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  1. I would LOVE to know how to setup my own Git so I could merge all my edits with the new upgraded version!! I now use BeyondCompare, but it's tedious. So @bsandall if you, or anyone else, ever get time to create a tutorial for this, I would be in your debt!!
  2. I need to make the Tax Class a mandatory field when using the Add Product option in the Admin panel. Using CC V6.0.8, the drop down for the Tax Class, in the Pricing Tab of Add Product, shows "Please Select" as the default setting. If the administrator forgets to assign a tax class to the product, the product will still be created, but with a tax class value of 0. I am currently developing some sales reports for my client, which is when I noticed these errant products. My client sells a lot of books, which are zero rated for tax, hence I was the first to spot this. So what I need is a check on the product before it is created, and some sort of error message and/or warning when the tax class has not been sent. I guess that I could live with the products being created, simply with a warning message about the tax class at the top of the screen, but the best solution would be to prevent the product from being created until the tax class had been selected. If this has already been raised as a topic then apologies but I have done a fairly comprehensive search. If this needs a git request raised let me know. Any advice appreciated.
  3. Hi All, Where do I add <!-- and --> ? And does it matter if I am using e-Shift? To remove the category images in file skins/foundation/templates/content.category.php add comments <!-- and --> to the following <!-- {if isset($category.image)} <div class="row"> <div class="small-12 columns"><img src="{$category.image}" alt="{$category.cat_name}" class="marg-bottom"></div> </div> {/if} --> To remove sub category images <!-- {if isset($SUBCATS) && $SUBCATS} <ul class="medium-block-grid-6 text-center{if $CONFIG.catalogue_expand_tree ==1} show-for-medium-up{else} small-block-grid-3{/if}" data-equalizer> {foreach from=$SUBCATS item=subcat} <li data-equalizer-watch> <a href="{$subcat.url}" title="{$subcat.cat_name}"> <img class="th" src="{$subcat.cat_image}" alt="{$subcat.cat_name}"> </a> <a href="{$subcat.url}" title="{$subcat.cat_name}"><small>{$subcat.cat_name}</small></a> </li> {/foreach} </ul> {/if} -->
  4. We have been running on the latest cubecart for a few weeks now and have noticed 2 orders that did not save the customer entered textbox options for the items for the order. We do know that the customer did enter options for this because if we check the email we received as admins for the order notification, the options are shown and the data the customer entered is shown, however when we look at the order in the backend, it shows nothing being entered for those textbox options for that order. I even checked the database with MyPHPAdmin and the options that the customer entered are not saved in there. This is not happening for all orders only 2 of them are showing this issue out of 60 so in the past few weeks. Any thoughts as to why this is happening? Anybody else seeing this? Let me know if you need more info on this. Thanks, Devon
  5. I've noticed that any of my product codes that contain hyphens, e.g. 'ABC-1', are stored in the database instead as 'ABC?1'. They do display correctly in the store, so somewhere in CubeCart they are converted back and forth, but I haven't been able to find out where yet. This becomes an issue (albeit one that can easily be worked around) when trying to match product codes using direct SQL queries or, for example, reading in a CSV file to automatically update prices. Anyway, since hyphens don't have any particular special meaning in SQL when included in a string, what is the reason for the conversion?
  6. USPS and all shipping methods are active USPS UPS FedEx I have not changed anything regarding weights. Every item has a weight. Every item was tested to make sure it would work. Suddenly, I keep getting an error message: "The following errors were detected: Unfortunately there are no suitable shipping methods available for your order. This may be because the total weight of your order is too high or we cannot ship to your country. Please contact a member of our staff for any further inquiries." Any idea why? I am getting this error on every single product. I have changed absolutely nothing in the Cube Cart system
  7. I have the PayPal Standard module loaded and enabled. Up until today (when I had the earlier error of shipping disappearing which got solved), PayPal was active. Now when I go to the checkout page, the only option I have is "Secure Checkout" going to Authnet. I am using the Foundation skin (as vanilla with no mod's) for testing. The PayPal option is not there. I tried uninstalling the PayPal module and reinstalling, but it is not showing up. Is there anywhere I can check to see why, or do you have any suggestions on what I can try? It was working perfectly up till it disappeared. We were getting orders with people paying using it. My cart has a SSL certificate, and PayPal was working with the SSL certificate installed, so I know that is not a problem. I did the "Test Endpoint" and here is what I got form the request log Request Sent - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr 0=null&1=1Response receivedWhen I tested, I did NOT receive an error message. Thanks in advance for your help. I forgot to add. When PayPal was working I was using PayPal-1.0.3, and when I re-installed I reinstalled PayPal-1.0.3. Before reinstalling I did go into Maintenance and Clear cache Clear SQL cache Clear language cache Clear image cache Clear admin activity logs Clear error logs Clear request logs Clear transaction logs Clear search log AND Rebuild Sitemap
