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Everything posted by havenswift-hosting

  1. Hi While people on here may be able to help you with skin customisation questions, your best bet with a commercial skin, is to go back to the skin author and ask them Ian
  2. If you are talking about that, then I would also agree that the Vertical Navigation Menu plugin is excellent and we have built in the use of this into all of our current V6 skins - you still need to purchase a licence to use the plugin in addition to our skin, but the code is already in place in our skins to auto switch to using a sidebar category menu if that plugin is installed and enabled - you can see it in operation in each of our 3 skins on https://www.cubecart-demo.co.uk - "Retail Therapy" and "Nautical" are already available in the marketplace and "Party Time" will be shortly but in the meantime is available directly from our website Ian
  3. I was suggesting that you at least try it using a stock and unchanged version of the Foundation skin first
  4. Then these are two different sites and would eventually require two different licences although you can start off with one for the development site initially. Ian
  5. Assuming you are running latest version 6, have you tried switching to stock foundation skin and testing then ? Bear in mind that Mican is a V5 skin and while it should work in most V6 stores, it is not being updated with each V6 release and so eventually something may break or not work properly. I dont know about reviews in Mican but the potential is always there with this and the other V5 skins. All the original V5 skins are not responsive and so will fail the Google Mobile Friendly test and therefore in my opinion should not be used any longer. Use / customise stock Foundation skin or purchase one of the commercial skins that are based on that Ian
  6. You dont need to edit any files in your shop (never a very good idea anyway as it restricts upgrades) but you can simply download the free PayPal plugin from the CubeCart Marketplace, enable, configure with your PayPal accounts details and you are ready to go Ian
  7. If your development site is on the same domain but in a sub-directory, then there will be no problems
  8. Not yet but it can be bought directly from our website. We have some skins and plugins in the marketplace and we are gradually adding more
  9. Yes, this works fine for multiple options on one product and in fact there is at least one product on our demo site that has this configuration. This is a mod that requires CubeCart core file changes (and so would be overwritten / need to be reapplied after each upgrade) whereas ours s a true plugin with no core file edits Ian
  10. Any CubeCart user (in fact any E-Commerce software) that wants / needs port 30000 open in order to be able to use Canada Post, give us a shout. We have always guaranteed to be 100% CubeCart compatible and this port is already open on some of our shared hosting servers where it is required Ian
  11. We have just finished work on a "Category Product Options" plugin. This plugin adds selectable product options (for those products having options) to the category listing page so the product can be added directly to the cart from that page without having to go to the product page itself. You can see it working on our demo website - https://www.cubecart-demo.co.uk Ian
  12. Hi Brian You obviously have more detailed information regarding the scenario and I will be interested to hear the outcome of your investigtion and tests, but a workaround for the MySQL extension which was deprecated in PHP 5.5.0 and was fully removed in PHP 7.0.0, doesn't seem the correct way forward, if that is what you are looking at ? Ian
  13. That is correct - 1and1 use dedicated MySQL servers so localhost will never work for them and you should use the credentials provided. This is not however a CubeCart issue and you should contact 1and1 support for help as (assuming the have entered them all correctly - which as Brian said, can be tested by going through their hosting control panel and checking access with phpMyAdmin) then there is a communication / configuration issue between the two different servers. We have migrated a lot of CubrCart users away from 1and1, over the years for various issues, and if you ever move your store be aware that many (but not all) of their MySQL servers are running Windows (which always seems a strange combination to me !) and this causes problems with database and table naming. Ian
  14. If you are worried about shipping charges for the "Highlands and Islands" then this can easily be taken care of using the All in One shipping module and defining zones based on postcodes Ian
  15. The AIO shipping module in V6 is almost exactly the same as the V3 module and in fact the original V5 plugin was written by Estelle. Have you made sure you have defined the regions correctly and then have them ordered correctly i.e. The BT zone above the general UK zone Ian
  16. This is not really a CubeCart error but is caused by wrong hosting server configuration following a MySQL upgrade - your hosting company should sort this out for you Ian
  17. I would complete one task first (move server probably) and then do the second (upgrade) and not try and do both at the same time - if something goes wrong it is more difficult to know where the problem lies. The 50MB limit does apply if using phpMyAdmin to import although you can upload zipped sql files and so get MUCH bigger imports. However, it would be much better and easier to do database imports like that from the command line rather than through phpMyAdmin - that can handle any size database and have imported extremely large databases this way
  18. I dont think we do - it disappeared quite a while ago
  19. Simply take a backup of the files and the database before doing the upgrade and then if there is something you dont like or that doesnt work, it can simply and quickly be rolled back. V6 is the way to go as it has responsive skins and is where all new development is taking place - V5 is not being developed any further Ian
  20. Surprised that any server these days doesn't have cURL installed and can't see a reason for it not to be. Good catch though Brian Ian
  21. All source code files (front end and backend) are overwritten during an upgrade as is the standard Foundation skin, so any changes made to these files would be lost on an upgrade. However database changes and the data itself held in the database is not touched. Ian
  22. The latest versions of V4 (with one small proviso regarding the choice of anti spambot / reCaptcha), V5 and V6 will run on php 5.6.X Brian's comments regarding running ionCube encoded files that were encoded with an earlier and incompatible version are true and can cause some issues with plugins / mods although it is simply a case of getting new copies of these files encoded with the correct ionCube version Ian
  23. I have also received an invitation but will be very unlikely to join or participate as I think this is misguided at best and potentially divisive. There are quite a few reasons for this : 1) The CubeCart community is still quite small and it seems to me that this will simply divide it further. There is already a second forum which was setup to serve a different target area and there has always been crossover and confusion with some people, having a third is certainly going to make this much more so. 2) I think including posts from the "Official CubeCart News & Updates" could be mistaken as official sanction or promotion of this new forum - I don't think this is likely but is a question for Al as it is his copyright and name being used. 3) The idea of improving documentation, both from a developer and user point of view, is a very good one and something sorely missing with CubeCart. However, there is already an official wiki that was meant for this purpose although it has never really been used but would be a much better location in my view. 4) Starting a marketplace offering free / paid skins and plugins is certainly divisive and will potentially take revenue away from CubeCart. Developers have always been able to sell their own products via their own websites but to setup this, in direct competition, is wrong in my opinion. 5) Having a thread for each skin / plugin is a good idea and one that I have been discussing with Al for a little while. It would be a forum to promote products in the official CubeCart marketplace and also answer pre sales type questions. 6) There is already official areas to show off CubeCart websites In short, while a couple of the stated aims are laudable, these can easily be achieved in other ways and so I don't see that this will help the wider CubeCart community at all. Ian
  24. Some tests show APC as faster than xCache (although I wouldnt take this as gospel as so much is dependent on application, hardware and a host of other factors) but APC hasnt been updated since 2012 and it is no longer supported in php 5.5 and above anyway. Your best bet is Zend opCache which is now the php standard and is what we have on our servers that are 5.5 and above (actually we have a few that are still 5.3 and due to be upgraded shortly but the rest are now 5.6.X latest). These are all different to memcached anyway - these are php opcode caches - we use memcached and Zend OpCache together on most servers although on our Magento servers we use Redis and OpCache but CubeCart doesnt support Redis (yet - I have requested that it be added) Ian
  25. Memcache is the default caching method, so unless you specifically add a statement into the global.inc.php to tell it to use something different (if your hosting doesnt have memcached) then memcached will be "used" and will fail
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