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Dirty Butter

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Everything posted by Dirty Butter

  1. Welcome to the forums @Sheterhand! Someone else has had a similar language issue lately. I'll try to find it and be back.
  2. Sounds like it might have been the old cached JavaScript causing it then. Glad it's working.
  3. I'm off the computer for the night. But I will work on this in the morning.
  4. Do you have access to any file compare software? I use BeyondCompare, but that's one of many. Not sure if there's a free trial anymore or not. Since you have two sites on the same host - maybe you would be able to spot the difference. If not, please give both url's. Maybe there's a difference in the Source Code that I could spot.
  5. Can you rename your cubecart.class.php file and replace it with the stock one? Assuming that doesn't fix it, rename the whole class folder and replace it with the stock 6.1.7 one.
  6. If you haven't already, please create the error_log. Then post what shows up when you load the homepage. Be sure to hide your admin_XXX naming if it shows up in the notices and warnings.
  7. Here's the GitHub discussion about why this changed: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/1449 Most of our items have one image, so I got around it by changing the size to large. Of course there are limits to how big "large" can be and still work properly on a small phone. That meant I had to make a change in the skin config to add a default "no image" code to large. I just copied what was there for other sizes.
  8. Glad you changed it. The admin_XXX folder and file renaming is a great security feature, but everyone needs to be careful that they don't inadvertently display it while trying to get help on the forum. I've obfuscated plenty on here.
  9. @keat - did you have to add the csrf tag to Kurouto config? I HAVE SINCE FOUND OUT YOU DO NOT ADD THE CSRF TAG TO V5 SKIN CONFIGS. Only the skin named foundation is changed on upgrade. I use a renamed copy of Foundation to preserve all my edits. Of course that means I have to add back into my version any edits in the upgraded Foundation when they do occur.
  10. You had displayed your renamed admin folder. Since it was an image I didn't have any way to protect you other than to delete the image. For security precaution - it would be best if you renamed your admin_XXX folder within includes/global.inc.php - and then renamed your admin_xxx folder to match. You will have to change permission in order to be able to edit the global includes file. For some reason this forum software only lets Moderators add the Resolved.
  11. I was wrong about v5 skins. @Al Brookbanks says they should still work with 6.1.7. It was old ShopDev skins that were expected to no longer work. Sorry about that! So we're back to square one - except your issue has been around since 6.1.4. Please provide your store url. DO please be sure that your Kurouto skin has the csrf line in your config.xml. THIS WAS BAD ADVICE - DO NOT ADD THE CSRF LINE TO V5 SKINS!! <creator>CubeCart Limited</creator> <homepage>http://www.cubecart.com</homepage> <mobile>false</mobile> <responsive>true</responsive> DO NOT ADD THIS TO V5 SKINS<csrf>true</csrf> </info> <layout> That's from Foundation, so I'm not sure what it looks like in the Kurouto skin config.xml. But you need to add <csrf>true</csrf>.
  12. Maybe one of these extensions would do what you want?? https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/shipping-methods
  13. Yes that was correct. Maybe you need to clear all cache, including browser
  14. The store root is the level that has the includes folder in it.
  15. This looks like a good way to make cosmetic changes easily: https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/skins/custom-foundation-5-skin
  16. It's going to take a coder to know how to answer your question. @bsmither is on sporadically right now, so it may be awhile before the right person sees your post. If no one helps in a couple of days, please bump your post.
  17. OK - the old v5 skins really require considerable editing for them to work on 6.1.7. There are huge differences in Foundation in the upgrade from 6.1.5. As I understand it, they are no longer supported by CC. Not sure why it didn't work on 6.1.4, but maybe it's time to bite the bullet and change to Foundation. Otherwise you may need to downgrade to 6.1.4 and try to get it fixed there.
  18. There are some skin changes in 6.1.7. What skin are you using?
  19. Welcome to the forums, @Madan Kumar! I can't help with accomplishing this, but maybe I can ask some questions and save a little time when someone knowledgeable is online to see your answers. 1. What CC version are you on and what skin? 2. Is your install stock or has it been edited? 3. What is your store url? 4. Do you use Categories/subcategories? 5. How many products do you want on the homepage? 6. Are you wanting to eliminate the Featured, Latest, Sale Items, and Popular sections?
  20. I'm now following this thread. Looking forward to someone telling us how to get what you asked for - image on the Order page.
  21. I've created a bug report: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/1607
  22. Sounds like a bug to me. I'll do some testing and be right back. The same thing happened on a test order I carried to PayPal, but did not pay. I then changed the order from Pending to Processing. Then I deleted one item out of the order and adjusted s/h. The stock quantity of the deleted item did not go back to previous value. I've never had a reason to try that. Just to be sure we are on the same wavelength: So they paid, changed their minds about wanting one item, and you refunded their payment for that part of the order. When you adjusted your order information on the Inventory tab to remove the canceled item, it did not add the item back to stock level.
  23. I don't know how to make the data available to orders.index.php, but I did come up with a work around. <!--MY PRODUCT LINKS --> {foreach from=$PRODUCTS item=product} <div id="item"> {$product.quantity} x {$product.name} - <a href="?_g=products&sort[updated]=DESC&action=edit&product_id={$product.product_id}#image" target="_blank">{$product.product_code}</a> ({$product.line_formatted}) {if $product.digital}{/if}<span>{$product.price_total_formatted}</span> {if $product.accesskey} <div class="download_info"><i class="fa fa-download"></i>{$STORE_URL}/index.php?_a=download&amp;accesskey={$product.accesskey}<br> <a href="{$VAL_SELF}&reset_id={$product.id}"><i class="fa fa-recycle"></i>{$LANG.orders.reset_download_link}</a> <font class="{if $product.expired}link_expired{else}link_active{/if}">({$LANG.common.downloads}: {$product.downloads}/{$CONFIG.download_count} {$LANG.catalogue.title_coupon_expires}: {$product.expire})</font></div> {/if} <p align="left">Catalog Listing for <a href="{$STORE_URL}/admin_XXX.php?_g=products&q={$product.product_code}&_a=category" target="_blank">{$product.product_code}</a> {if $product.options_text} <br>{$product.options_text} {/if} {if $product.custom} {foreach from=$product.custom key=k item=v} <br><strong>{$k}</strong>: {$v} {/foreach} {/if} </div> {/foreach} <!--END MY LINKS--> Hopefully someone will be able to help with adding the photo to the order summary page.
  24. It's 10:30PM in the UK right now, so this will have to wait until @Al Brookbanks is available to help. It might be that you could contact the skin developer directly from the Extension Market link.
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