  8. On the basket page there is a blue button "Secure Checkout". How can I change the URL this points to?
  9. I have a customer who ordered twice on one day. he then ordered 2 days later and the invoice number from the first day he ordered was used on the 3rd day and it erased the order from the first day. I am showing 2 charges with the same invoice #. How can this be? I was unable to send the guy his stuff on time because it didn't show it. is this a bug? I am using 6.0.8 just placed order number 151213-111132-2074 on 13 Dec 2015, 11:11. 151213-111132-2074 15-Dec-2015 10:33:03
  10. Hi, Due to a new data leak law which is comming on 1 january in europe i want to know if the customer credentials like adress etc are stored encrypted in the database? ty
  11. Hi, i want to remove the mailing list, news letter option. This what i have in box-newsletter.php <section class="boxnewsletter"> <span>{$LANG.newsletter.mailing_list}</span> <p>{$LANG.newsletter.enter_email_subscribe_unsubscribe}</p> <form action="{$VAL_SELF}" method="post"> <fieldset> <input name="subscribe" type="text" class="textbox required" maxlength="250"> <input type="submit" class="btn" value="{$LANG.newsletter.subscribe}"> </fiieldset> </form> </section>
  12. Would love to see a one page check out option. The current checkout for version 6 is a bit onerous with the multi-page process.
  13. May be a stupid question, but if upload a csv with only Product codes and quantities will that update item stock?
  14. Could somebody advise why the following code, place in the .htaccess file, is not executing? RewriteEngine on rewriterule ^viewcategory.php?groupid=29(.*)$ http://www.testcovers.co.uk/test/toiletry-and-make-up-bags.html$1 [r,nc] It does not seem to recognise - ^viewcategory.php?groupid=29(.*)$ The website is operating on an Apache server. Any suggestions gratefully received!
  15. Hi, I am a complete novice but have, with help from my son, had my site working for several months and am starting to attract business. I have been disappointed with the blank space on my shop's home page banner. I think my logo is the correct size but it looks far too small in context and when I look at other users with v6. I am using the foundation skin. Similarly the logo on my invoices is very small. Logo possibilities attached, any advice/help much appreciated.
  16. I have just activated memcached on my server and now my Cubecart Admin says caching is disabled (Apparently this means it is enabled!). How can I verify that my store is actually using memcached?
  17. I have just done a new install of 6.0.8 and I can't view the Test product. I also can't create a new product. All that happens is that the dot spins round and round in circles?
  18. How can I Change the contact form to just email. I can't seem to get the email setting to work in the form. Says it has sent but I get nothing in my email.
  19. Hi All, Is there a way to set up shipping that would not allow certain items to be shipped to certain states?
  20. Hello. I checked the forum for Paypal Express Checkout button. Is this existing? Maybe I did not check enough. Thanks.
  21. Hi All, Is There a way to import a Category file that propagate all the categories and sub cats.
  22. I am having some trouble with the upgrade process. I downloaded CubeCart v6.0.8, extracted it, and uploaded the files over my existing ones (after creating a backup, of course). But when I browse to my stores /setup folder, the only option to upgrade is to version 5.2.12 (this is my current version) NOT to v6. Please advise accordingly. Thanks.
  23. I have authnet set up see attached: [Authnet settings Screenshot from 2015-11-30 10:13:24.png] When I click on checkout, the page refreshes, and I have to click on checkout again. It brings me over to authorize.net and I get a 99 error See attached screenshot [Authnet-error 99 Screenshot from 2015-11-30 10:10:27.png] I called authnet because the error was happening on their site. The information I got from them was the error is either the Transaction Key. I get a new one and entered it while the rep from authnet was on the phone. It was entered correctly, as was the API login ID. The rep told me the error 99 is caused either because the wrong transaction key and/or wrong API Login ID was entered. We doublechecked and found it was correct. OR it is caused because "Amount has to be set in scripting prior to the generation of the fingerprint hash may not be properly posting all required fields for AIM x_login x_underscorefp_sequence x_fp_timestamp x_fp_has x_amount" The error log and system error log on my system are clean. (No errors registered) Thank you in advance for your help. AN update from an email just received from authnet: Issues with these values or with the generation process can cause Error 99. The three most likely causes of Error 99 are: 1) The Transaction Key that you have embedded in your script is not correct. Just to be sure, generate a new transaction key, disable the old transaction key, enter the new value in your script and test the connection.2) The amount has to be set in your scripting prior to the generation of the fingerprint hash. This usually means that the amount should be set in a previous form and posted to the script that generates the fingerprint hash. 3) You may not be properly posting all the required fields for SIM. The following fields must be present in your payment form request in order for the transaction to be accepted: 1. API Login ID (x_Login) 2. The sequence number of the transaction (x_FP_Sequence) 3. The time when the sequence number was generated (x_FP_Timestamp) 4. The Fingerprint Hash (x_FP_Hash) 5. The amount of the transaction (x_Amount) 4) If you are attempting to pass the field x_currency_code with your payment form request, you must include this field in your fingerprint hash generation. Since Authorize.Net currently handles transaction amounts in the merchant's local currency by default, you may alternately stop passing x_currency_code.
  24. Finally our CC6 site go live yesterday after 4 years of living in old times of CC3 and hesitation in upgrading! Everyone likes it! Here is 1 small problem : Old Cubecart 3 used to have an option to give free shipping with a coupon (without giving any other discount),but seems to be missing in CC6 any idea how we can solve this? any third party module or some idea on custom code will help a lot
  25. I have just done a CubeCart 6 install and noticed it has "Fuzzy Time Format" in the Advanced tab for Settings. What is this?
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