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  1. Hi when you add an item to the basket it, it seems like it is automatically adding 2. Any suggestions? It seems that when you add an item with a production option from the category page or main page you are redirected to the exact item page to select the product option. Once you select the product option it adds what you bought and the original click to the cart. shocktechusa.com mican skin v6 new installation
  2. Third order of the day. First two were fine. Received email showing the following prices, which aren't the correct prices shown on the actual order in Cubecart. I can't figure out what happened. Does anyone have any ideas? Cubecart order shows: 1 x Hallows Eve Key Necklace - $20.00 1 x Antiquity Necklace - $12.00 1 x Alice's Rose Pendant Key Necklace - $15.00 Email order shows: Hallows Eve Key Necklace 1 $28.32 Antiquity Necklace 1 $16.99 Alice's Rose Pendant Key Necklace 1 $21.24
  3. Hi, I'm running Cubecart 6.1.13 and am getting a CSRF error immediately after logging in as a user. This started happening the other day and I hadn't altered any files. The following errors were detected: Security Alert: Possible Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) or browser back button used. I have already cleared the cache and even did so manually. When I navigate to any page following the login, it shows as I am logged out. When I return to the homepage it reverts back to showing me as logged in. In the debugging it shows the following error: PHP: [Warning] /home/**censored**/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php:152 - Invalid Security Token[Notice] /home/**censored**/public_html/includes/functions.inc.php:196 - Undefined variable: _GET[Notice] /home/**censored**/public_html/includes/functions.inc.php:196 - Undefined variable: _GET[Notice] /home/**censored**/public_html/classes/cubecart.class.php:184 - Undefined variable: contents[Notice] /home/**censored**/public_html/classes/cubecart.class.php:184 - Undefined variable: contents[Notice] /home/**censored**/public_html/classes/cubecart.class.php:86 - Undefined index: doc_name Any help would be greatly appreciated! Neil.
  4. Hi! I have added some photos to a "Homepage" Document - it looks fine on my laptop and iPad but when viewed on my phone (in portrait mode), the aspect ratio changes and almost becomes a square (when in reality the dimensions are 1000 pixels width by 375 pixels height). As a result, on my phone it looks very distorted and squashed. Things looks slightly better on my phone in landscape mode but still not quite the correct aspect ratio. Could someone post any ideas or provide any help on how I can remedy this please?
  5. Hi I am trying to install an extension on my local machine just using simple token which i copied from extension directly on Cube Cart Official Website (https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/shipping-methods/flat-rate). But I submit the token and click on Go Button then getting below error, Anyone could help me why I am getting this & how can i resolve this. Thanks Rahul
  6. "The following errors were detected: Unfortunately there are no suitable shipping methods available for your order. This may be because the total weight of your order is too high or we cannot ship to your country. Please contact a member of our staff for any further inquiries." this is what i get trying to checkout from my newly installed cubecart store. this is the link https://uniquegarb.com.ng Any Help will be appreciated
  7. Hello! After upgrade from 6.1.5 to 6.1.7 the function of adding e-mail to mailing list stopped to work. After that, I installed an empty base 6.1.7 on another domain and the feature doesn't work in 'fresh' environment too. Do you have any suggestions?
  8. GalaxyX is showing two checkout buttons under the cart icon. I can't seem to find the right file to remove the extra button. Anyone?
  9. I have been using the GalaxyX theme. I have a few categories that have subcategories in them. I am able to add a thumbnail for the category, but that same thumbnail is put on the page that lists the products under that category. I do not want to display an image on the page that lists the products for several reasons. Is there a way to remove the image on the products page and leave it as thumbnail only? Thanks! I don't have screenshots at the moment as I removed the images from the thumbnails to avoid this situation. If you need some, let me know!
  10. Hi all, I am trying to make this work in Mexico. The CubeCart works well, but I cannot accept any online payments in Mexico in Pesos. Can I add PayPal Buttons to the CubeCart? If so, how do I accomplish this? Thanks, Maurice
  11. I know very little about cubecart and upgraded in May 2017 and have not had a sale since (I didn't really have a busy store anyway). But today a customer alerted me to an issue with connecting to paypal. Having tried to check out my self I keep getting an error message: www.sewmaterialistic.com.au is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500 I know this is a vague error but hoping someone can help as I'm not really in a position to pay for help. I have tried upgrading the paypal extension which has been successful but it has not fixed the check out problem. I'm so lost.
  12. I updated from 6.1.9 to 6.1.10 and my website isn't redirecting directknifesales.com to www.directknifesales.com. How can this be done? I have been seeing something with the .htaccess file but everything I try doesn't seem to work. do you know what the coding is to make it work?
  13. I have updated to 6.1.10 from 6.1.9 using the patch. After I updated it said (the setup part) it was updated to 6.1.10 but in the shopping cart maintenance it says its still 6.1.9. when I add an item, I have to upload the wording and then go back to add the picture. am I missing something for it to do it all at once and then upload? also I have had some people put through an order and it will charge them but not show anything in the shopping cart.
  14. ADMIN - PLEASE DELETE THIS POST. I AM DEFINITELY LOSING IT, FOUND IT, JUST NEEDED TO SCROLL DOWN THE PAGE ..... Hi I need help. I wanted to amend the colour & text of one order status and went back to this post, where I state that it can be done via the admin control panel > languages > "order state" . This was with version 6.1.5 in 21 March 2017. I am now using V6.1.7 and there is no more "order state" under languages that I can see ???? Am I losing it or this has been removed ? S.
