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Al Brookbanks

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Everything posted by Al Brookbanks

  1. Invisible reCaptcha probably won't work but checkbox reCaptcha will do long as it's at 1.0.3 or higher. Check the config XML file in the skins/mican folder for version.
  2. What skin are you using? The checkbox version should work.
  3. Every skin needs updating. It takes seconds to add to the HTML.
  4. Does google fonts collect data. Surely these are classes essential for functionality like basic session cookies.
  5. There really are some pieces of work in this world. I'd ignore him but review the privacy policy and stores operation. As far as I can see a default store with Foundation skin won't load any Google URL's until the cookies have been accepted. https://github.com/cubecart/v6/blob/v6.4-master/skins/foundation/templates/element.google_analytics.php Just wrap the condition in line 1 around the scripts.
  6. Do you have 3rd party extensions that are encoded? I think that's the issue.
  7. CubeCart version 6.4.6 is now available. This is a maintenance release with full PHP 8 and 8.1 support. This release is backward compatible to earlier PHP versions so your hosting environment doesn't need PHP 8 or above to run it. What's New? - PHP 8 Support - Miscellaneous bug fixes Download: CubeCart-6.4.6.zip Download: CubeCart-6.4.7.zip
  8. That will be the issue. It will need tokens in the URL's to manage the session.
  9. This possibly means the store is running a mix of code from various versions or the admin skin is out of date. I'd suggest upgrading to the latest version manually or replacing the current version manually. When I say manually I mean uploading the files over the existing ones via FTP.
  10. Yes this is absolutely possible but would require coding development time. How much time depends upon complexity and specification.
  11. Download the extension, extract it and upload it to the modules/gateways folder. It will then be ready to configure in the manage extensions section of your store.
  12. Anything in the request log? It should work if you have cURL with SSL installed and ZipArchive apache modules.
  13. Sorry to hear this Rosemary. Best of luck achieving what you want. I'm not sure I have any valuable input.
  14. Absolutely. This may help you find your way.. https://support.cubecart.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360003793978-How-do-I-create-a-custom-skin-or-template- Have a look at stage 2 in particular.
  15. We are currently evaluating our merchants appetite for an omnichannel solution so that your CubeCart powered store can sync in real time with a point of sale system and vice versa. Please take a moment to complete the short survey at the URL below. Survey URL: https://forms.gle/fw4RTw8GsFAKRfxr8
  16. CubeCart wouldn't set that path. It would take the value set in the php.ini
  17. This would be completely automated in real time so much better.
  18. I just wanted to put feelers out concerning a Point Of Sale systems for CubeCart. Would any merchants reading this be interested in a new POS system for CubeCart that synchronises product inventory between the two? Do any merchants reading this have such a system already and if so can you let us know how your provider is and the scope of its functionality? Any other feedback? Thanks, Al
  19. So I think in conclusion the rich snippets work but took a little while to show in the search engine.
  20. Is it that crude or do search engines take into account microdata? I'd hope the latter.
  21. I asked Richard to post here as my knowledge in this area is poor. The website already has valid Schema Markup for products with review data. https://validator.schema.org/#url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.extremeracing.co.uk%2Fsummer-one-piece-base-layer.html I can't see any reason why Google can't show the rating on their listing but does anyone know much about the criteria for this to get it showing? No doubt this is a fairly hot topic for all CC merchants.
  22. It's quite a complex landscape and I'm not quite sure we are comparing apples and pears here and the product and service offering isn't the same.
  23. No fee for taking card payments for you? So who pays visa etc? Can't be right.
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