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Everything posted by havenswift-hosting

  1. Hadnt gone back to testing since the original version and while I saw you were supporting Sentinal, hadnt noticed the change to the params / options parameter ! Good job only on a few test sites so far then ! The problem is that "files" method is significantly slower so an in memory based method should always be used. APC and Xcache are effectively dead and while many people are still using memcache, the memcache and memcached libraries havent been updated in four / five years. Redis is actively developed and has a huge number of features that none of the other options have ever had. Redis is widely considered to be much superior to Memcache and is the recommended option for all Magento sites (although Full Page and Session Cache options in addition are also available making it even more attractive) and Magento isnt that different ?
  2. You have to create a second parameter in the global.inc.php file and @Al Brookbanks has updated the caching documentation (although that page talks about "redis_options" and I believe that this should be "redis_params") https://support.cubecart.com/Knowledgebase/Article/View/235/41/how-do-i-enable-apc-memcached-or-xcache So for example you can pass one or more parameters via redis_params and any not passed will use the default $glob['cache'] = 'redis'; $glob['redis_params']=array('parameters' => array('database' => 1)); Ian
  3. I havent looked into your specific issue on our test servers but I think it probably is a bug as you reported
  4. I have answered DB separately on a hosting support ticket but just to clarify - REDIS is not a simple drop in for memcache or any of the other caching mechanisms especially on a shared hosting server. Firstly, there is a second connection parameters string that really has to be added - @Al Brookbanks is going to add some documentation on using it. REDIS uses the concept of virtual "database" spaces within memory to hold the cache and if this is not specified then it will use space 0 but so will all other users doing the same thing, which means that clearing cache by any user clears cache for all such users ! However, after saying all the above, if you simply added $glob['cache'] = 'redis'; to the global.inc.php file then it will use default server, default port and default database space but should still work so I would suggest that the caching isnt working correctly for your situation or there is some bug somewhere that needs looking at ! I would stick to using memcached for now although due to it not being updated for many years, we will likely be phasing it out in the future in favour of redis Ian
  5. That page is for a third party but doesnt give any indication what version of CubeCart the module is for or even how to download it and there is nothing obvious on the Payu Money website so your best bet would be to contact them directly and ask them - it is in their interest to help as you would then be using their services Ian
  6. http://www.smartnetwork.in/payumoney-payment-gateway/ indicates that they have a gateway available Ian
  7. Looks like that was an oversight when the module was developed (by EBS themselves by the look of it !) but easily fixed. Simply add the following line of code to the EBS/skin/admin/index.tpl file within the module - add below line 20 <div><label for="description">{$LANG.common.description} *</label><span><input name="module[desc]" id="description" class="textbox" type="text" value="{$MODULE.desc}" /></span></div> I have sent an amended version to @Al Brookbanks for upload to the marketplace Ian
  8. That is not what I was saying at all ! @Al Brookbanks also confirmed that Window's environments are not officially supported and the small number of people I was referring to, were the handful that do what you are doing and use WAMP / XAMPP to develop or run CubeCart (Not those just using those technologies lol). Making a change to core CubeCart that would affect every single user and third party plugin for one or two users is not logical. I dont believe 1and1 use a VM setup, it is usually as simple as the separate database servers they use, regardless of whether your website is hosted on Linux or Windows or whatever, are Windows servers ! It is a known issue we have had multiple times when migrating CubeCart customers from 1and1. Regardless of what technology you choose to use to develop, it is great to have another developer involved with CubeCart so welcome ! Ian
  9. Simply edit the description field within the EBS extension under the Manage Plugins admin area Ian
  10. https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/1292
  11. This is only an issue for an extremely small number of people moving a database from a Windows based database server and as Windows isn't actually officially supported, this is not a way forward ! 1and1 use external database servers that run on Windows even when the hosting server is Linux ! Ian
  12. Not at the moment - there has been an open issue for a while now : https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/1002 It would possibly help accelerate this being implemented, if you could add a comment against the issue as well Ian
  13. You can setup customer groups and then set specific pricing on a per product basis for each group and you can then assign specific customers to a group so they receive that discounted pricing Ian
  14. Unfortunately, this is one of the problems in choosing most of the "free" skins from the marketplace. I am not saying it applies to every free skin, but most of them were developed quite a while ago and have had no updates made to them and will have little or no ongoing support from the developers. This will be one of probably many problems that you are likely to find going forward and while there are always people on here that are willing to help with specific issues, it is likely to be an on-going battle with niggling issues. Ian
  15. Would it be better to make the changes to core code and then ask @Al Brookbanks to merge back into 6.1 ? While I am all for using plugins to extend features and not bloat the core, I believe this should be core functionality. Ian
  16. We have several clients already using the Canada Post plugin and so therefore also allow port 30000 to be open
  17. How difficult it is to create a payment gateway is mostly dependent on how good a programmer you are and how well you know the CubeCart environment. Many gateways have similar procedures but you will need to read, go through in detail and understand the API documentation because missing one thing could cause it to not work correctly or return incorrect results. Ian
  18. Where are you based and what type of gateway do you need ? There are plenty in the marketplace
  19. You are welcome and hope you get an answer quickly from them - it is in their interest for you to start using their gateway as soon as possible !
  20. Well, as it says, log into your Worldcore member account, go to the API section and enter the url in the Status url ! As I doubt if anyone else on here has ever seen a Worldcore account control panel, nobody would be able to give you any more specific information but again, you could and should be able to get help from the Worldcore support team. This url is so that Worldcore knows where to send confirmation of payment messages back to your store so orders can be changed from Pending to Processing and so you must remember to change the yoursite.com part of that example url to your actual domain name. Also if you are not using a SSL certificate (it still amazes me that anyone would run an E-Commerce store without a SSl but still the vast majority dont seem to !) then remember to change the https to http Ian
  21. The three pieces of information that you are looking to enter are Account, API Key and API password - these details will be available from your Worldcore account (assuming of course that you already have one !) and if you are not sure what these details are then you will need to speak to Worldcore support team via their website Ian
  22. Hi If by "Standard" skin you mean Foundation then yes, you will need to make these changes - the problem is that this skin and a few others have added a few bits and pieces of code to help with Microdata but most have been done in an inconsistent way and some have got it completely wrong. We therefore suggest removing any relevant code completely so that our plugin can add it dynamically and correctly. There are several websites that test what microdata has been added but probably the best is Google's own one - https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool where you can enter the url of a product page from your website - forexample take a look at the results from a product page (https://www.cubecart-demo.co.uk/cubecart-plugins/test-product-6.html) on our own test website - https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool#url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cubecart-demo.co.uk%2Fcubecart-plugins%2Ftest-product-6.html Ian
  23. Why would you want to - what is the benefit ? Seems like a lot of work that will probably cause you issues down the line for little or no benefit Ian
  24. CubeCart runs fine on php 7 and until very recently the only issue was if you wanted to run a third party extension that was encoded as ionCube wasn't available, but a week or so ago with the new release of ionCube, even this issue went away Ian
  25. cPanel is nothing to be scared of but if you are, then ask your hosting company as they be able to offer advice and help you with any functionality.
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