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Dirty Butter

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Everything posted by Dirty Butter

  1. So the issue is really related to the change to the new server? Have you contacted your new host? Did they do the transfer of data and files for you? Hopefully they can take it back to a good install on their servers or deal with your old host to get a good v5 copy. Do YOU have any old backups of your v5 files and database from when it worked?
  2. The Force Upgrade choice in admin is a misleading phrase that will be changed in 6.1.6. It will NOT upgrade, but put you at stock code of whatever version you are currently running. So that is NOT what you need to do.
  3. Here's the part of my own Bing_Base plugin, cloned and modified from Google_Base, that shows the headers they accepted: /* BSMITHER ADDED TO OMIT OUT OF STOCK */ $query = sprintf('SELECT I.* FROM %1$sCubeCart_inventory AS I LEFT JOIN %1$sCubeCart_category AS C ON I.cat_id = C.cat_id WHERE I.status = 1 AND I.stock_level > 0', $GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'dbprefix')); $results = $GLOBALS['db']->query($query, $per_page, $page); if ($results === false) $results = array(); /* END BSMITHER ADDED TO OMIT OUT OF STOCK */ $header_fields = array('id', 'product_type', 'b_category', 'link', 'title', 'description', 'image_link', 'price', 'condition', 'shipping_weight', 'upc', 'ean', 'jan', 'isbn', 'availability', 'brand', 'gtin', 'mpn'); $fields = array('product_id', 'store_category', 'google_category', 'url', 'name condition', 'description', 'image', 'price', 'condition', 'product_weight', 'upc', 'ean', 'jan', 'isbn', 'availability', 'manufacturer', 'gtin', 'mpn');
  4. I'm guessing about this - Try it in main.php in the head and enclose it in {literal} {/literal}.
  5. SemperFiWebServices, Havenswift-Hosting, and Noodleman are developers who are used by a lot of the people on the forum.
  6. Is there anything ALL your product listings have in common, such as part of the Product Code, or maybe a word in the title or description? If so that could be searched for and turned into a link easily.
  7. Clear your language cache in CC and your browser
  8. SemperFiwebservices is servicing Estelle's mods. He might be able to help you.
  9. That still doesn't explain why your Recaptcha wasn't working properly. Have you tried the newer Recaptcha2 choice? Version 6.1.6 in beta at this time on GitHub introduces the next generation of Recaptcha. If your install is stock I think you will like it.
  10. Check to see if your admin default language is US English or UK English. Do you have the US English language files installed? IF you do have US English as default, then you can make the wording change without having to fiddle with code. (You shouldn't have to, as the US wording is already State) Goto Admin Settings>Languages>click on English (US)>Address - Phrases from drop down. You can change wordings here and they will be databased. They will survive upgrades.
  11. You can turn Recaptcha off on Admin>Store Settings>Features tab.
  12. Grabbing at straws - Maybe the dropzone file is corrupt or missing?
  13. What version are you on now and what did you upgrade from? Can you see the image list in the product Filemanager tab? In the Admin Filemanager images section?
  14. Hopefully I XXX'd them all. But you can't edit your own post? Is that a new forum issue?
  15. I use SFWS Document Manager - I have Documents with images in them with no issue. I can't see how that has anything to do with this problem. @Angrek Do you have edited code in your admin or class files? If so, try renaming your admin folder temporarily and FTP stock Admin/source and skin folders. If that doesn't fix it, try stock class folder.
  16. I Googled collation with Russian and found this site: Bsmither would be the one to say if it is pertinent or useful. https://forums.mysql.com/read.php?103,187048,188748
  17. That's what I would have thought. I'm TOTALLY GUESSING here, but maybe this is where you need to add the returns stuff to the array somehow: I was hoping Bsmither would be around, as his ability to help exceeds mine by a few galaxies. orders.index.inc.hp $record = array( 'product_id' => (int)$data['product_id'], 'quantity' => $data['product_quantity'], 'price' => $data['price'], 'cart_order_id' => $order_id, 'options_identifier' => $GLOBALS['catalogue']->defineOptionsIdentifier($data['productOptions']), 'options_array' => serialize($data['productOptions']), 'product_options' => $GLOBALS['order']->serializeOptions($data['productOptions'],$data['product_id']) );
  18. It would take code changes in the appropriate admin/skins and the admin/source files. Otherwise you have the cosmetics of a box in the skin, but no directions for using the box in source.
  19. Fantastic! And thank you for explaining what the issue was and how you solved it.
  20. I'm not positive, but I seem to remember there is an x available on that warning banner that allows you to ignore the warning. It's quite possible that is a fairly new wrinkle that you don't have on your version. Are you still on 5.2.2?
  21. I needed a static feed url, because at that time I had to add another site's feed to it easily. There must be some way most people do this without having such problems - otherwise, as you say, it would have been changed in stock versions a long time ago.
  22. This thread might be useful to you: I'm still using this code Bsmither developed for me in 2013. I also cloned the Google Base plugin and created a similar Bing plugin.
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