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Dirty Butter

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Everything posted by Dirty Butter

  1. As I understand it this should already be required. This is one place in the content.register.php file: <div class="row"> <div class="small-12 large-8 columns"><label for="phone" class="show-for-medium-up">{$LANG.address.phone}</label><input type="text" name="phone" id="phone" value="{$DATA.phone}" placeholder="{$LANG.address.phone} {$LANG.form.required}" required></div> </div> {$LANG.form.required}" required> should control that.
  2. You should find the call to this page near the bottom of your skin's main.php. Then just comment that line out: {include file='templates/ccpower.php'}
  3. My error log accumulates many thousands of Notices - I've asked that there be some way to see Warnings only. But you seem to be saying that we shouldn't be seeing the Notices anyway. https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/1568
  4. I've edited your post to obliterate your admin_XXX folder naming. Whenever this is all resolved, please change the re-naming of your admin_XXX folder and file, and be sure it's matching in your includes/global.inc.php file. For now, please get in the habit of not showing your actual _XXX naming here on the forum.
  5. Did you try leaving off the initial slash? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5559578/having-links-relative-to-root PS: I did find an example of what I remembered, but it's not from this forum, and it's total gobbledygook to me: echo realpath('./../../etc/passwd') . PHP_EOL; http://php.net/manual/en/function.realpath.php
  6. It's something about designating the file placement by showing slashes with something to go down to the root and then some slashes to go back to the level of the file. I know that's horribly vague, but it's what popped into my head as soon as I read your problem - he explains it somewhere.
  7. I can't find what I was trying to describe. And that's just my expression for it. I'll keep looking.
  8. I don't use the static page name as the SEO URL. I'm guessing that it means you have to use the up and down from root style url, since yours is on the same domain. @bsmither has shown how to do that several times on the forum - I'll try to find one for you.
  9. I have a document that links to an outside page. This is in the document's URL setting in Admin, and it links properly. https://www.facebook.com/groups/plushmemories/
  10. Welcome to the forums, @Sumiry76! I have never tried to translate any of my documents to another language. Hopefully someone will be along soon who can help you.
  11. Hi @MarieVR Someone on the forum has recently been asking for help tweaking the Galaxy X code, because they had not received any answers from the Galaxy X developer. Please be sure he is still actively supporting this skin, if you are interested in purchasing it.
  12. What happens if you just add this call to the element.social.php in the header where the currency display was? If it's a matter of cosmetics at that point you will probably have to create a header_social_list div id. <div id="social_list">{$SOCIAL_LIST}</div>
  13. Trying to compare your code with the existing code for any differences at all. I did see that there is not a space before placeholder. Doesn't seem important, but who knows with code. value="{$MESSAGE.shipto_address1}"placeholder
  14. I took out the line of code, just as you did @E-Luminate. It worked for me on a Foundation skin: <div class="medium-4 columns show-for-medium-up"> <dl class="sub-nav right" id="layout_toggle"> <!-- <dd><a href="#" class="grid_view"><svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-th-large"></use></svg></a></dd> --> <dd class="active"><a href="#" class="list_view"><svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-th-list"></use></svg></a></dd> </dl> </div> Of course Foundation has svg icons, and you have the FontAwesome icons in the list view.
  15. We are ALL missing Bsmither. He's away for now but will be back and does pop in every once in a while. So what's on line 1434?
  16. Show us what that section of your content.category.php looks like. Maybe we'll be able to help.. It's a shame when a developer abandons their customer base, but it happens to all of us if we stick around long enough.
  17. Are you not getting any help from the developer? I hate to say it, but if not - you might do well to consider a better supported skin.
  18. Edit your content.contact.php file. At the very bottom put {DEBUG}. Run your contact form - a popup should show with all the information about what data is available at that moment. Keep the popup, but delete the {DEBUG}, so your customers don't see it. @bsmither is the one who always helps me with this kind of thing, so I'm not good at spotting how to use the debug info. But hopefully you can search through it to see if any of the fields you have tried to add are showing up as available.
  19. I'm sorry to hear you are dealing with such a mess and recuperating from something so devastating as a stroke. Hopefully Al can find all the remnants left by the hacker and get you back up and running.
  20. Sorry you've not had any help - but this is out of my league. Perhaps @bsandall, @Noodleman, or @havenswift-hosting will see your post soon and can shed some light.
  21. I think this plugin will do what you need: https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/shipping-methods/link-cubecart-products-to-specific-shipping-services-/-modules
  22. Is it possible that someone else what trying to purchase that same last item at the same time?
  23. The admin_xxx.php file should be at the root of your store. That's th level that has the includes folder and the admin_xxx folder in it.
  24. You need to match the admin_xxx folder and admin_xxx.php file names in the includes/global.inc.php file with the corresponding folder and file. Then delete any other variations of file and folder, including plain admin. At that point maybe do a manual upgrade or run the force upgrade from admin again.
  25. The plain admin folder and file need to be deleted, once you are absolutely sure that the NEWEST files are in the admin_XXX version. You HAVE to login with the admin_XXX.php file.
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