  15. I have done a clean install of 6.1.10 downloaded less than 12 hours ago from the site. i am currently running locally from my computer to demo/test it out to see if the features will work for me. Upon install, blank configuration with the sample data. I have followed the steps in the welcome video, added a paypal payment gateway, added the free shipping module. configured a single product of my own. when browsing the store front and attempting to add a product to basket I get a page within a page (like an iframe) starting inside from the logo and nothing is added to basket. Below are my server details I was really hoping this would be the solution I was looking for. MAMP 4.2 on OSX 10.12.6 Apache 2.2.32 PHP 7.0.20 mod_rewrite enabled MySQL 5.6.35
  16. I updated my site from 6.1.2 to 6.1.9 and I get an http 500 error. how do I fix this?
  17. Just as an FYI, I have been doing searches in the forum this morning and each time I hit 'Next' to go to the next page of results, it is giving me: Sorry, there is a problem Please wait 6 seconds before attempting another search Error code: 1C205/3
  18. Hi, I've done a new install on a clean LAMP server, but have a couple of problems with the store once installation is complete. The main store window is blank; I just see a blank white screen. The back end work fine - on some browsers. I edited debug.class.php to display error messages by setting ini_set('display_errors', true) but no text is displayed. I can get into the back end on my Firefox browser, but IE and Chrome give me a strange error... Security Alert: Possible Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) or browser back button used. When I do log on, everything in the back end is fine. Can anybody help please? Linux Version: 4.12.8 PHP Version : 7.1.8 Apache Version : 2.4.27 CubeCart Version : 6.1.8 MySql Version: 5.0.12
  19. Hi Guys I have tried installing on 1&1 in the UK - a shared Windows Hosting package - and the prog installs but shows "curl" is not installed. I can login to Admin but I cannot see the Store Front ... just a blank page appears. Any ideas? Do I need Curl? Should I look to Host elsewhere - though I'd rather not!? Thank you ....
  20. Hello, I'm new to CubeCart and I have this problem ... what does it mean? Thank you. Aviso: `name` no está permitido como clave en la tabla 'CubeCart_config'! en / storag e / ssd5 / 176/2489176 / public_html / classes / db / database.class.php en la línea 900
  21. Before we get started, I have NOT had any problems with undeliverable emails until my upgrade to 6.0.10. I understand that this could very well be a server hosting issue, but I have contacted them and they're telling me that it's because of invalid email addresses, however, the emails are verified as I have been communicating with them because the customers are contacting me from these same emails asking for status updates (they're not getting those emails). So, I have contacted Dreamhost they were no help, they insist there are no issues. I am receiving bounce backs for emails (see below). These emails are not specific to any one email service provider. It is occuring with mostly Yahoo, Gmail, AOL, Hotmail services. If I create test accounts with fake domains, the emails go through. Is there a way to see what's going on? Where the issues really are? I need some sort of evidence besides the undeliverable emails to go back to my hosting company. BOUNCE BACK: This is the mail system at host iad1-shared-relay2.dreamhost.com. I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below. If you are a current customer of DreamHost, please contact our technical support team here https://panel.dreamhost.com/support If you are not a customer please use our contact form at. http://dreamhost.com/contact If you do so, please include this email in your support ticket. You can delete your own text from the attached returned message. DreamHost Email Support <********@aol.com>: delivery temporarily suspended: host mailin-04.mx.aol.com[] refused to talk to me: 421 4.7.1 : (DYN:T1) https://postmaster.aol.com/error-codes#421dynt1 Final-Recipient: rfc822; *****@aol.com Original-Recipient:rfc822; *****@aol.com Action: failed Status: 4.7.1 Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; delivery temporarily suspended: host mailin-04.mx.aol.com[] refused to talk to me: 421 4.7.1 : (DYN:T1) https://postmaster.aol.com/error-codes#421dynt1
  22. Hi, after upgrading my server to PHP 7 I cannot print orders .. I receive a server 500 error .. In the php error log I can see - Which is a bit strange because the printfile is alive and well in exactly the same location, ie. it just will not print. I can luckily switch back to PHP (5.6) fairly easily. But still I cannot print the file (funny it used to work), so I delete the print file which was left behind by PHP 7, and try to print again - This time success. Any ideas - I would like to upgrade PHP on all 6or7 cubecart sites I am running. Many Thanks. Chris Coleman.
  23. Hi, when my customer make a purchase from my cube cart ecommerce website, right after he key in the credit card detail, the error appeared as below:- The merchant country is not supported. can anyone help with this? The following errors were detected: The merchant country is not supported. The following errors were detected: The merchant country is not supported. The following errors were detected: The merchant country is not supported.
  24. Hi, I encountered the below problem when checkout of basket: Unfortunately there are no suitable shipping methods available for your order. This may be because the total weight of your order is too high or we cannot ship to your country. Please contact a member of our staff for any further inquiries. I have downloaded the All-in-one-shipping into the modules in CC, however, I couldn't locate the modules menu in the admin bar of my website. How do I make the modules available in my admin.php login?
  25. Hi there. So I am currently building a second CubeCart store for B2B customers, and am now facing an issue whereby the Image Filemanger perpetually reads "Loading..." (See attached screenshot) I have read through the forums for similar problems and came across this, and have tried the proposed steps: It is worth noting that 1) I have modified the image size limit to allow for larger sized files (though I managed this without issue in my other store) 2) an admin folder name change did take place at some point, but I have since played with the global.inc.php file in an attempt to fix this, to no avail. The images DO appear in the Image File Manager page on the left-hand menu, so it seems I am able to upload them properly. My error log is also attached. Is the solution as simple as pointing to the correct admin file/folder in the global.inc.php file? Should I attempt to rename my admin folder to what it was originally? Thanks in advance for any guidance on this.
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