you wish to change. From the drop-down selector, choose Gateway. Shortly, a list of phrases will appear. Scroll to 'none_defined' and change to the desired phrase. Click the Save button. Changes will be databased and therefore will survive an upgrade.
  6. (Be sure to be using the Source mode of the editor.) Try using: {$DROPSHIP_BILLING.cust_groups} Then, you will probably need to change the execution order of the code snippet "Adds Customer Membership Group Name(s) to Order Details" to 1. (I do not know for sure if the plugin runs first, or if the snippet runs first, and if the execution order of the snippet makes any difference in this case.)
  7. Is your site hosted by a commercial hosting company? If so, their customer support should be able to give you some guidance and help resolving this issue.
  8. Also, make this edit: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/1814 There is a 15 second gap between SQL query 66 and 67. Everythging else is fine. I will try to find what is happening between these two queries.
  9. I have made a small edit to the statement edited previously: $this->_sql[$type][] = '<span style="color:#'.$colour.'">'.str_pad($this->_getTime(),16,'0') .' '. htmlentities( $message.' ['.$tag.']', ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8').'</span>'; This prepends the time to the logged SQL query. Thus, if any part of CubeCart (other than Smarty) takes an abnormal amount of time to do something, that time span should show up when comparing when the queries get executed.
  10. Welcome shipo! Glad to see you made it to the forums. 1. I would guess that www.gravetales.co.uk points to a certain folder on your hosted account site, probably something like /public_html/. There may be nothing in that folder except for another folder named /ecommerce/. It is likely that CubeCart has been installed in that folder. You have three options: A. Make www.gravetales.co.uk point to /public_html/ecommerce/ B. Create a sub-domain such as shop.gravetales.co.uk and have it point to that folder C. Move all the contents from /ecommerce/ to /public_html Because there may be no valid document for the web server to send out (index.html, index.php, etc), the web server may have no choice but to advise the visitor that permission is denied. 2. In admin, Store Settings, General tab, make changes to the Store Name (and everything else).
  11. Please remind us what skin you are using. Certainly, in the template file, there is a div with id="product_description". Then, there seems to be another div with the same id. I am going to guess that the product's description content contains that second div. In admin, Edit that product, view the Description tab. Switch the editor to Source mode. If I am right, you will see the entire description wrapped in that div. Perhaps someone just copy/pasted some other product's description straight from looking at the HTML source when viewing that other product, and copied too much.
  12. I found some info on Commercial Rates returned from a quote request. I will experiment.
  13. I think the only way to get commercial rates to show would be if USPS offered those rates as a return on shipping quotes. That might involve getting your API credentials connected to a commercial shipping account. I do not know if USPS can/will do that, but it is certainly a good question to ask USPS. The module will need to be enhanced to discern if any item in the order has been flagged as 'oversized' requiring special shipping quotes. That would need a plugin to assign additional details to a product. Then, if so flagged, the module would be enhanced to query for and receive a quote for Parcel Select.
  14. CubeCart doesn't 'redirect' (301/302) to index.php. The latest versions (I forget when this was supposedly fixed) just send index.php but with a 404 response. Are you able to verify this?
  15. Obviously, eight milliseconds is fast. On my local dev server, it takes 0.3 seconds. I have also just discovered that the time hacks may be getting calculated erroneously. See: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/1814 Also, please make the edit I discussed earlier, as well as the edit proposed in the Github issue. This will get us better time hacks. I will also probably suggest an edit to enhance the SQL Query list to show the time the query was made, not just the time it took to get the resultset.
  16. It may be best to use the Source mode of the editor. <ul class="bxslider" style="display:none;"> <li><a href="{$STORE_URL}/tesa31.html"><img src="skins/foundation/images/examples/slide1.jpg" title="Promotional Message One" /></a></li> Use {$STORE_URL} if you have also enabled "Parse Smarty Tags" for this document. Otherwise, do not use.
  17. Is the Page Load Time missing, or did it not get copy/pasted?
  18. Did you repair it, or delete it?
  19. Now we need to learn what this snippet belongs to. Snippets are databased. If the snippet_hash.php file does not exist, it will be re-created from the data about that snippet stored in the database. In admin, Manage Hooks, Code Snippets tab, note the list of enabled snippets. Click the Edit icon of the snippet that you suspect. The details of the snippet should clue you as to what this snippet is supposed to do and who put it there. We either need to fix the snippet, or delete it (will be removed from the database). The snippet_ file should also disappear.
  20. Ok, then we need to look at what code was not changed from the upgrade: images, plugins, and snippets. I am not ready to blame any databased product data.
  21. Also, look in the folder /includes/extra/ for files that begin with snippet_. If any found, examine the contents of each.
  22. When at ?_a=basket or ?_a=confirm, when the cart is empty, there should be, other than the surrounding boxes, nothing but "Your basket is empty" message. So, look at the contents of the file /classes/cubecart.class.php, at these functions: _basket(), _checkout(), and _displaybasket().
  23. The aforementioned statements have characters in them that confuse the proper HTML display of them. Specifically, the characters that follow what appear to be the truncation location are: <= I.stock_warning ... We will assume the statements are correct. (A bug report has been submitted.) Also, note statement 24: the time shown may be confusing to all except scientists. The E-5 scientific notation makes this value very small. The bug report is: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/1354 If you wish to make this edit yourself: In classes/debug.class.php, near line 201, find: $this->_sql[$type][] = '<span style="color:#'.$colour.'">'.htmlentities(strip_tags($message).' ['.$tag.']', ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8').'</span>'; Change to: $this->_sql[$type][] = '<span style="color:#'.$colour.'">'.htmlentities( $message.' ['.$tag.']', ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8').'</span>'; // strip_tags($message)
  24. SQL statements 22 and 23 are not complete. Specifically: ... AND (((I.stock_warning > 0 AND M.stock_level [NOT CACHED] Note that there are three open parens with no matching closing parens, and missing any kind of limit. These statements should have shown as SQL errors in a list just following the SQL Statements list. I will look for where these SQL statements are constructed.
  25. Is there a web address we can see this happening? In your first post, you show that the content appears above the <!doctype html> tag. In the vanilla skin, it appears just after the <body> tag, withe the ColorBox javascript then later adding its code just after the <body> tag.
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