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Al Brookbanks

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Everything posted by Al Brookbanks

  1. I have a five day old girl and I'm moving house tomorrow which will hold me back a few days.
  2. Sorry. It's coming. Hopefully next week.
  3. Yes. If this is not checked the HTML will be output exactly as it is stored. If this is checked the data is passed through the Smarty Template engine which allows for dynamic content.
  4. Could well be a red herring. You could try. Real life test like password reset and see if the email arrives.
  5. I couldn't reproduce it because it only happens with debug turned off. It was caused by HTML minification of the admin control panel. I removed this as its just not required. It's to optimise the front end. To get it working now please either turn on debug mode (restricted to your IP) or apply this patch: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/commit/1fbc9c383acf69be2df00d7374343303ecf7d5cf
  6. I can't reproduce this. What am I doing wrong? Video: http://static.cubecart.com/topic-53998-google-categories.mp4
  7. It can't have been otherwise it would work. Please tripple check.
  8. Strange one. I'll check it out when I'm back in the office.
  9. I can't reproduce this. Can you clarify precise steps?
  10. OK yes but it could still be related with state not matching up.
  11. Can you replace this file (skins/foundation/js/2.cubecart.js) and see if it fixed it: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cubecart/v6/6.2.0-branch/skins/foundation/js/2.cubecart.js It sounds like this is related to: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/2016
  12. That's because after it is created the column initialises with a default empty value. This can't be unique and therefore the latter query to create a unique key fails.
  13. The upgrade won't have done this. I've upgraded about sixty stores now and never seen these issues.
  14. Because it's told to look for a wrong value. Please ignore it. After the next update it will be gone and if not the error message will be correct.
  15. This page shows two ways to do it: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3487691/dropping-unique-constraint-from-mysql-table If you have phpMySdmin then thats the easiest way.
  16. Please delete the unique key 'custom_oid' on the CubeCart_order_summary table. And replace it with a standard key or normal index. This was a bug in the beta.
  17. That's right Brian. We'll get it sorted in Monday.
  18. Hi Brian, do you need a VAT invoice? If you can email the sales dept with your PayPal transaction ID we'll get you one to you.
  19. I'd chose CloudLinux with cPanel. Or CentOS with cPanel to save cash. @bsmither would say Windows. Either is ok really but CubeCart is more geared to Linux and I hate Windows personally.
  20. @raytowle sounds like you are technically minded. On those grounds why not order a VPS you have 100% controller of. Checkout DigitalOcean, Linode & Vultr (amongst others).
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